Doing a paper on the strong nuclear force --

In summary, the nuclear physicist is looking for a quantitative account of the strong nuclear force between one proton and one neutron. He is familiar with Lagrangian field theory but not so much with quantum field theory or quantum chromodynamics. He is looking for a representation of the strong force using a gauge theory that is simple enough for a class of undergraduates in mechanical and nuclear engineering to understand.
  • #1
I'm doing a paper on the strong nuclear force for a nuclear physics class. I want to give a good quantitative account for it. I'm very familiar with Lagrangian field theory but not so much with QFT or QCD. I don't have time to learn all of the ins and outs of QFT and for this paper and for this class I don't need to know. What I';m looking for specifically is just the Lagrangian for the strong nuclear before between one proton and one neutron. If I can describe quantitatively the strong attraction in deuterium (H 2) that would be excellent.
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  • #2
This can be done on very many different levels. Have you started by looking up what the Yukawa potential is?
  • #3
Yes I have I do plan on talking about that. But I would really like to discuss the Lagrangian Density for the interaction between one proton and one neutron.
  • #4
There is a Lagrangian density for Yukawa theory on the Wikipedia Yukawa potential page.
However, note that this is generally not what an elementary particle physicist will consider the strong force, which is an SU(3) gauge theory. The interaction between protons and neutrons which emerge from this force are much weaker than the strong force itself in a similar fashion to electromagnetic van der Waals' interactions between neutral molecules being weaker than that between ions.
  • #5
I'm pretty familiar with group theory. Do you know if the representation of the strong force between a single proton and neutron represented using SU(3) gauge theory simple enough to be explained to a class of undergrad seniors in mechanical and nuclear engineering?
  • #6
The force between nucleons is based upon the exchange of pions rather than gluons, which are the SU(3) gauge bosons. I would not try to explain this other than very superficially to undergrads.
  • #7
If it's a presentation, then I'd recommend (I don't know what your supervisor did) that you'd avoid inserting information and stuff that you are unable to understand (due to lacking of QFT background - especially for effective theories).

However, to get an insight (since it's not my business to tell you what to do or how), you can look here:
eg. it has the lagrangian [itex]L_{\pi NN}[/itex] (for pion-nucleon-nucleon) in Fig5.

For the Deuterium interactions you can also look into nuclear physics books, which work for example with semi-theoretical+experimental potentials (there are many terms in the nuclear potentials however I think the deuterium is quite simple -at least when dealt with pedagogically)

FAQ: Doing a paper on the strong nuclear force --

What is the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with gravity, electromagnetism, and weak nuclear force. It is responsible for holding together the nucleus of an atom, overcoming the repulsive forces between positively charged protons.

How does the strong nuclear force work?

The strong nuclear force is mediated by particles called gluons, which act as carriers of the force between quarks, the building blocks of protons and neutrons. As quarks get closer together, the strong nuclear force becomes stronger, binding them together.

What are the properties of the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is characterized by its short range, only acting over distances of about 10^-15 meters. It is also incredibly strong, about 137 times stronger than the electromagnetic force. Additionally, the strong nuclear force is independent of charge, meaning it can act between particles with the same charge.

How was the strong nuclear force discovered?

The strong nuclear force was first proposed in the 1930s by physicist Hideki Yukawa, who noticed a discrepancy between the size of the nucleus and the strength of the electromagnetic force. In the 1970s, experiments at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center confirmed the existence of the strong nuclear force and its role in binding quarks.

What are the real-world applications of understanding the strong nuclear force?

Understanding the strong nuclear force is crucial for understanding the behavior of atoms and the structure of matter. It also plays a critical role in nuclear power and nuclear weapons, as well as in the study of subatomic particles and the early universe.

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