Does time perception change in near death patients?

In summary: There is a reluctance in the scientific community to study this because it is not a chronic illness or old age related death. However, there is at least one neuroscientist who has recreated the effect in many volunteers by putting them through a kind of variant bungee jumping experience. There is also some anecdotal evidence that this may be true for some people who experience a frightening event such as a life threatening accident.
  • #1
Education Advisor
Gold Member
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had read any studies into time perception before or near death, I tried googling it and get the anecdotal "my life flashed before my eyes" type deal. I'm actually more interested in studies and published works though.

I was curious about the subject and would like to read up on it, and am trying to put something together for my neuro class. I thought perhaps like the event horizon of a black hole, at the moments preceding death or near death that time slows down in such a way that the observer never actually experiences death, only approaches it.

Maybe there's not really anything out there, due to the difficult nature of the topic.
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  • #2
Student100 said:
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had read any studies into time perception before or near death, I tried googling it and get the anecdotal "my life flashed before my eyes" type deal. I'm actually more interested in studies and published works though.

I was curious about the subject and would like to read up on it, and am trying to put something together for my neuro class. I thought perhaps like the event horizon of a black hole, at the moments preceding death or near death that time slows down in such a way that the observer never actually experiences death, only approaches it.

Maybe there's not really anything out there, due to the difficult nature of the topic.

I believe there is no literature on it because it doesn't happen with chronic illness or old age as the cause of death.

To my knowledge, the "my life flashed before my eyes" has to do with people experiencing a frightening experience, such as a life threatening accident or situation. I have experienced the slowing down effect during accidents 3 times, and it happened before injury, it seems to be related to being very scared. No people that I know that were terminally ill ever mentioned any such experience.

Also, your post is overly speculative, please keep posts based in known mainstream science.
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  • #3
Indeed I did mean does, thanks.

That was the point of the question, to discover if any such mainstream work existed on the topic. I'll take the reply as a no.
  • #4
I'm leaving the thread open in case someone knows of any studies.
  • #5
  • #6
I also think it depends how you die. If it is brain related then I suppose it would. But I don't know of any studies.
  • #7
it's all about memory, not turbo perception. "Normally, our memories are like sieves," he says. "We're not writing down most of what's passing through our system." Think about walking down a crowded street: You see a lot of faces, street signs, all kinds of stimuli. Most of this, though, never becomes a part of your memory. But if a car suddenly swerves and heads straight for you, your memory shifts gears. Now it's writing down everything — every cloud, every piece of dirt, every little fleeting thought, anything that might be useful.
  • #9
Here is a whole list of articles and references to studies on the subject:

I have read that 10-20% of patients who survive cardiac arrest report an NDE.

I have also read that neuroscience journals are reluctant to publish submissions on this subject due to the poor quality of research.


FAQ: Does time perception change in near death patients?

1. Does time perception change in near death patients?

According to various studies, there is evidence that suggests that time perception may indeed change in near death patients. However, the extent and specific nature of this change is still a topic of debate among scientists.

2. What factors may contribute to changes in time perception during near death experiences?

Some potential factors that may contribute to changes in time perception during near death experiences include altered brain activity, heightened emotional states, and the release of certain chemicals in the brain. However, more research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms.

3. Can changes in time perception during near death experiences be explained scientifically?

While there is evidence to suggest that time perception can change during near death experiences, there is still no scientific consensus on the exact explanation for this phenomenon. Further research and studies are needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms.

4. Can time perception changes in near death patients be measured objectively?

Currently, there is no clear and objective way to measure changes in time perception during near death experiences. Most studies rely on self-reported accounts from patients, which may be influenced by individual perception and interpretation.

5. How can understanding changes in time perception in near death patients benefit us?

Studying changes in time perception during near death experiences can provide insights into the workings of the brain and consciousness. It may also have implications for our understanding of time and the nature of reality. Additionally, it may have practical applications in fields such as psychology and neuroscience.
