Double Slit Experiment with Interference Patterns

In summary: In the simplified version, there are two detectors, and each one can measure one of two outcomes: up or down. If you measure up, that's because you've erased the information about down. If you measure down, that's because you've erased the information about up.
  • #1
Gold Member
If you take the normal double slit experiment but shine light on one of the slits so that it's possible to tell which slit each electron went through (by detecting scattered photons) then the "fringes" disappear amd you get constant light. If before the scattered photons hit the photon detector -but after the electrons hit the screen- the information they hold is destroyed (but passing them through a lense for example) then the fringes "should" reappear because now there's no way to tell which slit they passed through but there's no visible (or measurable) difference because there're now two fringe patterens (where one is shifted a little from the other) which can no longer be tild apart. (Is that right so far)
My question is, why are there two fringe patterens? I understand why there's one in the middle (by middle I mean one who has a fringe in in the middle of the screen which is the kind of pattern you see in the standerd experiment) by where did the shifted one come from?
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  • #2
Not sure I follow exactly, but I'd say it comes from the lense you used to erase the photon's information.. if your measurement truly erases the information, you'll probably find the measurement does still have two outcomes (they're just perpendicular to the question of "which slit"). To distinguish the two sets of fringes, you need to distinguish those perpendicular measurments. It kindof makes sense, since otherwise you could try to fool causality (trying to measure the electrons before deciding whether to erase the which-path information), but this way you need to use the result of the erasure measurement as a token (or receipt, to prove to the universe that you've paid the price and destroyed the path information) to get back a path-interference pattern. If you then study the erasure measurement, you'll see the results correspond to a possible phase difference between the possible photon paths through each slit, and when the phase difference occurs it offsets the pattern.
  • #3
cesiumfrog said:
if your measurement truly erases the information, you'll probably find the measurement does still have two outcomes (they're just perpendicular to the question of "which slit").
Could you explain that please? I think that that's exactly what I don't understand.
  • #4
Kindof like in the Stern-Gerlach (sp?) experiment, you can measure spin "up" or "down". Or you can rotate the whole apparatus, and measure "left" or "right". If you measure left/right, you have erased the up/down information. Although you do know something, since left & right can presumably be written as two (different!) superpositions of up & down.

I assume you're studying the delayed choice quantum erasor, so study closely the apparatus in the original paper (all five detectors).

FAQ: Double Slit Experiment with Interference Patterns

1. What is the Double Slit Experiment with Interference Patterns?

The Double Slit Experiment with Interference Patterns is a classic experiment in physics that demonstrates the wave-like behavior of particles, such as electrons or photons. It involves a light source, two slits, and a screen, and when particles are passed through the slits, they create an interference pattern on the screen, indicating that they behave like waves.

2. How does the Double Slit Experiment work?

In the Double Slit Experiment, particles are passed through two narrow slits and then projected onto a screen. When particles pass through the slits, they create a diffraction pattern, where the waves overlap and interfere with each other. This results in a pattern of light and dark bands on the screen, indicating the wave-like behavior of particles.

3. What is the significance of the Double Slit Experiment?

The Double Slit Experiment is significant because it provides evidence for the wave-particle duality theory, which states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. It also demonstrates the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and has implications for our understanding of the nature of reality.

4. Can the Double Slit Experiment be performed with any type of particle?

Yes, the Double Slit Experiment can be performed with any type of particle, including electrons, photons, and even large molecules. However, the size and mass of the particles can affect the results, as larger particles tend to behave more like classical particles and do not create as clear interference patterns.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Double Slit Experiment?

The Double Slit Experiment has many real-world applications, including in the development of technologies such as electron microscopes and quantum computing. It also has implications for understanding the behavior of light, which is important in fields such as telecommunications and astronomy. Additionally, the principles of the Double Slit Experiment have been used in various industries, such as oil exploration and film production, to analyze interference patterns and make accurate measurements.
