Double major: Comp. Sci + Math or Comp. Sci + physics?

In summary: CS, then it might be a good idea to go with a CS+Math degree. However, if you're not interested in a career in CS, then it might not be the best idea to pursue a CS+Math degree. In summary, a CS+Math degree is beneficial if you want to pursue a career in CS, but not if you don't.
  • #1
I know I want to complete a Comp. Sci major, but I'd like to double major either with Math or Physics, out of pure interest. What would be most beneficial for a Comp. Sci major? I'll list the courses I'd be required to take below:

Here are the math courses I'd take:
2 applied math courses
Numerical analysis
Linear algebra and applications
Advanced linear algebra
Diff. Equations
Complex analysis
2 courses in 1 real variable analysis
Topology and multiple real variables analysis
+ 3 more math electives (algebra applications, numbers and structures, more stats courses, "special subjects" such as chaos theory, etc.)
+ 2 physics electives (classical mechanics, E&M, optics, or thermodynamics)

Here are the physics courses:
3 applied math courses
2 classical mechanics courses
Statistical physic
Mathematical physics
3 experimental physics courses (mostly lab work)
2 Quantum mechanics courses
Solid state physics
Introduction to modern physics
Fluids mechanic
Technology news on
  • #2
  • #3
CS+Math or Physics+Math sound like viable double major plans. CS+Physics does not sound like a good idea to me. CS has less overlap thematically and usually (I'm not sure I understand your course list) in terms of courses, with physics than math. Both CS and physics require you to "get" big concepts that can take a lot of time thinking, and both as majors are infamous for piling on out of class coursework. Oh, and both majors are overbooked at many universities. CS+Physics double major sounds to me like it would create a real risk of doing a lot of extra work but still not completing one of the majors (double majors are hard!) CS+Math would be easier to make work.

By the way, don't forget that minors are a thing that exist.
  • #4
Agree that math is SLIGHTLY more beneficial. The reason to go with physics would be if you had an intended field in Computer Science-- like working as a developer for an aeronautics company, or writing robotics controllers or something. Otherwise, math is likely to be slightly better, but not all that much.

Ultimately, advanced math and advanced physics basically have little to do with everyday computer science. They're useful for particular applications of computers, but I would guess 90% of the programming jobs out there, you won't need either.

The only thing you really need is a basic understanding of math and algebra. Derive the index of the array based on a bizarre parameter, or write the "not" condition in a complex "if" clause. Nothing you wouldn't get in the bare minimum requirements for either degree independently.

  • #5
davee123 said:
Agree that math is SLIGHTLY more beneficial. The reason to go with physics would be if you had an intended field in Computer Science-- like working as a developer for an aeronautics company, or writing robotics controllers or something. Otherwise, math is likely to be slightly better, but not all that much.

Ultimately, advanced math and advanced physics basically have little to do with everyday computer science. They're useful for particular applications of computers, but I would guess 90% of the programming jobs out there, you won't need either.

The only thing you really need is a basic understanding of math and algebra. Derive the index of the array based on a bizarre parameter, or write the "not" condition in a complex "if" clause. Nothing you wouldn't get in the bare minimum requirements for either degree independently.

Oh by the way it's not a double major, it's a double degree (I'd end up with 2 B. Sc degrees) if that changes anything.

I understand that it's not "needed", but would it be detrimental? I think I want to take the CS+Math route, and I know I want to find a job related to my CS degree, but I'm very interested by the math. I'd be doing the math degree for "myself", out of interest and curiosity. Wouldn't the math degree also allow me to pursue more advanced fields of CS "easily", such as cryptography, Artifial Intelligence, computer vision, etc.?

I'd have to learn the basic concepts in any of these fields, but would a math degree allow me to learn these things better than someone with a pure CS degree? I was told these areas often require quite a lot of maths and abstraction.
  • #6
tamtam402 said:
I understand that it's not "needed", but would it be detrimental?

There's only so many hours in the day. You will spend more time on one subject at the expense of the other. Not knowing what kind of student you are, it's hard to say if it will be detrimental or not, but logic would seem to say that there will be trade offs.
  • #7
fss said:
There's only so many hours in the day. You will spend more time on one subject at the expense of the other. Not knowing what kind of student you are, it's hard to say if it will be detrimental or not, but logic would seem to say that there will be trade offs.

Well I'll be studying at 2 hours away from home, from my friends, etc. I'm also a bit older since I studied in another field first. I have a drive and focus other students my age don't have, which means I have no problem spending hours on school work.
  • #8
tamtam402 said:
Well I'll be studying at 2 hours away from home, from my friends, etc. I'm also a bit older since I studied in another field first. I have a drive and focus other students my age don't have, which means I have no problem spending hours on school work.

Even dedicated students struggle with two-degree programs, especially in non-trivial fields such as those you've chosen. I think you're underestimating the situation you're getting into, but that's just my opinion.
  • #9
tamtam402 said:
Wouldn't the math degree also allow me to pursue more advanced fields of CS "easily", such as cryptography, Artifial Intelligence, computer vision, etc.?

I could be wrong, but I don't think so. The thing that will get you into advanced fields will be your ability to be awesome. Certainly to the best of my knowledge, the above fields don't require much *advanced* math-- they just require normal math applied in useful ways. Instead, you need to prove that you can write highly efficient algorithms and fast code.

I never took much advanced math, but I believe it generally has to do with dynamic system modeling and advanced probability-- actuarial mathematics being generally one of the fields for people with math degrees. But in those fields, if I'm not mistaken, I think the programmers are the ones receiving their tasks from the people that did the mathematical analysis. IE, it might help you as that programmer to understand where the model came from that you're writing, but probably not all that much.

I think the areas where you might need both degrees might be somewhere buried in academic research, not the "normal" world.

tamtam402 said:
would a math degree allow me to learn these things better than someone with a pure CS degree? I was told these areas often require quite a lot of maths and abstraction.

Possibly by some minuscule amount, but not all that much.

Ultimately, it sounds to me like you're unnecessarily trying to justify your Math/Physics degree by making it appear practical. I don't think it is. An extra degree will take more effort, more money, and more time. And it probably won't help you all that much. BUT! It will allow you to have more options (IE, an alternate job in the math and/or physics world), and it's clearly what you want to do, because it's interesting to you.

I think really, if you're willing to put the time into two fields, it proves that you're ambitious. And if you pull it off, it means you're capable. And in combination, THOSE qualities above all others will help you far more than any education you receive.

  • #10
Not to throw everything off, but do you want to do something physicsy with CS?
I've known tons of people who've made the (post-undergrad / career) switch from physics to CS. Not so much the other way around - I believe it would be far more difficult.

Just some food for thought
  • #11
Not really. I know I'm not going to grad school, I'm too old (I'll start university @ 24 years old). This is why graduating in either physics or math isn't a good choice; the employability with only a BsC in either is very bad. All 3 fields interest me, so I'm not really losing anything by going for CS. I would've liked to pursue a double degree in either Math or Physics simply out of interest, and to allow me to teach myself what I want in either of these fields once I graduate.

I know it might be silly, but I feel like having a strong grasp of either Physics or Math will give me the skill needed to teach myself more of either IF I ever feel like it. I also believe these 2 fields teach a lot of modeling and intellectual abilities that would make me a better software engineer. Even if my employers won't care abot the other degree, that doesn't mean the other degree doesn't increase my skills.
  • #12
tamtam402 said:
I also believe these 2 fields teach a lot of modeling and intellectual abilities that would make me a better software engineer. Even if my employers won't care abot the other degree, that doesn't mean the other degree doesn't increase my skills.

Very true, some of the best Programmers/SysAdmins I've ever known had degrees in physics.
  • #13
tamtam402 said:
Not really. I know I'm not going to grad school, I'm too old (I'll start university @ 24 years old). This is why graduating in either physics or math isn't a good choice; the employability with only a BsC in either is very bad. All 3 fields interest me, so I'm not really losing anything by going for CS. I would've liked to pursue a double degree in either Math or Physics simply out of interest, and to allow me to teach myself what I want in either of these fields once I graduate.

I know it might be silly, but I feel like having a strong grasp of either Physics or Math will give me the skill needed to teach myself more of either IF I ever feel like it. I also believe these 2 fields teach a lot of modeling and intellectual abilities that would make me a better software engineer. Even if my employers won't care abot the other degree, that doesn't mean the other degree doesn't increase my skills.

I'm in almost the exact same situation. I'm a non-traditional student and want to gain skills from the education route I chose, not just take classes. But on the flip side, I want to learn Physics/Math(some) for fun so whatever career I end up in I have some basics out of the way for self study.

CS seems like the safest bet because it's mentioned in a lot of job postings. Although, I would like the option of maybe going to grad school for Physics if things work out nicely. Unfortunately, I can't count on that yet because I'm still an early undergrad. This would be my reason for doing a "fallback" major of CS(or Engineering), and just take some Physics/Math classes along with it. But I also understand that there's only so much time in a day.

Does anyone have any suggestions as how to choose when making decisions like this?

I know my interests would look like 1)Physics 2)Math 3)CS but the job market seems the opposite which is why this could end up being a very difficult decision. Thanks for any help.

P.S. - I can almost guarantee I won't double major but just have significant coursework in whatever I don't major into keep me excited throughout my studies.
  • #14
Well, I too am a Comp sci/math major in my junior year. I will say, I almost have my physics minor, as they do not offer a physics major at my university. If I had the choice though, I would do comp sci/physics. It seems that most people whom study physics have a large base for programming and computer knowledge. As modern physics is highly dependent on computers, or at least for humans to continue research. Math is quite fun, but if I could have it my way, I would go with physics instead of Math. However, I am going to get my MS in math/CS and then apply to a PhD program for physics when I am done with that.

Related to Double major: Comp. Sci + Math or Comp. Sci + physics?

1. Can I double major in Computer Science and Math/Physics?

Yes, many universities offer the option to double major in Computer Science and either Math or Physics. You will need to check with your specific university to see if they offer this option and what the requirements are.

2. What are the benefits of double majoring in Computer Science and Math/Physics?

Double majoring in Computer Science and Math/Physics can give you a well-rounded education and provide you with a strong foundation in both technical and analytical skills. This combination of majors can also open up a wider range of career opportunities in industries such as technology, finance, and research.

3. Is it more difficult to double major in Computer Science and Math/Physics?

Double majoring in any two subjects can be challenging because it requires taking a larger course load and balancing the requirements for both majors. However, if you have a strong interest and aptitude in both subjects, it can be a rewarding and manageable experience.

4. Can I complete a double major in four years?

It is possible to complete a double major in four years, but it may require careful planning and a heavy course load. Some universities also offer accelerated programs for students who want to complete a double major in a shorter amount of time.

5. Can I switch one of my majors to a minor?

It depends on the requirements of your specific university and the majors you are considering. Some universities may allow you to switch one of your majors to a minor, while others may not. It is important to speak with an academic advisor to understand the policies and options available to you.

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