Does Walking Downhill Burn More Calories Than Walking on a Level Sidewalk?

  • Medical
  • Thread starter Loren Booda
  • Start date
In summary, Loren is saying that, although it would be less effort to go downhill, walking downhill would expend more energy than walking on a level surface. He also says that if you're on roller blades or something, it would take less effort to go downhill, but the mechanics of walking make the outcome different.
  • #1
Loren Booda
Which burns more calories: walking on a level sidewalk for an hour, or walking
down a sidewalk of slope 10 degrees for an hour?
Biology news on
  • #2
Downhill, right? I would think it would consume the same calories as walking on a level sidewalk plus whatever muscular effort is necessary to lower your body down the slope slowly.

I was once on the 29th floor of a skyscraper when there was a power outage that killed the elevators, so everybody who was in the building (it was 9:00 at night, I was working late, so fortunately there were only a handful of people in the building) had to leave via the stairs. By the time I got to the bottom I practically felt crippled. It would be more effort to climb 29 flights of stairs, of course, but going down was nothing to shake a stick at either.
  • #3
i think it would be less, but feel like more because of the use of muscle unaccustomed to the task. but it's probably also a function of velocity, and there may be an optimum speed to minimize the energy lost. if that optimum is a running speed, then it complicates the problem. fwiw, there is a speed where walking becomes much less efficient that running, and this is about where you will naturally break into a jog. when going downhill, i'll break into a jog easier, but i don't know how different the speed is.
  • #4
Loren is being tricky there, I think: noticed that he specified walking and asked in terms of duration rather than distance.

I think that, as you mentioned "there is a speed where walking becomes much less efficient that running" is the key. I think the reason for this is that due to the mechanics of walking, you're actually applying some force to prevent your body from descending too fast. Switching to jogging makes it so that you're expending less energy doing that; that's why it's more comfortable at a certain point.

Obviously if you were on roller blades or something it would definitely take less effort to go downhill. But I think that the mechanics of walking make the outcome different in that case. That's my theory, anyways. I bet there's a relationship between the length of a person's legs and exactly what the speed is on a given incline where jogging becomes more comfortable than walking.
  • #5
If you assume the mechanics of standing upright and maintaining balance are the same for both situations in terms of energy expenditure then:
1. going downhill you expend energy to resist acceleration (dissipating potential energy) which is not required for walking on a level surface
2. The energy required to move horizontally will be the same, except that the downhill person walk tranverses less horizontal distance.

I have no idea what actual numbers to plug in for this but I can't find a biophysics site, so this is from an exercise physiology site which is not quite what is needed. See the section on stairs.

FAQ: Does Walking Downhill Burn More Calories Than Walking on a Level Sidewalk?

1. What is the scientific explanation for the effort of walking downhill?

The effort of walking downhill is primarily due to the force of gravity pulling the body towards the ground. This downward force requires the muscles to contract and work against gravity to maintain balance and control the descent.

2. Why does walking downhill feel easier than walking uphill?

Walking downhill feels easier because the force of gravity is aiding the body's movement, making it less strenuous for the muscles. Additionally, the body's center of mass is naturally positioned in the direction of the descent, reducing the need for muscle activation to maintain balance.

3. Does the steepness of the downhill slope affect the effort of walking?

Yes, the steeper the downhill slope, the greater the effort required to walk down it. This is because a steeper slope increases the force of gravity pulling the body downwards, requiring the muscles to work harder to control the descent.

4. How does walking downhill impact the body's joints and muscles?

Walking downhill puts more strain on the body's joints and muscles, particularly in the knees and ankles. This is due to the increased impact and stress caused by the downward force of gravity. Over time, this can lead to joint and muscle pain or injuries.

5. Can walking downhill be a form of exercise?

Yes, walking downhill can be a form of exercise as it requires the muscles to work against gravity to control the descent. This can help improve lower body strength and endurance. However, it is important to approach downhill walking with caution, as it can also put strain on the body's joints and muscles.

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