Does visible light contain energy?

In summary, objects absorb and emit infrared waves as well as visible light. The visible light colors we see are only the ones that are reflected off the surface of an object, while the rest are absorbed. This may seem to violate the laws of conservation, but the absorbed energy is converted into different forms, such as heat or chemical energy. Eventually, objects will reach equilibrium temperature where the rate of energy absorption equals the rate of emission. Some examples of how energy is converted include plants converting it into chemical energy and solar panels converting it into electricity. Overall, the energy from the sun that is absorbed by objects is either re-radiated in the infrared spectrum or converted into other forms.
  • #1
I read that Infra red waves that are absorbed are emitted by objects. And that makes sense.

But then I read that it apparently works differently in the visible light spectrum, i.e. the visible light colors we see are only those that that aren’t absorbed, i.e. they’re only the ones that are reflected off the surface of an object. So if red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet color waves reach an object that’s painted red, the red is reflected off the object, and all the other colors are absorbed.
Wouldn’t that violate the laws of conservation? Isn’t that energy? If it’s energy, how could it keep going in there and never come back out?
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  • #2
tinkeringone said:
Wouldn’t that violate the laws of conservation? Isn’t that energy? If it’s energy, how could it keep going in there and never come back out?

Leave a black object out in bright sunlight for a few hours... Then touch it. It will be hot. That's where the energy it absorbed has gone.
  • #3
There is nothing different about the energy in light and the energy in IR. If you expose an object to the concentrated (optical) rays of the Sun for a while, its temperature may get so high that it starts to get red / white hot. It is radiating light energy, having absorbed light energy.
The actual wavelength of the radiated EM, depends upon the temperature.

Given long enough, an object will reach equilibrium temperature with its surroundings - when the rate of energy absorption equals the rate of emission. If you took an object and placed it in a perfectly reflecting sphere, along with a filament lamp, that object would end up glowing at the same temperature as the filament. This model is a bit flawed, the way it's stated because the filament temperature would rise uncontrollably without some control of the power supply because no energy would escape from the sphere, but it makes my point.
  • #4
What sophiecentaur said.

Plants convert some of the energy into chemical energy.
Solar panels convert it to electricity.
Most objects just heat up a bit and re-radaite the energy in the infrared part of the spectrum.

PS: Have a think about planet earth. It absorbs quite a lot of light energy from the sun and has done so for billions of years. Where has the energy gone?
  • #5

Yes, visible light does contain energy. The electromagnetic spectrum, which includes visible light, is made up of waves that carry energy. When these waves interact with an object, some of the energy is absorbed while the rest is reflected or transmitted. In the case of visible light, the colors we see are a result of the different wavelengths of light being reflected off the surface of an object. This is due to the microscopic structure of the object's surface, which determines which wavelengths of light are absorbed and which are reflected.

This process does not violate the laws of conservation. While it may seem like energy is being absorbed and never coming back out, it is actually being converted into a different form. When light is absorbed by an object, it is converted into heat energy, which is then radiated back out into the environment. This is why objects can become warm when exposed to sunlight.

So, while it may seem counterintuitive that an object can only reflect certain colors of light, it is simply a result of the laws of physics and the way light interacts with matter. Visible light does contain energy, and this energy is constantly being absorbed, reflected, and converted as it interacts with different objects.

FAQ: Does visible light contain energy?

1. Does visible light contain energy?

Yes, visible light contains energy. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, which is a type of energy. Visible light specifically falls within a certain range of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum, and each individual wavelength carries a specific amount of energy.

2. How is energy carried by visible light?

Energy is carried by visible light in the form of photons. Photons are particles that make up electromagnetic radiation, and they have both wave-like and particle-like properties. The amount of energy carried by a photon is directly proportional to its frequency.

3. Can visible light be converted into other forms of energy?

Yes, visible light can be converted into other forms of energy. This process is known as the photoelectric effect, where light energy is converted into electrical energy. Visible light can also be converted into heat energy through absorption by certain materials.

4. How is visible light different from other forms of energy?

Visible light is different from other forms of energy because it is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, whereas other forms of energy (such as thermal, kinetic, or potential energy) are associated with matter. This means that visible light can travel through a vacuum, while other forms of energy require a medium to transfer.

5. Is visible light the only form of energy that humans can see?

No, visible light is not the only form of energy that humans can see. While visible light is the only form of energy that can be detected by the human eye, there are other forms of electromagnetic radiation that are not visible to us, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

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