Double Integral: Find Area of Triangular Vertices

In summary: Providing complete solutions will entice others to simply copy them, which defeats the purpose of providing help.In summary, you are looking for the area of the double integral ∫∫x + y with the triangular vertices (0, 0), (2, 2), and (4, 0). You must first integrate with respect to one variable and then the other, and split the integral into two parts. The resulting values of x and y will depend on the chosen boundaries, so you should try both ways to see that they result in the same value. Remember to make an effort to solve the problem before seeking help, and do not ask for complete solutions.
  • #1
find the area of the double integral ∫∫x + y (is the triangular vertices (0.0) , (2,2) and (4,0)) how to find the values of x and y.
Physics news on
  • #2
haris13 said:
find the area of the double integral ∫∫x + y (is the triangular vertices (0.0) , (2,2) and (4,0)) how to find the values of x and y.
What have you tried? Before we can give you any help, you must have made an effort to solve the problem.

Also, I'm not sure that you understand the problem. I believe that you are to evaluate this integral
[tex]\int \int_R x + y~dA[/tex]
where R is the triangular region with vertices (0, 0), (2, 2), and (4, 0). If so, the integral probably doesn't represent an area, and you are not supposed to solve for x and y.
  • #3
You must first integrate with respect to one variable and then to another. First write the equations of the lines of your triangle (i will do this in terms of x). The range of your x values is 0 to 4. Now, y values range from 0 to y=x from x=0 to x=2, and y values range from 0 to y= 4 - x from x = 2 to x - 4.

The integral over the intire area can be separated into two simple double integrals:

the integral from 0 to 2 of the integral from 0 to X of (x+y), with respect to y, with respect to x


the integral from 2 to 4 of the integral from 0 to (4-x) of (x +y), with respect to y, with respect to x

I'm sorry, still working on getting the symbols and correct boundaries to look nice, ill edit as soon as possible

And yes, you should have made an effort to solve... This wasn't meant to take anything away from the poster above... forgive me, I am new!
  • #4
thanks for your help. I am fairly new at integrals so i was having a hard time. can you please give me the x and y values of both the intergrals of both parts. i still don't know how we arrive at those values. that's my only concern.
  • #5
There are two ways to do this:

1. make your x-bound a numerical interval [a,b], and make the y-bound lines [y1=m1x+b1, y2=m2x+b2]
2. make your y-bound a numerical interval [a,b] and make the x-bound lines, [x1=m1y+b1, x2=m2y+b2]

You should try both ways just to see that they result in the same value.
  • #6
haris13 said:
thanks for your help. I am fairly new at integrals so i was having a hard time. can you please give me the x and y values of both the intergrals of both parts. i still don't know how we arrive at those values. that's my only concern.
What have you tried? Did you read my post #2?

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Related to Double Integral: Find Area of Triangular Vertices

1. What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of calculus operation that involves finding the area under a 3-dimensional surface. It is essentially a combination of two single integrals, where the inner integral represents the integration over the x-axis and the outer integral represents the integration over the y-axis.

2. How do you find the area of triangular vertices using a double integral?

To find the area of triangular vertices using a double integral, you must first set up the integral using the formula "double integral of f(x,y) dA," where f(x,y) is the function representing the surface and dA represents the infinitesimal area element. Then, you must set the limits of integration to correspond with the vertices of the triangle. Finally, solve the integral to find the area.

3. What is the significance of the vertices in finding the area using a double integral?

The vertices of a triangle are important because they determine the limits of integration for the double integral. These limits represent the x and y values at which the surface intersects with the triangle, and thus, are crucial in accurately calculating the area.

4. Can a double integral be used to find the area of any shape?

Yes, a double integral can be used to find the area of any shape as long as the limits of integration are set correctly to correspond with the shape's boundaries. This includes not only triangular shapes, but also more complex shapes such as circles, ellipses, and irregular polygons.

5. Are there any practical applications of using a double integral to find the area of triangular vertices?

Yes, there are many practical applications of using a double integral to find the area of triangular vertices. This concept is commonly used in fields such as engineering, physics, and economics to calculate the volume of objects, flow rates of fluids, and economic measures such as consumer surplus and producer surplus. It is also a fundamental concept in the study of multivariable calculus.

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