Doppler shift above speed of sound.

In summary, the observer and source are moving at 0.52 times the speed of sound and the source emits sound waves at 1.2 kHz. When moving towards each other, the observed frequency is -30 kHz and when moving away, the observed frequency is 588.24 Hz. The formula to use in this scenario is f’ = f(v+-vo)/(v+-vs), where v is the speed of sound and the + or - sign is chosen based on the direction of movement.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A source and an observer are each traveling at 0.52 times the speed of sound. The source emits sound waves at 1.2 kHz.

(a) Find the observed frequency (in kHz) if the source and observer are moving toward each other.

(b) Find the observed frequency (in Hz) if the source and observer are moving away from each other.

Homework Equations

frequency observed (fo) = (1 / (1 - (Vsource/Vsound))) * fsource

Change Vsource to negative if moving away from each other.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm assuming we're going with 340 m/s for the speed of sound, but it shouldn't even matter because it'll always be a 1.04 ratio in the equation.

For part (a): Moving toward each other, so we can act like the observer is stationary and the source is moving at him at 1.04 times the speed of sound, 353.6 m/s. Plugging that into the equation and get -30 kHz. I don't know if that's actually incorrect, the negative just scares me.

For part (b): Moving away from each other, so we can act like the observer is stationary and the source is moving away from him at 1.04 times the speed of sound, 353.6 m/s. Plugging that into the equation gets me 588.24 Hz. I don't actually know if that is incorrect though.

Am I doing these correctly? I feel like the standard equation shouldn't really apply above the speed of sound, but what do I know, I'm just in an intro physics class! Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
You should not get a negative frequency. Without calculating, I believe you are close. The actual values of your answers make sense, the frequency should become much higher when they are moving towards each other (picture waves being 'scrunched' together) and the answer should be lower when they are moving away relative to each other (picture waves being 'stretched' out).
  • #3
When both source and sound are moving, you should use this formula:

f’ = f(v+-vo)/(v+-vs), where v is the speed of sound. Choose + or - signs to suit the particular case.

FAQ: Doppler shift above speed of sound.

1. What is Doppler shift above the speed of sound?

Doppler shift above the speed of sound is a phenomenon that occurs when an object is moving towards or away from an observer at a speed faster than the speed of sound. This causes the frequency of the sound waves to change, resulting in a shift in the perceived pitch of the sound.

2. How is Doppler shift above the speed of sound different from regular Doppler shift?

The main difference between Doppler shift above the speed of sound and regular Doppler shift is the speed at which the object is moving. Regular Doppler shift occurs when an object is moving at a speed slower than the speed of sound, while Doppler shift above the speed of sound occurs when an object is moving faster than the speed of sound.

3. What causes Doppler shift above the speed of sound?

Doppler shift above the speed of sound is caused by the compression of sound waves as they travel through the air. When an object is moving faster than the speed of sound, it creates a shock wave in front of it, causing the sound waves to compress and resulting in a change in frequency.

4. How does Doppler shift above the speed of sound affect the sound waves?

Doppler shift above the speed of sound causes the sound waves to compress in front of the moving object and expand behind it. This results in a change in frequency, which can cause the perceived pitch of the sound to change. As the object continues to move, the sound waves will continue to compress and expand, resulting in a continuous change in frequency.

5. Can Doppler shift above the speed of sound be observed in everyday life?

Yes, Doppler shift above the speed of sound can be observed in everyday life. Examples include the sound of a supersonic jet flying overhead, the sound of a race car speeding past, or the sound of a bullet being fired from a gun. In these cases, the sound waves are being compressed and resulting in a change in frequency due to the objects moving faster than the speed of sound.

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