Doppler Shift: Same Direction, Same Velocity?

In summary, the Doppler Effect occurs when the velocity of the source and observer differ. The frequency received by the observer is higher when the source is moving towards the observer than when the source is moving away from the observer.
  • #1
a Concept Question.
Is there a Doppler Shift if the source and observer move in the same direction with the same velocity? Explain .

Can someone drop their comments and ideas ..? please and thanks you.
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  • #2
What do YOU think? Forum rules require your input.
  • #3
the question is just liddat.. there is no any values... it is a conceptial question..the question given is just mentioned both of them moving in the same directoin and velocity...
does Doppler Effect occurs ?
  • #4
Sure, but what are your conceptual thoughts?
  • #5
u mean Doppler Effect occurs in the situation ? Can u explain --Why--?
since they have the same values of velocity V, how could the Doppler Effect occur ? the WaveFronts do not overlap, the observer is moving away from the source as well ,as they hv common of velocity.
  • #6
Are you trying to say that the doppler effect involves only the difference in the velocities of the source and observer and since the difference is zero, there is no doppler effect?
  • #7
i dun know... sorry because my english is poor =s
let`s take an example...

Given Values-
Velocity of Sound = 343m/s
Velocity of Source = 10m/s
Velocity of Observer = 10m/s
Frequency = 100Hz

When the Source is moving towards to the direction of Observer at 10m/s, at the same time, the observer is moving away from the Source.

What is the Frequency received by the observer ? Does Doppler Effect occurs? Explain why this happens.

this shld be clearer...
  • #8
I think you know the answer - you are having a hard time expressing it clearly. The difference in velocities of the source and observer is zero. They are not moving towards or away from EACH OTHER. Yes, there is no doppler shift.
  • #9
Let`s see the Formula.. f ' = [(Velocity of Sound + Velocity of Observer ) / ( Velocity of Sound - Velocity of Source)] * Freq of source

that is -
f ' = [(343+10) / (343-10)] * 100
= (353/333)*100
=106 Hz

f' > f
there is doppler shift...
BUT, Why ?
what u say is correct. There is no Doppler Shift.
but after proved by the equation... there is...
  • #10
Sorry, you are right. I was thinking of waves like light that don't travel in a medium. Sound is different. I'm trying to think of a way to explain this case clearly...
  • #11
sorry , u r Right .
f ' = [(343+10) / (343-10)] * 100 --> Wrong
f ' = [(343+10) / (343+10)] * 100 this is the correct one...
finally ... i solved it .. =D
thanx for helping me you !
  • #12
Thanks for clearing that up for me. You had me confused.
  • #13
sry -_- i just remember it.. they are moving in the same direction...
If Source is moving Left... and away from observer... it shld be +10
the observer is "chasing" after the source... so.. it shld be +10 too..
sorry ya..

FAQ: Doppler Shift: Same Direction, Same Velocity?

What is Doppler Shift?

Doppler Shift is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave due to the motion of the source or observer.

What is the difference between "Same Direction" and "Same Velocity" in Doppler Shift?

In "Same Direction" Doppler Shift, the source and observer are moving in the same direction, while in "Same Velocity" Doppler Shift, the source and observer have the same velocity but may be moving in different directions.

How does Doppler Shift affect different types of waves?

Doppler Shift affects all types of waves, including sound waves, light waves, and radio waves. It causes a change in frequency and wavelength, resulting in a shift in the perceived pitch or color of the wave.

What are some real-world applications of Doppler Shift?

Doppler Shift is used in various fields, such as astronomy, meteorology, and medicine. It is used to measure the speed and direction of objects in space, track weather patterns, and diagnose medical conditions.

Can Doppler Shift be observed in everyday life?

Yes, Doppler Shift can be observed in everyday life. A common example is the change in pitch of a siren as an ambulance or fire truck passes by. The pitch increases as the vehicle approaches and decreases as it moves away due to the Doppler Shift.

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