Double-Slit Experiment and Michelson Interferometer

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that single photons only interfere with themselves in the double-slit experiment, and questions whether this applies to Michelson interferometer experiments. The possibility of an interference pattern in a Michelson interferometer with unequal arm lengths is also brought up. It is suggested that timing the photon arrivals would reveal which path the photon took and destroy the interference pattern.
  • #1
If, in the double-slit experiment, individual photons only interfere with themselves, as apparently happens when the stream of photons is slowed down to "one at a time", does the same rule or phenomenon apply to the various Michelson interferometer experiments?

I think it was in Dirac’s writing that I first noticed the assertion or statement that single photons only interfere with themselves in the double-slit experiment. And I am not sure exactly how much time must elapse between photons to qualify for the "one at a time" condition.

But if we accept this, then how can one get an interference pattern in a Michelson interferometer, where the orthogonal arms are probably not the same length to within a wavelength of the light? In particular, the two arm lengths are deliberately and significantly different in the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment.

Any illumination on this subject is appreciated.

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  • #2
Interference works the same whether you use a Michelson interferometer or a double slit. If the arms are unequal length, you'd better not time the photon arrivals, for this would reveal which path the photon took and destroy the interference pattern.

Related to Double-Slit Experiment and Michelson Interferometer

1. What is the "Double-Slit Experiment" and why is it significant in science?

The Double-Slit Experiment is a classic experiment in physics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light. It involves shining a beam of light through two parallel slits and observing the interference pattern that is created on a screen behind the slits. This experiment is significant because it provides evidence that light behaves as both a wave and a particle, challenging the traditional understanding of light as solely a wave or a particle.

2. How does the "Double-Slit Experiment" relate to quantum mechanics?

The Double-Slit Experiment is a fundamental experiment in quantum mechanics. It highlights the concept of superposition, which states that a particle can exist in multiple states at the same time until it is observed. This experiment also demonstrates the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, as the interference pattern is created by the probability of the particle passing through each slit.

3. What is a "Michelson Interferometer" and how does it work?

A Michelson Interferometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the interference of light waves. It consists of a beam splitter, two mirrors, and a detector. The beam splitter splits a beam of light into two paths, with one path being reflected by one mirror and the other path being reflected by the other mirror. The two paths then recombine, and the resulting interference pattern is detected by the detector.

4. What are the applications of the "Michelson Interferometer"?

The Michelson Interferometer has many applications in science and technology. It is commonly used in optical metrology to measure distances and small displacements. It is also used in astronomy to measure the size of stars and to detect exoplanets. In addition, the Michelson Interferometer is used in telecommunications for precise measurements of fiber optic cables.

5. How does the "Double-Slit Experiment" and the "Michelson Interferometer" support the understanding of light?

The Double-Slit Experiment and the Michelson Interferometer both provide evidence for the wave-particle duality of light. They also demonstrate the probabilistic nature of light and how it can be manipulated and measured using interference. These experiments have greatly contributed to the understanding of light and have paved the way for further developments in quantum mechanics and optics.

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