Doppler effect of light problem Please assist

In summary, the conversation discusses the space shuttle service between Earth and Mars, which uses spaceships equipped with two identical lights at the front and rear. The spaceships travel at a constant speed relative to Earth, causing a red wavelength of 600nm to be seen by observers on Earth for a departing ship, and a green wavelength of 500nm for an approaching ship. The question also includes a calculation for the value of u0/c and the frequency of the lights on the spaceship, as well as a follow-up question about the value of u/c for a spaceship accelerating to a new speed.
  • #1
There is a space shuttle service between Earth and mars. Each spaceship is equipped with two identical lgihts one at the frotn and one at the rear. The spaceships travel at constnat speed u0 relative to Earth such that an observer standing on Earth sees the headlights of an approachin ship as green 500nm wavelength while the observer sees taillights of a departing ship from Earth as red with 600 nm wavelength.

What is the value of U0/C ? What is the frequency of the lgith from the either of the lights on a spaceship according to the pilot of that ship?

too ka lot of headracking but i figured

500 = f0 (root(1+B/1-B))

and 600 = f0 (root(1-B)/(1-B))

and B = 1/11 and wavelength is 456nm (not sure about this, since the ship is aproaching then the light approaching Earth would be more higher than what was really emitted fro mteh ship. so is 456 wrong??

part B)
One spaceship accelerates to new speed u relative to Earth such taht one taillight of the spaceship i nfront of it apears green of wavelength 500nm. What's he value of u/c?

this follows from the first part
the answer would be altered by the real frequency of the ship's headlight.

please help...
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  • #2
As you've indicated in your first paragraph, wavelength is measured in nm.
However, frequency is not.

Check your system of equations again.
  • #3
robphy said:
As you've indicated in your first paragraph, wavelength is measured in nm.
However, frequency is not.

Check your system of equations again.

thank you for pointing my typo

can yo help me with the question, however

FAQ: Doppler effect of light problem Please assist

1. What is the Doppler effect of light?

The Doppler effect of light is the change in the observed frequency of light waves due to the relative motion between the source of light and the observer. This phenomenon was first described by Austrian physicist Christian Doppler in 1842.

2. How does the Doppler effect of light work?

The Doppler effect of light works by changing the wavelength and frequency of light waves as the source of light moves towards or away from the observer. If the source is moving towards the observer, the waves are compressed and the frequency appears higher. If the source is moving away, the waves are stretched and the frequency appears lower.

3. What are some examples of the Doppler effect of light?

One example of the Doppler effect of light is the redshift and blueshift of light emitted by stars. As a star moves towards or away from Earth, its light is shifted towards the red or blue end of the spectrum, respectively. This can also be observed in the changing pitch of a siren as a vehicle approaches or passes by.

4. How is the Doppler effect of light different from the Doppler effect of sound?

The main difference between the Doppler effect of light and sound is that light waves travel at a much higher speed than sound waves. This means that the Doppler effect of light is more pronounced and can be observed over longer distances. Additionally, the Doppler effect of light is affected by the relative motion of the source and observer, while the Doppler effect of sound is also influenced by the medium through which the sound travels.

5. What factors can affect the Doppler effect of light?

The Doppler effect of light can be affected by the speed and direction of the source of light, the speed and direction of the observer, and the distance between them. Other factors such as the medium through which the light travels, the refractive index of the medium, and the temperature of the medium can also have a small impact on the Doppler effect of light.
