Domination & Control: Is Religion/Politics to Blame?

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In summary: For example, hierarchies of lions establish dominance by killing the weaker lions and taking their places in the pride. Other animals use their power to control the movements and behavior of other animals, including humans.
  • #1
Ad Infinitum NAU
Is religion/politics a major influence in domination and control rather than just human nature?

It's natural for living beings to demonstrate behaviour of power and control. However, all species limit this behaviour, except for the case of humans. It is only in human culture we see the abuse of natural behaviour. Also, only in human culture do we find belief in religions. Political systems exist in nature (such as the hierarchy of a pride of lions), however humans are the only ones who take it to extreme levels.

Returning to the question, I ask whether it is human nature or human culture that is to blame for the abuse of natural behaviour.
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  • #2
Lion like pride in Mankind/Man. Is a way we legalize lying. In a legal system, we do not legalize lying. It's the bully criminal, or lion pride. That does this.

Lying is the result of using Postulates and points that are meaningless, like 1X0 = 1000, type logic. Law is using postulates and their points in a converse way that, 1X0=0

There is no fear in the law. There is faith.
In lying there is no law, and no faith. Why have faith in a lier ? Fear of repercussion, or dying.
Since we all fear dying, we also NEED liers to justify this.

So we wander in packs that is rather lawless and run by pride. Else we have no immunization from our fear of death. See ? Our packs have liers that justify fear.

We fear, so this equals liers, so bring the liers. This is just.

Comprehend ?
  • #3
yesicanread said:
Lion like pride in Mankind/Man. Is a way we legalize lying. In a legal system, we do not legalize lying. It's the bully criminal, or lion pride. That does this.

Lying is the result of using Postulates and points that are meaningless, like 1X0 = 1000, type logic. Law is using postulates and their points in a converse way that, 1X0=0

There is no fear in the law. There is faith.
In lying there is no law, and no faith. Why have faith in a lier ? Fear of repercussion, or dying.
Since we all fear dying, we also NEED liers to justify this.

So we wander in packs that is rather lawless and run by pride. Else we have no immunization from our fear of death. See ? Our packs have liers that justify fear.

We fear, so this equals liers, so bring the liers. This is just.

Comprehend ?

Ummm.. maybe you can read, but you really can't comprehend. My post was nothing about liars(well, i did talk about politics), fear of death, faith, or whatever else you may have talked about.
  • #4
I have to disagree with your premises. Anmials do abuse their positions of power. Many types of animals (including lions) kill their own kind and even offspring to preserve hunting grounds and maiting rights for themselves.

FAQ: Domination & Control: Is Religion/Politics to Blame?

1. How have religion and politics historically been used for domination and control?

Throughout history, both religion and politics have been used as tools for domination and control. In many cases, rulers and governments have used religion to justify their actions or to impose their beliefs on others. In some cases, religious leaders have also used their influence to maintain power and control over their followers. Similarly, political leaders have often used their authority to oppress and control their citizens, often using tactics such as censorship, propaganda, and violence.

2. What are some examples of this in modern society?

In modern society, there are still numerous examples of religion and politics being used for domination and control. For instance, some governments may use their religious beliefs to justify discriminatory policies or to suppress certain religious groups. In some countries, political leaders may use their power to manipulate public opinion and maintain control over the population. Additionally, there are cases of religious leaders using their influence to exert control over their followers, such as in cults or extremist groups.

3. How does the manipulation of religion and politics contribute to societal issues?

The manipulation of religion and politics for domination and control can contribute to a range of societal issues. It can lead to divisions and conflicts between different religious and political groups, as well as discrimination and oppression of marginalized communities. Additionally, it can hinder progress and development, as the focus may be on maintaining power rather than addressing important societal issues. This type of manipulation can also undermine individual freedoms and human rights.

4. Can religion and politics be used for positive purposes?

While religion and politics have been used for negative purposes in many cases, they can also be used for positive purposes. Both can serve as sources of guidance, inspiration, and unity for individuals and communities. They can also be used to promote social justice, equality, and compassion. However, it is important to recognize and address any attempts to use religion and politics for domination and control in order to promote their positive potential.

5. How can individuals resist the manipulation of religion and politics for domination and control?

One way individuals can resist the manipulation of religion and politics for domination and control is by educating themselves and staying informed about current events. This can help individuals recognize when religion and politics are being used to manipulate and control, and take action to address it. Additionally, individuals can advocate for freedom of religion and speech, and support organizations and movements that promote social justice and equality. It is also important for individuals to critically examine their own beliefs and biases, and actively work towards promoting tolerance and understanding in their communities.
