Double Delta Function Potential

In summary, the conversation discusses finding R and T values for a potential function using the general equations and boundary conditions. It is stated that for scattering states, one can assume plane waves and match boundary conditions. The discontinuity equation is also mentioned, and the speaker asks for confirmation on their calculations.
  • #1
I have

V (x) = [itex]\sqrt{((h-bar ^{2})V_{0})/2m}[/itex] [[itex]\delta(x-a)[/itex]+ [itex]\delta(x+a)[/itex]]

How do I find R and T?

Under what condition is there resonant transmission?
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  • #2
How did you solve the 1 delta function potential? Do something similar here.
  • #3
Matterwave said:
How did you solve the 1 delta function potential? Do something similar here.

well, Yes I have the solution for that but I don't understand it that much. Please help. Thanks
  • #4
So, for the scattering states, you can assume plane waves. You can, for example, have an incident plane wave from the left, and then you can have waves going in both directions in the middle and on the right. And then you would need to match boundary conditions.
  • #5
ok. I got these answers. Are these correct? Someone please tell me.

General Equations

[itex]U_{I}[/itex] = [itex]e^{ikx}[/itex] + R [itex]e^{-ikx}[/itex]

[itex]U_{II}[/itex] = A [itex]e^{ikx}[/itex] + B [itex]e^{-ikx}[/itex]

[itex]U_{III}[/itex] =T [itex]e^{-ikx}[/itex]

Boundary Conditions

if a = 0

[itex]U_{I}[/itex] = [itex]U_{II}[/itex]

1 + R = A + B

[itex]U_{II}[/itex] = [itex]U_{III}[/itex]

A + B = T

discontinuity equation

[itex]U'_{I}[/itex] - [itex]U'_{II}[/itex] = - [itex]\sqrt{\frac{2m V_{o}}{h-bar^{2}}}[/itex] [itex]U_{a}[/itex]

ik (1 - R) - ik (A - B) = - [itex]\sqrt{\frac{2m V_{o}}{h-bar^{2}}}[/itex] R

[itex]U'_{II}[/itex] - [itex]U'_{III}[/itex] = - [itex]\sqrt{\frac{2m V_{o}}{h-bar^{2}}}[/itex][itex]U_{a}[/itex]

ik (A-B) - ikT = - [itex]\sqrt{\frac{2m V_{o}}{h-bar^{2}}}[/itex] T

/// i hope someone can tell me if these are correct so I can continue my calculations. Thanks.

FAQ: Double Delta Function Potential

What is a Double Delta Function Potential?

A Double Delta Function Potential is a mathematical model used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of particles in a confined space. It consists of two delta functions, which are mathematical functions that represent point-like particles, placed at different positions in space.

What is the significance of the Double Delta Function Potential?

The Double Delta Function Potential is often used as a simplified model for more complex potentials in quantum mechanics. It allows for the study of particles in confined spaces, such as atoms and molecules, and can provide insights into their behavior and properties.

How is the Double Delta Function Potential calculated?

The Double Delta Function Potential is calculated using mathematical equations that take into account the positions of the two delta functions and the properties of the particles being studied. These equations are based on the principles of quantum mechanics and involve solving differential equations.

What are the applications of the Double Delta Function Potential?

The Double Delta Function Potential has various applications in quantum mechanics, including studying the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, analyzing the behavior of particles in potential wells, and understanding the properties of quantum systems in confined spaces.

What are the limitations of the Double Delta Function Potential?

While the Double Delta Function Potential is a useful model for studying quantum systems, it has limitations. It does not take into account the effects of external forces or interactions between particles, and it is a simplified representation of more complex potentials. Therefore, it is important to use this model with caution and consider its limitations when interpreting results.
