Does Voter IQ Influence Election Outcomes?

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  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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    Iq State
In summary, the conversation revolved around a survey that claimed to show a correlation between lower IQ and voting for George Bush in the 2004 election. Some participants questioned the accuracy and relevance of the survey, while others discussed the role of rational self-interest in voting and the differences between left and right-wing ideologies. Some also brought up the issue of education and intelligence in relation to voting. Ultimately, it was revealed that the survey was a hoax and apologies were made for posting it.
  • #1
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  • #2
I can't seem to find a word to express my thoughts.

It seems obvious in a sense; and mind-boggling in another, since it is such a linear pattern.

Should we conclude that the Bush voters are of lower intelligence, strictly because they can not tell the difference between a good and bad president. OR that the south generally has a lower iq, and the pattern is simply because the south has always been in favor of Bush (due to reasons other than ideology).
  • #3
I'd be more concerned that by these figures, the American people as a whole fall under 100 on average.
  • #4
franznietzsche said:
I'd be more concerned that by these figures, the American people as a whole fall under 100 on average.


Fascination with television? Not to mention other things of course..
  • #5
dekoi said:

Fascination with television? Not to mention other things of course..

Or they're just naturally stupid.
  • #6
franznietzsche said:
Or they're just naturally stupid.

Highly unlikely in my uneducated opinion. Correct me if i am wrong.

Back on topic, would anyone happen to know the answer to my earlier question:

Should we conclude that the Bush voters are of lower intelligence, strictly because they can not tell the difference between a good and bad president. OR that the south generally has a lower iq, and the pattern is simply because the south has always been in favor of Bush (due to reasons other than ideology).
  • #7
I personally believe most americans are stupid. I know most americans are bad drivers.

And now we are in complete control by the religous right, its a sad day. Most americans my be stupid, but the people holding the cards certainly are not.
  • #8
megashawn said:
I personally believe most americans are stupid. I know most americans are bad drivers.

And now we are in complete control by the religous right, its a sad day. Most americans my be stupid, but the people holding the cards certainly are not.

I've heard Italy is worse as far as drivers go. Not that it is in anyway relevant.

The fact of the matter is that the 'religious right' is the majority. You can whine all you want, but face it: they are the majority. The basic idea of democracy then dictates that they will control the country, if they are the majority.
  • #9
I'd say that most people who voted for Bush are of less intelligence. I'm actually debating one on another forum. I'm almost ready to give up - his debating prowess is near non-existant.

I'd insinuate that religion would have a lot of correlation to the results of that survey.

Is that survey accurate or a joke? I'd believe it.
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:

Today my macroeconomics professor said he was a conservative democrat. He went on to explain that his position has a lot to do with rational self-interest. I think that a large number of people tend to vote based on rational self-interest ceteris paribus. If you think about it, most universities have a rational self-interest in liberalism and if you look at a red and blue map you can see that. However these liberal students are the same people who later on own a business and then seem to vote republican, again this can be explained by rational self-interest.

I think a more realistic and scientific study of how social groups vote would easily establish rational self-interest as a rule of thumb but I could be wrong. But I would also like to point out that economics is largely based on people acting on ration self-interest.

I think that education and intelligence by themselves have absolutely nothing to do with how people vote.

Even more important I would like to know some more about this data, I am certain that this data completely wrong. I cannot believe anyone even takes this kind of crap seriously.

Feel free to disagree with me as I sure that all the self proclaimed liberal geniuses here will do.

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  • #11
Low IQ states simply lack sufficient numbers of Italian-Americans.
  • #12
I think the problem is that parties are too focused on remaining on the left or right end of the political spectrum.

Conservative pro-business views seem better to me, but moral views are better on the left side of the spectrum with the Democrats. Moral issues are more important than financial issues (assuming you have the essentials). Therefore, I always favor the left-wing candidates. I don't even agree with all the right-wing business stances, just a few such as the reinforcement of keeping a hierarchical society.

I think the best society would be one that endorses radical or near radical beliefs. People who simply want change in the way they believe is most efficient.
  • #13
Hey I've got a test for you to take

I designed it myself

It proves that you're less capable than I

So listen to what I have to say

You are stupid, you see

Incapable of thinking for yourself

Just follow my lead

I know what's best for you

I have a plan

Give me your money

I'll protect you from yourself

Don't listen to your conscience

Your thoughts are wrong

Nobody thinks the same way as you

So keep your mouth shut

Just follow me

While you are stripped of your liberty
  • #14
Greg Bernhardt said:

Uh huh. And where did those statewide IQ numbers come from? Would it differ if you did it by county? For example Cook county(Chicago) gave Illinois to Kerry, but I think Dupage county (rich suburbs) went for Bush. What are the IQs of those two polities?
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  • #15
Greg Bernhardt said:
Are people really this gullible?? It's a hoax. Shouldn't posting hoaxes be against the rules of this forum?

"The Bush-voters-have-lower-IQs hoax appears to have run its course. The editor at American Assembler who posted the table that got the whole firestorm going has posted an abject apology."

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  • #16
CloakNight said:
It's a hoax. Shouldn't posting hoaxes be against the rules of this forum?

Not if you're the supreme being :wink:
  • #17
According to the exit polls, the majority of college drop outs (some college) voted for Bush, while the majority of post grads voted for Kerry.
  • #18
CloakNight said:
Are people really this gullible?? It's a hoax. Shouldn't posting hoaxes be against the rules of this forum?

"The Bush-voters-have-lower-IQs hoax appears to have run its course. The editor at American Assembler who posted the table that got the whole firestorm going has posted an abject apology."

Bears repeating. I'm surprised at you, Greg!
  • #19
National Exit Polls, by Education

No High School (4%) : 49% Bush (+10% since 2000), 50% Kerry

H.S. Graduate (22%) : 52% Bush (+3% since 2000), 47% Kerry

Some College (32%) : 54% Bush (+3% since 2000), 46% Kerry

College Graduate (26%) : 52% Bush (+1% since 2000), 46% Kerry

Postgrad Study (16%) : 44% Bush (+0% since 2000), 55% Kerry
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  • #20
Gokul43201 said:
National Exit Polls, by Education

No High School (4%) : 49% Bush (+10% since 2000), 50% Kerry

H.S. Graduate (22%) : 52% Bush (+3% since 2000), 47% Kerry

Some College (32%) : 54% Bush (+3% since 2000), 46% Kerry

College Graduate (26%) : 52% Bush (+1% since 2000), 46% Kerry

Postgrad Study (16%) : 44% Bush (+0% since 2000), 55% Kerry
These figures are inaccurate because it's solely based on word of the pollees. Only 24.4% of the US adult population is a college graduate yet the exit polls show 42% has a college degree? Even assuming that virtually every college graduate voted, the numbers do not add up. And 16% with postgraduate study? Please try telling me that's not inflated.

This is similar to researches involving penis sizes. Where when giving subjects measuring sticks and asking them to measure their penis and give the number back, the average number would be an entire inch higher than researches where doctors themselves would measure penis sizes.

In any chance where pollees get to brag about themselves they will. 42% of the voting population is not a college graduate. I would assume it is higher than 24.4% however since college graduates would be more likely to vote but 42% is just way too high.
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  • #21
Gokul43201 said:
National Exit Polls, by Education

No High School (4%) : 49% Bush (+10% since 2000), 50% Kerry

H.S. Graduate (22%) : 52% Bush (+3% since 2000), 47% Kerry

Some College (32%) : 54% Bush (+3% since 2000), 46% Kerry

College Graduate (26%) : 52% Bush (+1% since 2000), 46% Kerry

Postgrad Study (16%) : 44% Bush (+0% since 2000), 55% Kerry

I think this really brings discredit upon all of you who even entertained this notion. If I were one of you I would be humbled. I realize that a political defeat can often times be a personal one but that is no excuse for making these kinds of accusations. Oh and by the way…

I have been personally offended by Greg Bernhardt posting utter crap! I am from South Dakota and I attend SDSU. According to Mr. Bernhardt’s original post the average person here in South Dakota is of a lesser intelligence. Besides this being completely false it is likely making a personal attack on a good few generations of my family.

Who would be complaining if I posted some made up data that showed all black people were of lesser intelligence? Who would be complaining of I posted some made up data that suggested that Europeans were really stupid? What would you all be saying if a GOP website posted some made up data that said democrats have lower IQ?

I really am pissed and this is entirely on the shoulders of Greg Bernhardt!

I want this thread locked immediately!:mad: :mad:

:mad: :mad:
  • #22
Clicking on the original link:

From The Economist -

Clueless in St James's

Last week we published a list that purported to show the IQ s of states voting for George Bush and Al Gore in 2000. Alas, we were the victim of a hoax: no such data exists. By way of apology, here are two very crude ratings of states' intelligence—and how they voted.

And it was people voting for Bush and Gore ;P
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  • #23
CloakNight said:
Are people really this gullible?? It's a hoax. Shouldn't posting hoaxes be against the rules of this forum?

"The Bush-voters-have-lower-IQs hoax appears to have run its course. The editor at American Assembler who posted the table that got the whole firestorm going has posted an abject apology."


agreed, I shouldn't have posted this considering the poor source, closed

FAQ: Does Voter IQ Influence Election Outcomes?


What is the relationship between IQ and state vote habits?

The relationship between IQ and state vote habits is a complex and contentious topic. Some studies suggest that higher IQ individuals tend to vote for more liberal or left-leaning candidates, while lower IQ individuals tend to vote for more conservative or right-leaning candidates. However, other factors such as education, income, and cultural values may also play a significant role in a person's voting habits.


Is there a correlation between state average IQ and state voting patterns?

There have been studies that have shown a correlation between state average IQ and state voting patterns. However, it is important to note that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. There could be other factors at play such as demographics, education levels, and historical voting trends.


Can IQ be used as a predictor of a person's political beliefs?

While IQ may be correlated with political beliefs, it is not a reliable predictor on its own. Other factors such as upbringing, personal experiences, and cultural values also play a significant role in shaping a person's political beliefs. Additionally, IQ is just one aspect of a person's cognitive abilities and should not be used as the sole measure of intelligence.


Are people with higher IQ more likely to vote in state elections?

There is no clear consensus on whether people with higher IQ are more likely to vote in state elections. Some studies have found that higher IQ individuals tend to be more politically engaged and therefore more likely to vote. However, other studies have shown that factors such as education and income have a stronger influence on voter turnout.


Do IQ tests accurately measure a person's intelligence?

IQ tests are designed to measure a person's cognitive abilities and can provide some insight into a person's intelligence. However, it is important to note that these tests are not without bias and may not accurately measure intelligence in all individuals. Additionally, a person's intelligence cannot be solely defined by a single test or number.

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