Double Integral in Polar Coordinates problem

In summary: The basic idea is that you're integrating something between two surfaces, not between two curves.In summary, integrating the double integral of sin(x^2+y^2) over the region 16<=x^2+y^2<=81 using polar coordinates, with the region becoming 4<=r<=9 and 0<=theta<=2pi. The expression becomes sin(r) r dr dtheta and the answer is ~42.43989. However, the argument of the sin function is r^2, not r, so a new variable t is defined as r^2 and the integral becomes 1/2 * integral of sin(t) dt. The additional r in the integral after converting to polar coordinates is due to
  • #1
I am having trouble with this seemingly easy problem.

Evaluate the double integral (sin(x^2+y^2)) , where the region is 16=<x^2+y^2=<81.

I find the region in polar coordinates to be 4=<r=<9 0=<theta=<2pi
I find the expression to be sin(rcos^2theta+rsin^2theta) r dr dtheta , which is equal to sin(r) r dr dtheta

Is what I have done right? I evaluate the integral, first with respect to r over using 4 and 9, then with respect to theta using 0 and 2pi. The answer I get is ~42.43989 but that is wrong :cry:

any ideas, hints would be greatly appreciated thanks :-p
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  • #2
Ill try using this "tex" to make it more understandable

[tex] \int \int _R sin(x^2+y^2) dA[/tex] where R is the region [tex]16 \leq x^2 + y^2 \leq 81 [/tex]

I transfer to polar coord. and get the region [tex] 4 \leq r \leq 9 [/tex] and [tex] 0 \leq \theta \leq 2pi [/tex] and the integral [tex] \int^{2pi} _0 \int^9 _4 sin(r) r dr d\theta [/tex]

I solve the inner integral using the parts method and get [tex] [-9cos(9)+sin(9)]-[-4cos(4)+sin(4)] [/tex] then i solve the outer integral and get [tex] 2\pi [[-9cos(9)+sin(9)]-[-4cos(4)+sin(4)]]\approx 42.44 [/tex]
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  • #3
DieCommie said:
Ill try using this "tex" to make it more understandable

[tex] \int \int _R sin(x^2+y^2) dA[/tex] where R is the region [tex]16 \leq x^2 + y^2 \leq 81 [/tex]

I transfer to polar coord. and get the region [tex] 4 \leq r \leq 9 [/tex] and [tex] 0 \leq \theta \leq 2pi [/tex] and the integral [tex] \int^{2pi} _0 \int^9 _4 sin(r) r dr d\theta [/tex]

I solve the inner integral using the parts method and get [tex] [-9cos(9)+sin(9)]-[-4cos(4)+sin(4)] [/tex] then i solve the outer integral and get [tex] 2\pi [[-9cos(9)+sin(9)]-[-4cos(4)+sin(4)]]\approx 42.44 [/tex]

The argument of your sin function is r^2, not r.

So you will need to integrate sin(r^2) r dr. Just define a new variable, say, t=r^2. Then r dr = dt/2 so you will integrate [itex] \int r dr sin(r^2) = {1 \over 2} \int sin(t) dt [/itex]...Simple, isn't?

  • #4
yes, very simple thank you.

Something I have been wondering about, that my teacher didnt go into much, is why do we add the extra [tex] r [/tex] in the integral after converting to polar coord.?
  • #5
There are several ways of looking at it.

The geometric idea is that you're doing an area integral... so what is the area of the small region bounded by [itex]r \in [r_0, r_0 + \Delta r_0][/itex] and [itex]\theta \in [\theta_0, \theta_0 + \Delta \theta_0][/itex]?

Algebraically, it's just the chain rule, either via the Jacobian, or via arithmetic with differential forms.
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FAQ: Double Integral in Polar Coordinates problem

1. What is a double integral in polar coordinates?

A double integral in polar coordinates is a type of integral that is used to calculate the area under a curve in a two-dimensional polar coordinate system. It involves integrating over a region in the polar plane using polar coordinates instead of rectangular coordinates.

2. How do you convert a double integral in rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates?

To convert a double integral in rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates, you need to use the Jacobian, which is the determinant of the transformation matrix. The transformation matrix is a 2x2 matrix that relates the rectangular coordinates (x,y) to the polar coordinates (r,θ). The Jacobian is equal to r, so you need to multiply the integrand by r when converting to polar coordinates.

3. What is the difference between a single integral and a double integral in polar coordinates?

A single integral in polar coordinates is used to calculate the area of a region bounded by a curve in the polar plane. A double integral in polar coordinates, on the other hand, is used to calculate the volume of a solid bounded by a surface in three-dimensional polar coordinates.

4. How do you set up a double integral in polar coordinates?

To set up a double integral in polar coordinates, you need to determine the limits of integration for both r and θ. The limits of integration for r will depend on the boundaries of the region in the polar plane, while the limits of integration for θ will depend on the number of times the curve intersects the polar axis. You also need to convert the integrand using the Jacobian before integrating.

5. What are some applications of double integrals in polar coordinates?

Double integrals in polar coordinates are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other sciences to calculate the mass, center of mass, moment of inertia, and other physical quantities of objects with circular or symmetric shapes. They are also used in calculating electric or gravitational fields and in solving problems related to fluid flow and heat transfer in circular or cylindrical systems.

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