Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion

In summary, the first three minutes is about how astronomers use the Doppler effect to measure the motion of a star. They can measure the star's motion at right angles to the line of sight, or in a direct line along the line of sight, and this technique uses the Doppler effect. If the star is moving away, you will get a Doppler shift. However if the star is moving sideways, there will be no Doppler shift.
  • #1

I'm reading "The First Three Minutes" by Steven Weinberg

And am confused about this paragraph...

"Astronomers are able to measure the motion of a luminous body in a direction directly along the line of sight much more accurately than they can measure its motion at right angles to the line of sight. This technique makes use of the Doppler effect."

Now I did some research and this is what I understand currently

If the star is moving away like in this diagram you get Doppler shift


However if the star moves sideways like this there is no Doppler shift


If my understanding is correct then my question is why does the sideways motion not produce a Doppler shift its still getting further away ?

Thank You
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  • #2
racshot65 said:
If the star is moving away like in this diagram you get Doppler shift

However if the star moves sideways like this there is no Doppler shift
There will still be a Doppler shift due to time dilation (the transverse Doppler shift).

If my understanding is correct then my question is why does the sideways motion not produce a Doppler shift its still getting further away ?
Assuming the motion is exactly sideways to the line of sight, then at that point it's not getting further away.
  • #3
Doc Al said:
Assuming the motion is exactly sideways to the line of sight, then at that point it's not getting further away.

I don't see how this is, consider this example


If the star moves sideways 2cm it gets 0.4cm further away from us ?

What am I not understanding ?

Thanks :)
  • #4
racshot65 said:
I don't see how this is, consider this example


If the star moves sideways 2cm it gets 0.4cm further away from us ?

What am I not understanding ?

Thanks :)
Realize that the star will be gazillions of miles away. It's not going to change its position that drastically any time soon.

At the moment when the star is moving sideways to the line of sight (the first position in your diagram) it has no component of velocity in the radial direction: the instantaneous rate of change of its distance from us is zero. As the star continues to move in a straight line (let's say it does) and reaches some point where it is no longer moving sideways to the line of sight (the second position in your diagram), then it will have a component of velocity in the radial direction.
  • #5
So just to confirm my understanding ...

At the initial moment it starts moving at a right angle to us sideways it has no velocity in that direction, hence it is no further away so there is no Doppler shift

However later on in time it gets further away from its initial position and is no longer moving at a right angle to us so does 'produce' Doppler shift
  • #6
racshot65 said:
At the initial moment it starts moving at a right angle to us sideways it has no velocity in that direction,
It has no velocity component toward or away from us.
hence it is no further away so there is no Doppler shift
Even if the motion is completely sideways there will be a Doppler shift--this is called the transverse Doppler shift and is due to time dilation. (This transverse shift is generally smaller and more difficult to detect.)

However later on in time it gets further away from its initial position and is no longer moving at a right angle to us so does 'produce' Doppler shift
Right. (With the caveat that any motion will produce some kind of shift.)

If you ignore the transverse Doppler shift and only consider the longitudinal Doppler shift, then your understanding is perfectly correct.
  • #7
The transverse Doppler effect is a relativistic phenomenon.
  • #8
netheril96 said:
The transverse Doppler effect is a relativistic phenomenon.
Both the transverse and longitudinal Doppler shifts involve relativity, but the transverse shift is a purely relativistic effect.

FAQ: Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion

What is Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion?

Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion is a phenomenon in which there is a discrepancy between the observed frequency of a wave and the actual frequency of the wave when it is moving at a right angle to the observer. This can occur with any type of wave, but is most commonly associated with sound and light waves.

What causes Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion?

Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion is caused by the relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer. When the source of the wave is moving at a right angle to the observer, the observer will perceive a different frequency than the actual frequency of the wave.

Can Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion be observed in everyday life?

Yes, Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion can be observed in everyday life. For example, when an ambulance with its siren on passes by a stationary observer, the observer will hear a higher frequency than the actual frequency of the siren due to the relative motion between the ambulance and the observer.

How is Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion calculated?

The amount of Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion is calculated using the Doppler effect equation: Δf/f = v/c, where Δf is the difference in frequency, v is the relative velocity between the source and the observer, and c is the speed of the wave in the medium.

What is the difference between Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion and Doppler Shift in the same direction?

Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion is a result of the source and observer moving at a right angle to each other, while Doppler Shift in the same direction occurs when the source and observer are moving in the same direction. In the latter case, the observed frequency will be either higher or lower depending on whether the source is moving towards or away from the observer.

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