Double Delta function potential well

To plot the bound state energy eigenfunctions, we can use the values of ε obtained from solving the transcendental equation in part b). The eigenfunctions will have the form ψ(x) = A*e^κx + B*e^-κx, where A and B can be determined from the boundary conditions. We can plot the eigenfunctions for different values of go, such as go = 0.1, go = 0.5, and go = 10.d) To determine how the energy of the most tightly bound state varies as L changes, we can use numerical methods to solve the transcendental equation for different values of L. We can then plot the
  • #1
Consider a one-dimensional system described by a particle of mass m in the presence
of a pair of delta function wells of strength Wo > 0 located at x = L, i.e.
V(x) = -Wo (x + L) - Wo(x - L) This is a rough but illuminating toy model of an electron in the presence of two positive.
charges located at x = L.

(a) Derive a transcendental equation for the allowed eigenenergies of any bound states.
Express your result in terms of the dimensionless quantities go = mLWo/hbar^2 and ε = κL where E = -hbar^2*κ^2 / 2m is the (negative) energy of the bound state.

(b) Solve your transcendental equation(s) graphically / numerically to identify all
bound state energy eigenvalues. How many bound states exist? Does the number
depend on go?

(c) Plot all bound state energy eigenfunctions for go = 0.1, go = 0.5 and go = 10.

(d) How does the energy of the most tightly bound state vary as you vary L? Include
a plot (with axes and units labeled) which shows the energy as a function of L.
Note: You do not have to do this analytically; this is most easily done numerically
using Mathematica.

(e) Suppose we place the particle in the lowest energy bound state. Do the two delta
functions want to be close together or far apart? Plot the induced force between
the delta functions as a function of L. Again, best done numerically.

(f) Use the above to suggest a plausible explanation for why H+2
is a stable molecule.

(g) How does the splitting between levels change as you increase the separation between the wells? Why does the 2rd excited state have the same number of nodes inside each well as the 3rd excited state, but not the same number as the 4th?

So I think I did a). I got ε = go(1-e^(-2ε)) and ε = go(1+e^(-2ε)). I'm not suite sure what b) is. I thought it was 2. The thing I'm getting hung up on c) -g) bc I can't use mathematica to its full 'potential' I guess. Help please? How do I proceed.
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  • #2

a) To derive the transcendental equation, we can use the Schrodinger equation:
-Ĥ ψ(x) = E ψ(x)
where Ĥ is the Hamiltonian operator and ψ(x) is the wave function.
In this case, the Hamiltonian is given by:
Ĥ = -ħ^2/2m * d^2/dx^2 + V(x)
Substituting in the potential V(x) given in the problem, we get:
Ĥ = -ħ^2/2m * d^2/dx^2 - Wo (x + L) - Wo(x - L)
Using the boundary conditions that the wave function must be continuous and differentiable at the delta function wells, we can write the wave function as:
ψ(x) = A*e^κx + B*e^-κx for x < -L
ψ(x) = C*e^κx + D*e^-κx for -L < x < L
ψ(x) = E*e^κx + F*e^-κx for x > L
where κ = √(2m(E+Wo)/ħ^2) and A, B, C, D, E, and F are constants that can be determined from the boundary conditions.
Applying the boundary conditions, we get:
ψ(-L) = ψ(L) = 0, which gives A = -D and E = -F
ψ'(-L) = ψ'(L), which gives κ*(A+B) = -κ*(E+F)
Using these conditions and simplifying, we get the transcendental equation:
1 + e^(-2κL) = 2ε/go
where ε = κL and go = mLWo/ħ^2. This is the equation for the allowed energy eigenvalues of the bound states.

b) To solve the transcendental equation, we can use a graphical or numerical approach. Graphically, we can plot the left and right sides of the equation and find the points where they intersect, which will give us the values of ε. Alternatively, we can use a numerical method such as Newton's method to find the roots of the equation.
The number of bound states will depend on the value of go. For small values of go, there will be only one bound state, while for

FAQ: Double Delta function potential well

1. What is a double delta function potential well?

A double delta function potential well is a theoretical model in quantum mechanics that describes the behavior of a particle confined within a region bounded by two infinitely high potential walls. The potential within this region is represented by two delta function potentials, which are mathematical functions that have a spike of infinite height at a specific point. This model is often used to study the behavior of particles in nanoscale systems.

2. How is a double delta function potential well created?

A double delta function potential well can be created by placing two point-like scatterers at specific locations within a system. These scatterers act as the delta function potentials, creating a region of confinement for the particle. This type of potential well can also be created in a laboratory setting using techniques such as laser trapping or electron beam lithography.

3. What are the properties of a particle in a double delta function potential well?

The properties of a particle in a double delta function potential well are determined by the width and depth of the potential well, as well as the distance between the two delta function scatterers. These properties can affect the energy levels and probability distribution of the particle, leading to different behaviors such as tunneling or oscillation within the well.

4. How does a double delta function potential well differ from a single delta function potential well?

In a single delta function potential well, the particle is confined by one delta function potential, whereas in a double delta function potential well, the particle is confined by two such potentials. This results in a more complex energy spectrum and probability distribution for the particle in the double well case.

5. What are the applications of the double delta function potential well model?

The double delta function potential well model has various applications in the study of nanoscale systems, such as in the design of quantum dots and nanoscale electronic devices. It is also used in research on quantum tunneling phenomena and the behavior of particles in confined spaces, which has implications in fields such as materials science and chemistry.
