Donald Trump Running for President

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In summary: Donald Trump is nothing more than a carnival barker who is stoking his ego and engaging in the type of shameless self-promotion that has been his gimmick over the years (no doubt enhancing his visibility and thus his bottom line along the way). There is no chance whatsoever that Mr. Trump can possibly win the nomination or else be elected President, and I'm surprised that anyone takes this man or his run for the nomination seriously.
  • #1
Donald Trump, today, announced his candidacy for President -- -- as was alluded to

"So, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again," Trump told the crowd in a lengthy and meandering 45-minute speech that hit on his signature issues like currency manipulation from China and job creation, while also taking shots at the president and his competitors on the Republican side.

I saw this thread, being skeptical about his net worth:
Physics news on
  • #2
Its nice to see the Republican race over so early. No point continuing since the rest of the candidates got Trumped! o0)

I love being Canadian during the American elections. Now wheres my big bowl of popcorn :)
  • #4
Donald Trump is nothing more than a carnival barker who is stoking his ego and engaging in the type of shameless self-promotion that has been his gimmick over the years (no doubt enhancing his visibility and thus his bottom line along the way). There is no chance whatsoever that Mr. Trump can possibly win the nomination or else be elected President, and I'm surprised that anyone takes this man or his run for the nomination seriously.
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  • #5
StatGuy2000 said:
... I'm surprised that anyone takes this man or his run for the nomination seriously.
I'm not aware that anyone does. I think even HE isn't stupid enough to believe he has a chance. As statguy said, he's just a carnival barker, enhancing his visibility in preparation for his next TV show or whatever.
  • #7
phinds said:
I'm not aware that anyone does.
Well, both PolitiFact and USA Today published serious debunkings of his speech (so serious they appear to have accidentally debunked sarcasm). That sure makes it sound like they are taking him super seriously. If I were a cynic who believed the media was biased I would suggest that they were trying to pretend he was serious in order to delegitimize the Republican field.
  • #8
National Review, the creation of conservative William F Buckley and which has a history or pruning nuts out of the GOP, let everyone know what they think. Not only does NR not take The Donald as presidential candidate seriously, they let him have it, I think for attempting to turn presidential politics into his own carnival ride.

Witless Ape Rides Escalator
Donald Trump may be the man America needs. Having been through four bankruptcies, the ridiculous buffoon with the worst taste since Caligula is uniquely positioned to lead the most indebted organization in the history of the human race
Donald Trump, being Donald Trump, announced his candidacy at Trump Plaza, making a weird grand entrance via escalator — going down, of course, the symbolism of which is lost on that witless ape. But who could witness that scene — the self-made man who started with nothing but a modest portfolio of 27,000 New York City properties acquired by his millionaire slumlord father, barely out of his latest bankruptcy and possibly headed for another one as the casino/jiggle-joint bearing his name sinks into the filthy mire of the one U.S. city that makes Las Vegas look respectable, a reality-television grotesque with his plastic-surgery-disaster wife, grunting like a baboon about our country’s “brand” and his own vast wealth — and not see the peerless sign of our times?
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  • #9
Ya got to love The Donald. He adds entertainment to our lives (unintentionally) and SERIOUSLY made John Stewart's day with his announcement. What a buffoon. Sounds like The National Review has him pegged.
  • #10
This is wonderful news for comedians and those of us who watch them. Donald Trump is an almost infinite source of jokes.
  • #11
I don't understand why the US would elect Silvio Berlusconi-lite when the real one is available and looking for work.
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  • #12
that's why we have the electoral college... just in case.
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  • #13
Vanadium 50 said:
I don't understand why the US would elect Silvio Berlusconi-lite when the real one is available and looking for work.
Because Berlusconi would have to show birth certificate proving that he was born on US? Berlusconi would presumably be able to produce such document, just birthers would be really unhappy about it.
  • #14
russ_watters said:
Well, both PolitiFact and USA Today published serious debunkings of his speech (so serious they appear to have accidentally debunked sarcasm). That sure makes it sound like they are taking him super seriously. If I were a cynic who believed the media was biased I would suggest that they were trying to pretend he was serious in order to delegitimize the Republican field.

Russ, I'm assuming that you are not the cynic who believes the media is biased. At any rate, why would PolitiFact and USA Today would pretend that Trump is a serious candidate to delegitimize the Republican field?

In the case of USA Today (a for-profit newspaper), the editors may well have felt that Donald Trump is simply too high-profile a figure to ignore when he made his bombastic "entrance" into the presidential nomination race (a wrong decision, IMHO). As for PolitiFact (a project of the Tampa Bay Times to fact-check politicians and political candidates), they may have been simply been doing their due diligence for all declared candidates (again, I feel that they are wasting their efforts on Trump, since I'm convinced that he's not even remotely interested in actually running for President).
  • #15
StatGuy2000 said:
Russ, I'm assuming that you are not the cynic who believes the media is biased. At any rate, why would PolitiFact and USA Today would pretend that Trump is a serious candidate to delegitimize the Republican field?

In the case of USA Today (a for-profit newspaper), the editors may well have felt that Donald Trump is simply too high-profile a figure to ignore when he made his bombastic "entrance" into the presidential nomination race (a wrong decision, IMHO). As for PolitiFact (a project of the Tampa Bay Times to fact-check politicians and political candidates), they may have been simply been doing their due diligence for all declared candidates (again, I feel that they are wasting their efforts on Trump, since I'm convinced that he's not even remotely interested in actually running for President).
Most media shows some bias, no matter how hard they try not to. But, to really cement your point, Fox News covered Trump's speech, I have never heard anyone call Fox liberal.
  • #16
JonDE said:
Most media shows some bias, no matter how hard they try not to. But, to really cement your point, Fox News covered Trump's speech, I have never heard anyone call Fox liberal.
I think Barbara Walters is a good interviewer, and when I watched her on The View, IMHO, she didn't maintain bias towards either the left or right.

When I watch Fox News, whenever a Democratic supporter is on they always interrupt him or her. Don't do it to the Republican's though.
  • #17
Trump is in second place among the Republican candidates in a New Hampshire poll, and gaining on Bush, currently 11% versus 16%.

Trump's gains seem connected to perceptions of him as a successful leader on economic issues. Trump easily tops the field when asked which candidate voters think can best handle the economy; 29% choose Trump, 13% Bush, with everyone else at 7% or less.
  • #18
russ_watters said:
Well, both PolitiFact and USA Today published serious debunkings of his speech (so serious they appear to have accidentally debunked sarcasm). That sure makes it sound like they are taking him super seriously. If I were a cynic who believed the media was biased I would suggest that they were trying to pretend he was serious in order to delegitimize the Republican field.

Trump officially files:
  • #19
I think it's going to be hilarious if he gets into the 10-man (or whatever it turns out to be) debate on Fox. How are the other candidates going to respond to his inanities? They must all be appalled at the thought.
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  • #20
phinds said:
I think it's going to be hilarious if he gets into the 10-man (or whatever it turns out to be) debate on Fox. How are the other candidates going to respond to his inanities? They must all be appalled at the thought.
I wonder if he'll point at someone and say "you're fired". It "would" be funny.
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  • #21
jtbell said:
Trump is in second place among the Republican candidates in a New Hampshire poll, and gaining on Bush, currently 11% versus 16%.

I find this absolutely astounding! :))

Have Republican base supporters finally lost their (censored expletive) minds!? Makes me wonder about the state of the Republican Party in the US!
  • #22
StatGuy2000 said:
I find this absolutely astounding! :))

Have Republican base supporters finally lost their (censored expletive) minds!? Makes me wonder about the state of the Republican Party in the US!
I can only believe that you haven't been paying attention. This is not some new aberration in the far right of the Republican party, it's business as usual for the Republican party.
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  • #24
phinds said:
I can only believe that you haven't been paying attention. This is not some new aberration in the far right of the Republican party, it's business as usual for the Republican party.

I am well aware of the power and influence of the far right of the Republican Party (how else to explain the rise of the likes of Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, etc.). However, among the Republican party candidates so far, even though I pretty much disagree politically with just about all of the candidates on substantive grounds, at least these candidates have a semi-coherent platform that they are running on. Trump essentially waltzes in, grandstands, makes ridiculously over-the-top statements, and yells about how rich he is (btw, there is ample evidence that he is not nearly as wealthy nor as savvy in his business as he claims to be). That is not a serious candidate in my personal opinion, and I find it rather depressing that Republican members are being hoodwinked by this clown.
  • #25
StatGuy2000 said:
I am well aware of the power and influence of the far right of the Republican Party (how else to explain the rise of the likes of Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, etc.). However, among the Republican party candidates so far, even though I pretty much disagree politically with just about all of the candidates on substantive grounds, at least these candidates have a semi-coherent platform that they are running on. Trump essentially waltzes in, grandstands, makes ridiculously over-the-top statements, and yells about how rich he is (btw, there is ample evidence that he is not nearly as wealthy nor as savvy in his business as he claims to be). That is not a serious candidate in my personal opinion, and I find it rather depressing that Republican members are being hoodwinked by this clown.
He did the same thing four years ago. He was leading the polls for a while, but then there was a period of several months when a new clown replaced the old one at the top of the polls every two weeks or so. Trump dropped out when it was clear that he had no chance. I thought this meant that even the crazy people had understood what a joke that guy is, but apparently they haven't.
  • #26
StatGuy2000 said:
I am well aware of the power and influence of the far right of the Republican Party (how else to explain the rise of the likes of Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, etc.). However, among the Republican party candidates so far, even though I pretty much disagree politically with just about all of the candidates on substantive grounds, at least these candidates have a semi-coherent platform that they are running on. Trump essentially waltzes in, grandstands, makes ridiculously over-the-top statements, and yells about how rich he is (btw, there is ample evidence that he is not nearly as wealthy nor as savvy in his business as he claims to be). That is not a serious candidate in my personal opinion, and I find it rather depressing that Republican members are being hoodwinked by this clown.
Well, the good news is, it's still a minority of them. I do agree that for ANYONE to take him seriously is a shame.
  • #28
He will be as successful as last time, only a distraction.
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  • #30
StevieTNZ said:
Actually NBC dumped Trump.

NBC dumps Donald Trump for making derogatory comments about immigrants

NBCUniversal delivered a message to Donald Trump over his recent remarks regarding immigrants: "You're fired."
In a statement issued Monday, the company said it is severing ties with the real estate mogul and reality TV star who is pursuing the 2016 Republican nomination for president. He will no longer be a part of the reality competition "Celebrity Apprentice" and his two beauty pageants, Miss USA and Miss Universe, will no longer air on NBC.

"At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values," the statement said. "Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump."
  • #31
Ah I see -- hadn't seen that article before Donald's post on Facebook.
  • #32
Hispanic leaders say Republican Party must condemn Trump

In a recent interview on Fox News, conservative firebrand Ted Cruz insisted that Trump should not apologize.

"I like Donald Trump," said Cruz, a Texas senator who is Hispanic. "I think he's terrific. I think he's brash. I think he speaks the truth. And I think that NBC is engaging in political correctness that is silly and that is wrong."

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said simply that Trump is "wrong."
I think Jeb Bush will end up being the GOP nominee, but we shall see.
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  • #33
I wonder if Trump really believes what he is saying and has a strategy or if he is really so clueless as to insult a large chunk of potential voters.
  • #34
WWGD said:
I wonder if Trump really believes what he is saying and has a strategy or if he is really so clueless as to insult a large chunk of potential voters.
I think it was a mistake but being a business man he will try to flip it into any advantage he can. Reports say his political following is actually growing. That disturbs me. Trump knows he can't win. The only reason he is running is to stay relevant in American media.
  • #35
This is almost a week old, but no one had mentioned it, so I'll post it. Either he is not very careful at phrasing his words, or its intentional. This is an interview done a few days after his speech, when he was asked to clarify his remarks on Mexicans.
"I respect what they're doing," Trump said. "I think it's great. I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border who are from all over. And they're bad. They're really bad.

"I've spoken to border guards and I said, 'How bad is it?' And they said 'Mr. Trump, you have no idea how bad.' But you have people coming in and I'm not just saying Mexicans, I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they're coming into this country."

He really should hire a PR guy. Adding in the word "some" would make this sound much better, instead it almost sounds like he is saying all illegal immigrants are bad people.

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