Double slit experiment IN TIME

In summary, the double slit experiment has been performed in a new way where the slits are not in space, but in time. This is done by using a very short laser pulse with two positive peaks and one negative peak of an electric field. The equipment used and related talks can be found on the link provided, including a talk by Paulus. Diffraction in time domain is possible due to the fast spreading of matter wave-packets, resulting in a finite probability of finding a particle at a point distance d away in a time different from d/v, where v is the speed of the particle. This effect is absent in classical wave-equations for light.
  • #1
Double slit experiment IN TIME !

The famous double slit experiment performed in another way ... The slits are not in space but in time : two positive peaks and one negative peak of an electric field contained in a very short laser pulse...

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Physics news on
  • #2
marlon said:
The famous double slit experiment performed in another way ... The slits are not in space but in time : two positive peaks and one negative peak of an electric field contained in a very short laser pulse...


I was looking at this. There are several related talks on video in the link
below about the equipment used, very interesting!

especially the talk of Paulus here:

(Uses the Realplayer plug-in which you can download for free)

Regards, Hans
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  • #3
There was a discussion on this a few months back in the thread 'Interference in time' in the 'theory development' forum.I am including here something that I wrote in one of my posts there:-

Diffraction in time domain is possible in the following sense---you have a screen blocking a matter wave which is suddenly removed(constituting an edge in time).Then there is a finite probability of finding the particle at a point distance d away in a time different from d/v,where v is the speed of the particle.In fact such a calculation has been done(see Phys. Rev. A,? & Zeilinger,3804-3824,1997)--the basic reason is fast spreading of matter wave-packets due to the presence of high momentum (Fourier)components (constituting the (sharp) wavepacket)--so the probability density reaches out faster than the speed of the particle.Such an effect is absent in the case of classical wave-equation(light) as there is no dispersion in free space.

  • #4
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FAQ: Double slit experiment IN TIME

What is the Double Slit Experiment in Time?

The Double Slit Experiment in Time is a variation of the classic double slit experiment in quantum mechanics, where instead of measuring the position of a particle, the experiment measures the time at which the particle passes through the slits. This allows for the observation of the wave-like behavior of particles over time.

How does the Double Slit Experiment in Time work?

The experiment involves a source of particles, such as photons, being fired towards a barrier with two narrow slits. On the other side of the barrier, a detector measures the time at which the particles pass through the slits. The results of this experiment show that particles exhibit interference patterns over time, similar to how they exhibit interference patterns when their position is measured.

What is the significance of the Double Slit Experiment in Time?

The Double Slit Experiment in Time provides evidence for the wave-particle duality of particles. It shows that particles can behave as both waves and particles, and that their behavior can be influenced by the act of measurement. This experiment also challenges our traditional understanding of time as a linear concept and suggests that time may be more complex and interconnected than we previously thought.

What are the real-world applications of the Double Slit Experiment in Time?

The Double Slit Experiment in Time has implications for the development of quantum technologies, such as quantum computers and quantum communication. It also has potential applications in fields such as cryptography, where the wave-like behavior of particles over time can be used to create secure and unbreakable codes.

Are there any limitations to the Double Slit Experiment in Time?

Like the classic double slit experiment, the Double Slit Experiment in Time also has limitations. It is difficult to perform on a large scale and requires precise and controlled conditions. Additionally, the interpretation of the results can be complex and may differ among scientists. However, continued research and advancements in technology may help to overcome these limitations and increase our understanding of this phenomenon.

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