Does time effect slowed light or not?

  • Thread starter Neuronsarecool
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    Light Time
In summary, there is scientific work being done to slow down light, but it's not yet clear if time effects light when it is slowed down.
  • #1
I really wanted to know if we have managed to slow down light so its speed is not c ?
and if when its slowed down, if time effects the light or not?
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF.

No, the speed of light in a vacuum is what it is. It is constant.
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  • #3
Neuronsarecool said:
I really wanted to know if we have managed to slow down light so its speed is not c ?
Yes, that is how refraction works.

Neuronsarecool said:
and if when its slowed down, if time effects the light or not?
I am not sure what you mean by this. Classically, light obeys Maxwell's equations both in and out of refractive materials, and Maxwell's equations certainly can be written in a manner which includes time. So I would say that time affects light both in vacuum and in matter. But it is hard to say without some more information about your meaning.
  • #4
So mean, that given light when it is traveling at its normal speed is not subject to time. So time doesn't effect light.
Is this still true if we slow down light?

So, you take a light beam, slow it down, then see if time still effects it.
This is important because if time does effect slowed light then time is separate from light.
But if it doesn't then it means that time is more universal.

Hope that is clear
  • #5
Neuronsarecool said:
So mean, that given light when it is traveling at its normal speed is not subject to time. So time doesn't effect light.
Maxwell's equations disagree.
  • #6
I think what he's trying to say is:

Since photons travel at c, they do not do not experience time and distance. But if they could be slowed down would this still be the case?
  • #7
Photonsarecool said:
Since photons travel at c, they do not do not experience time and distance.

How can that be true?

-Photons oscillate at some frequency.

-The path of a photon is affected by strong gravitation fields.

How can a thing have frequency and change of directional without time and distance?
  • #8
Good point, but wouldn't the changes for the photons only apply for an observer?
  • #9
Since photons travel at c, they do not do not experience time and distance.

That statement has no meaning as there is no inertial reference frame for can't have clocks and rulers travel at 'c' is one way to look at it... Here are a few recent comments I saved from another discussion about that:

Reference frame for a photon?


There is something called "light cone coordinates". However, the reference frame defined by these coordinates do not form an inertial reference frame, which is the sort of reference frame in which the "standard formulas" hold.

The standard definition of "a particle's point of view doesn't work". You can of course choose todefine a photon's "point of view", but then the question is, why would you want to call what you just defined a "point of view" (or "perspective" or whatever)?

The problem with the above is that it's not a valid coordinate system. It assigns the same coordinates to many points. Unlike the actual coordinate systems, such functions are not part of the mathematical structure that defines the theory, and they don't need to be.

In other words, length contraction and time dilation formulas don't apply to massless particles; the Lorentz transforms don't apply at velocities of c and greater.
  • #10
Here is the discussion on 'reference frame for a photon'??

About the only way to think about issues such as the one posed by the op, is to consider particles moving close to the speed of light...but you can't extrapolate exactly to 'c'.

PS: If you observe light approaching a black hole, it will appear to slow down when viewed from a great distance, like earth. But actually that is a coordinate effect, that is a mathematically based appearance; locally, light always moves at velocity c'.

Another phenomena is phase and group velocity of waves:

Refraction is a change in the phase velocity of light...but individual photons always move a speed 'c'...
There is some current experimental work at Harvard U., I believe, about 'slowing light' quantum mechanically, I can't remember the professors name...

edit: Her name is Prof. Hau...three minute youtube video here...

seems like absorption and emission...individual photons appear to still move at 'c'...but maybe a Bose-Einstein condensate person here can clarify...
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  • #11
Naty1 said:
There is some current experimental work at Harvard U., I believe, about 'slowing light' quantum mechanically,

That's really remarkable! (that there's scientific work put towards that goal)

I've seen the "Light slowed down" video of light "propagating" through a coke bottle. That of course was remarkable camera work, not remarkable physics.

Tickles the (very small) sci-fi geek in me, of course "harnessing" the dimensions is the only route to acceleration without any work being done :-p
  • #12
Thanks Naty, makes sense
  • #13
That's really remarkable! (that there's scientific work put towards that goal)

Not sure just what your mean by that, but if you do a Google type search you'll find she
began 'slowing light' about 15 years ago...

I wonder if anyone has been able to devise a practical application..

FAQ: Does time effect slowed light or not?

How does time affect the speed of light?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time and space are intertwined and can be distorted by the presence of massive objects. This means that time can indeed affect the speed of light, as it can be slowed down or sped up depending on the gravitational field it travels through.

Can light ever truly be slowed down?

While the speed of light is considered to be a constant in a vacuum, it can be slowed down when traveling through materials such as water or glass. This is due to the photons of light interacting with the particles in the material, causing a delay in their movement and thus slowing down the overall speed of light.

Is the speed of light always the same regardless of the observer's perspective?

According to the principle of relativity, the speed of light is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This means that even if an observer is moving at a high speed towards or away from a source of light, they will still measure the same speed of light.

Can time dilation affect the speed of light?

Yes, time dilation can affect the speed of light. Time dilation is the phenomenon where time appears to pass slower for an object that is moving at a high speed relative to another object. This means that for an observer moving at a high speed, the speed of light may appear to be slower than it actually is.

How is time involved in the concept of a photon's energy?

According to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2, time is a critical factor in determining the energy of a photon. Since the speed of light is a constant, the only variable in this equation is time. As a result, the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, which is related to time. This means that time plays a crucial role in the energy of a photon.
