Doppler effect and multiple independant sound sources.

In summary, the Doppler effect is not related to sound moving towards and then away from you, but rather the source of the sound or the observer moving. In the conversation, it is discussed how the Doppler effect works with sound, radio waves, and light. The example of a car traveling at a constant velocity and emitting a constant frequency sound is given. The question is raised about whether the Doppler effect would be experienced if sound emitters were set up in a line to simulate the movement of the car. It is concluded that in this scenario, the receiver would not experience the Doppler effect because there is no relative movement between the source and the receiver.
  • #1
If I am stationary and a sound source moves towards me at a constant velocity, I will hear it (the sound) increase in frequency until it is adjacent to me and then as it moves away from me, I will hear a decreasing frequency.

Fundamental stuff right? It works with radio waves and light which is how we can look for red shifted and blue shifted galaxies and make assumptions about their heading.

But, and this is my question... let's say in my example above, the sound source was a car traveling at 50km/h with the driver leaning on his horn for the whole time of observation and that being so, the source of sound is constant in frequency and although moving, the source remains the same as it travels linearly (ie the horn as the car moves towards, then away from me).

What if, I set up, say, 100 speakers with a sound frequency generator attached to each (at the same frequency of the car horn as a rather arbitrary decision) and laid them out in a line, say 1 metre apart.

Then, using a timer, I have them emit their sound (all emitting the exact same frequency), starting at one end and at such intervals as to simulate a vehicle moving at 50km/h.

If I were to then stand in the middle of this line of speakers, would I hear the Doppler effect as the sound "approaches" me, then "moves away" from me?

I had a reasonable argument in class about this today and would like some outside input.
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  • #2
The Doppler effect is not related to sound moving towards and then away from you.
The source of the sound (or the observer) should move.

You may have some interference effects between the sounds emitted by your sources.
It is not clear if they emit a short pulse or they start at a given time and then emit continuously.
  • #3
nasu said:
The Doppler effect is not related to sound moving towards and then away from you.
The source of the sound (or the observer) should move.

You may have some interference effects between the sounds emitted by your sources.
It is not clear if they emit a short pulse or they start at a given time and then emit continuously.

Yes, I understand about how the movement of the source of the sound compresses the sound (or energy) waves, and that was part of the animated discussion in class we had. I'm glad to hear that repeated. Do you have any reference to this fact?

In my example, each sound emitter emits a constant amplitude and frequency, but just for a moment. They don't turn on and stay on, they just emit for a moment.
  • #4
Kerrin said:
Yes, I understand about how the movement of the source of the sound compresses the sound (or energy) waves, and that was part of the animated discussion in class we had. I'm glad to hear that repeated. Do you have any reference to this fact?
What fact? You mean Doppler effect being produced by the motion of the source or receiver?
Any textbook with a chapter on acoustics is a "reference". Or you would like to see some research paper?

Kerrin said:
In my example, each sound emitter emits a constant amplitude and frequency, but just for a moment. They don't turn on and stay on, they just emit for a moment.
Then you will receive pulses with the same frequency, separated by some time interval.
  • #5
nasu said:
Then you will receive pulses with the same frequency, separated by some time interval.

That's what I thought.

That's pretty much answered my question.

If there is no relative movement between the source of the the sound (or energy, we were actually discussing radio waves from a DVOR air nav installation) and the receiver, then no Doppler effect is experienced by the receiver.

FAQ: Doppler effect and multiple independant sound sources.

1. What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is the perceived change in frequency or pitch of a sound wave when the source of the sound is moving relative to the listener. This effect is caused by the compression or stretching of sound waves as the source moves closer or farther away from the listener.

2. How does the Doppler effect affect multiple independent sound sources?

The Doppler effect can cause changes in the perceived frequency of sound for multiple independent sources if they are moving relative to the listener. The sound waves from each source will be compressed or stretched depending on their direction of movement, resulting in a change in pitch for each source.

3. Can the Doppler effect be observed in light waves?

Yes, the Doppler effect can be observed in all types of waves, including light waves. This is known as the redshift or blueshift, where the frequency of light is shifted towards the red or blue end of the visible spectrum, respectively, depending on the motion of the source relative to the observer.

4. How does the speed of the sound source affect the Doppler effect?

The speed of the sound source does not directly affect the Doppler effect, as it is primarily dependent on the relative motion between the source and the listener. However, a faster moving source will result in a more pronounced change in perceived frequency compared to a slower moving source.

5. How does the Doppler effect impact everyday situations?

The Doppler effect has many practical applications in everyday life. For example, it is used in weather forecasting to measure the speed and direction of storms, in astronomy to determine the motion of stars and galaxies, and in traffic monitoring to measure the speed of moving vehicles. It also plays a role in the design of musical instruments and sound systems to create certain desired effects.

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