Dont understand how p=nRT/V relates to dU = C_VdT

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In summary, the bolded part clarifies the relationship between pressure, temperature, and volume in an ideal gas, and how it relates to the change in internal energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

WIKI says: "In case of an ideal gas, p = NkT / V which implies that dU = CvdT, i.e. the internal energy of an ideal gas can be written as a function that depends only on the temperature."

I don't understand the bolded part.. What is the relationship?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
The equation p = NkT / V states that the pressure of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its temperature and inversely proportional to its volume. By taking the differential of this equation, you can get dU = CvdT, which states that the change in internal energy of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its temperature and inversely proportional to its volume. This implies that the internal energy of an ideal gas can be written as a function that depends only on the temperature.

FAQ: Dont understand how p=nRT/V relates to dU = C_VdT

What is the equation p=nRT/V and how does it relate to dU = C_VdT?

The equation p=nRT/V is known as the ideal gas law and it relates the pressure (p) of a gas to its temperature (T), volume (V), and number of moles (n) of gas molecules. This equation is derived from the kinetic theory of gases, which states that the average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to the temperature. On the other hand, the equation dU = C_VdT represents the change in internal energy (dU) of a system at constant volume (V) and relates it to the heat capacity at constant volume (C_V) and the change in temperature (dT). When combined, these two equations show that for an ideal gas, the change in internal energy is directly proportional to the change in temperature.

How do I use p=nRT/V and dU = C_VdT in practical applications?

The ideal gas law and the equation dU = C_VdT are commonly used in thermodynamics and are particularly useful in engineering and chemistry applications. For example, they can be used to calculate the amount of work done by a gas when it expands or contracts, or to determine the amount of heat required to change the temperature of a gas at constant volume. These equations can also be used to understand and predict the behavior of gases under different conditions.

What is the significance of p=nRT/V and dU = C_VdT in understanding the properties of gases?

The ideal gas law and the equation dU = C_VdT are fundamental in understanding the behavior and properties of gases. They provide a way to quantify the relationship between pressure, temperature, volume, and internal energy in an ideal gas. These equations are also important in the study of thermodynamics, which deals with the transfer of energy and the relationships between different forms of energy.

What are the assumptions made in using p=nRT/V and dU = C_VdT for ideal gases?

The ideal gas law assumes that the gas molecules are point masses with no volume and that there are no intermolecular forces acting between them. It also assumes that the gas molecules are in constant motion and that collisions between them and the walls of the container are perfectly elastic. Similarly, the equation dU = C_VdT assumes that the gas is in a closed system with no change in volume and no transfer of energy in the form of work or heat. These assumptions make the equations applicable for ideal gases, but may not accurately describe the behavior of real gases.

Are there any limitations to using p=nRT/V and dU = C_VdT for real gases?

Although the ideal gas law and the equation dU = C_VdT are useful for understanding the behavior of gases, they have some limitations when applied to real gases. For example, real gases do not always behave ideally, especially at high pressures or low temperatures. Additionally, the equation dU = C_VdT only applies to systems at constant volume, so it may not accurately describe the behavior of gases in systems where there is a change in volume. Other factors such as intermolecular forces and molecular size also play a role in the behavior of real gases, which are not accounted for in these equations.

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