What is the acceleration of the masses in a double double Atwood machine?

In summary, the double double Atwood machine problem involves multiple Atwood machines, each with their own accelerations. This means that we cannot simply consider the entire setup as a single mass, and must calculate the accelerations and tensions separately for each Atwood machine. This leads to a different acceleration for the center mass compared to what we would get if we treated the two lower Atwood machines as single masses.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is actually a problem I solved but I'm having trouble reconcile the answer with my intuition
(Check the end of the post for my actual question).

The problem:
Find the acceleration of the masses for the double double Atwood machine (see figure)
The masses are from left to right ##m, 4m , 2m, m##.

Homework Equations

Lagrange's equation of motion
##\frac{d}{d t} \frac{\partial L }{\partial \dot q^i} -\frac{\partial L}{\partial q^i} = 0##.

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's the short version of my solution:
##m_1: \; \; T =\frac{m}{2}(\dot x- \dot z)^2, \; \; V = mg(x-z)##
##m_2:\; \; T = 2m(\dot x+ \dot z)^2, \; \; V = -4mg(x+z)##
##m_3: \; \; T =m(\dot z- \dot y)^2, \; \; V = 2mg(z-y)##
##m_4: \; \; T = \frac{m}{2}(\dot y+ \dot z)^2, \; \; V = mg(y+z)##
Inputting this into L.E. we end up with an equation system
##\begin{bmatrix}5 &0 & 3\\ 0 & 3 & -1 \\ 3 & -1 & 8\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\ddot x\\\ddot y\\ \ddot z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}3g\\g\\2g\end{bmatrix}##
This gives ##\ddot x = 6/11g##, ##\ddot y = 4/11g##, ##\ddot z =1/11g##. Which gives the acceleration of ##a_{m_1} = 5/11g, a_{m_2} = -7/11g, a_{m_3} = -3/11g, a_{m_4} = 5/11g##. This is the correct answer according to the book.

My question is about why ##\ddot z = g/11##. Why isn't this the same acceleration as that of a single Atwood machine with masses of ##1m+4m=5m## and ##2m+1m = 3m## i.e. ##a=g\frac{5-3}{5+3} = g/4##. I can't see how the motion of the two other Atwood machine should change anything. When drawing a free body diagram I still see these forces but this doesn't agree with my other solution.


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  • #2
Incand said:

Homework Statement

This is actually a problem I solved but I'm having trouble reconcile the answer with my intuition
(Check the end of the post for my actual question).

The problem:
Find the acceleration of the masses for the double double Atwood machine (see figure)
The masses are from left to right ##m, 4m , 2m, m##.

Homework Equations

Lagrange's equation of motion
##\frac{d}{d t} \frac{\partial L }{\partial \dot q^i} -\frac{\partial L}{\partial q^i} = 0##.

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's the short version of my solution:
##m_1: \; \; T =\frac{m}{2}(\dot x- \dot z)^2, \; \; V = mg(x-z)##
##m_2:\; \; T = 2m(\dot x+ \dot z)^2, \; \; V = -4mg(x+z)##
##m_3: \; \; T =m(\dot z- \dot y)^2, \; \; V = 2mg(z-y)##
##m_4: \; \; T = \frac{m}{2}(\dot y+ \dot z)^2, \; \; V = mg(y+z)##
Inputting this into L.E. we end up with an equation system
##\begin{bmatrix}5 &0 & 3\\ 0 & 3 & -1 \\ 3 & -1 & 8\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\ddot x\\\ddot y\\ \ddot z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}3g\\g\\2g\end{bmatrix}##
This gives ##\ddot x = 6/11g##, ##\ddot y = 4/11g##, ##\ddot z =1/11g##. Which gives the acceleration of ##a_{m_1} = 5/11g, a_{m_2} = -7/11g, a_{m_3} = -3/11g, a_{m_4} = 5/11g##. This is the correct answer according to the book.

My question is about why ##\ddot z = g/11##. Why isn't this the same acceleration as that of a single Atwood machine with masses of ##1m+4m=5m## and ##2m+1m = 3m## i.e. ##a=g\frac{5-3}{5+3} = g/4##. I can't see how the motion of the two other Atwood machine should change anything. When drawing a free body diagram I still see these forces but this doesn't agree with my other solution.
You are thinking of the lower Atwood machines as single masses, which we cannot do.

Let's go back to a simple Atwood machine as an example. Let's say you ask someone to calculate the tension of a string holding the pulley and someone says: obviously, this will simply be (m1+m2)g since there are two masses m1 and m2 hanging from the whole setup. In other words, that person considers the whole Atwood machine as a single mass. But that does not give the correct tension in the string attached to the pulley, right? (unless the two masses are equal, in which case the answer is indeed 2 mg). The reason is the setup contains parts that are accelerating (and have different accelerations). The same explanation applies here, to your double Atwood machine.

Hope this helps.
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  • #3
Thanks, that was a really good explanation! And it gave me some practice trying the single Atwood machine example.

Doing some calculations for a single Atwood machine I found that if the tension in the string is ##T## then the acceleration of each mass must be ##T/m_1-g = g-T/m_2##. It follows that ##T=\frac{2m_1m_2}{m_1+m_2}g##.
The force on the string must then be double this so ##F_1 = 16mg/5## and ##F_2 = 8mg/3## (Using the masses in the original exercise).
But had the Atwood machines instead been point masses they must have had the masses of ##m_L = 16/5m## and ##m_R = 8/3m## and then ##\ddot z = g(16/5-8/3)/(16/5+8/3) = \frac{(8/15)}{(88/15)}g = g/11##.

FAQ: What is the acceleration of the masses in a double double Atwood machine?

What is a Double Double Atwood machine?

A Double Double Atwood machine is a mechanical device made up of two Atwood machines connected together. Each Atwood machine consists of two masses connected by a string, with one mass hanging off a pulley and the other mass on a flat surface. The Double Double Atwood machine has four masses and two pulleys, with the two Atwood machines connected by a string.

What is the purpose of a Double Double Atwood machine?

The purpose of a Double Double Atwood machine is to demonstrate the principles of mechanical advantage and acceleration in a simple and visual way. It is often used in physics classrooms to teach students about forces and motion.

How does a Double Double Atwood machine work?

The Double Double Atwood machine works by utilizing the force of gravity and the principles of double pulleys. As one mass moves down due to the force of gravity, the other mass moves up with the same acceleration. The two masses are connected by a string that passes over two pulleys, allowing the forces to be equal and opposite.

What is the difference between a single Atwood machine and a Double Double Atwood machine?

The main difference between a single Atwood machine and a Double Double Atwood machine is the number of masses and pulleys involved. A single Atwood machine has two masses and one pulley, while a Double Double Atwood machine has four masses and two pulleys. This means that the Double Double Atwood machine has a greater mechanical advantage and can demonstrate a larger range of forces and accelerations.

Why is a Double Double Atwood machine important in science?

A Double Double Atwood machine is important in science because it helps to explain and demonstrate the principles of forces and motion. It allows scientists and students to visualize and understand concepts such as mechanical advantage and acceleration in a hands-on way. It can also be used to conduct experiments and gather data for further analysis and understanding.

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