Does Time Dilation Create a Sense of Slow Motion for Observers in Motion?

In summary, time dilation occurs when an observer is in motion relative to another observer at rest. The observer in motion will experience a slower passage of time compared to the observer at rest. This is due to the fact that time is relative and depends on the observer's frame of reference. However, both observers will still perceive themselves as being at rest and will not experience any slow-motion feeling. The difference in time between the two observers can only be measured when they come together and one of them accelerates, causing a change in their inertial system.
  • #1
Ive been wondering about time dilation, and how it effects different observers.
If an observer1 is in motion, in a frame of reference relative to an other observer2 at rest, observers1 and 2's measurements of time will differ from one another, observer1 will experience a slower time than observer2. would you agree with me that observer1 perceives to be at rest, and perceives observer2 to be in motion, but doesn't that mean observer2 should have a slower time then observer1? as well?...and another question i have is, when the clock tics slower, for an observer in a frame of reference, moving uniformly, nearing the velocity of light, does the observer experience a "slow motion" feeling? like if he were to move, would he feal as if he is a state of sluggish movement?

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  • #3
This point is exactly why they say time is relative, i.e. it depends on your point of view, or more precisely, it depends on the inertial reference frame you are in.
If you say observer1 is at rest, then you are saying we are looking at things from the inertial frame in which observer1 is at rest. Thus we are measuring length and time with rods and clocks that exist in this frame. Form that viewpoint, observer2's clock indeed goes slower than our own.
However, the same argument holds for observer2 and observer1's clock goes slower, but this is when we measure things from the inertial frame in which observer2 is standing still.

So there is no contradiction here. Whether observer1's clock is going slower than observer2's or the other way around depends on your frame of reference. You can even choose a frame of reference in which they both have the same speed (going in opposite directions). Then they will both go at the same rate (but slower than the clock in your system).

Ofcourse, if they want to compare their clocks, they have to come together and stand next to each other. For this, at least one of them has to accelerate (and change his inertial system). This will eventually make the real time difference between their clocks. The one who accelerated will have exerienced less time going by than the one who did not accelerate (this can be shown).

Ofcourse no-one ever experiences a slow-motion feeling. You are always at rest wrt yourself, so you experience no time dilation.
  • #4
thanks, that clears things up...i ran into this "difficulty" when i thought of two observers with identical stopwatches, one observer is in motion relative to an observer at rest...the observer in motion will have a shorter time, for a certain event ,then the observer at rest when they compare their times...if both observers appear to be moving with the same velocities..why is one specific time shorter? i couldn't figure that

Related to Does Time Dilation Create a Sense of Slow Motion for Observers in Motion?

What is time dilation?

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time appears to pass slower for an object or observer that is moving at high speeds or experiencing strong gravitational forces. This is a prediction of the theory of relativity and has been confirmed through experiments and observations.

What causes time dilation?

Time dilation is caused by the relative motion between two objects or by the presence of strong gravitational fields. The faster an object moves or the stronger the gravitational force it experiences, the more significant the time dilation effect.

How does time dilation affect space travel?

Time dilation can have a significant impact on space travel. As a spacecraft travels at high speeds, time will appear to pass slower for the astronauts on board compared to people on Earth. This means that astronauts will age slower and experience less time than people on Earth. This effect becomes more pronounced the closer the spacecraft gets to the speed of light.

What are the implications of time dilation for GPS systems?

GPS systems rely on precise timing to determine location. However, because satellites in the GPS system are in motion, they experience time dilation, causing their clocks to run slower. This effect must be accounted for in order for GPS systems to function accurately. If it is not taken into consideration, GPS location data can be off by several kilometers.

Can time dilation be observed on Earth?

Yes, time dilation can be observed on Earth, although the effect is very small. Clocks on airplanes, which travel at high speeds, have been found to run slightly slower than clocks on the ground. Additionally, clocks in orbit around Earth experience a more significant time dilation effect due to the strong gravitational force of our planet.

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