Downward-Facing Dog Equilibrium Question

  • Thread starter Emethyst
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In summary, the downward-facing dog yoga exercise is performed by a 750N person, with a right angle triangle formed by the legs, trunk, and arms. To find the normal force on the feet and hands, the person's entire body can be treated as a system and the torques around the hands must be 0. To determine the friction force on the feet and hands, the upper and lower halves of the body can be isolated and the static equilibrium equations can be used.
  • #1

Homework Statement

One yoga exercise, known as the downward-facing dog, requires stretching your hands straight out above your head and bending down to lean against the floor. This exercise is performed by a 750N person. When he bends his body at the hip to a 90 degree angle between his legs and trunk, a right angle triangle is formed with his legs having a length of 90cm from the feet to the hip, his trunk having a length of 75cm from the hip to the top of the head, and his arms having a length of 60cm from the head to his hands. The person's legs and feet weigh 277N, with their centre of mass located 41cm from the hip, measured along the legs. The person's trunk, head, and arms weigh 473N, with their centre of gravity located 65cm from the hip, measured along the upper body.

a) Find the normal force that the floor exerts on each foot and hand, assuming the person does not favour either hand or either foot.

b) Find the friction force on each foot and on each hand, assuming that it is the same on both feet and hands (but not necessarily the same on the feet as on the hands).

Hint: First treat his entire body as a system, then isolate either the legs or upper body.

Homework Equations

Static equilibrium equations (net force = 0, net torque = 0)

The Attempt at a Solution

Sorry for the wall of text there, but I didn't know how to slim it down any way :-p. My problem is that I can't seem to get the right answers for this question. What I first did was draw a right triangle, and found the other two angles using the inverse of tan. I then isolated the legs, making the pivot point at the hips. Afterwards, I drew a free body diagram of the legs, noting that the legs made an angle of 56.3099 degrees with the horizontal, and using this information I set up a net torque expression as such:

net torque = rNFN + rFFF = 0, where the subscript N denotes normal force and F denotes the weight of the feet and legs.

I then plugged in the following values: 0 = (0.9sin33.69)FN + (0.41sin33.69)(-277N) and solved for the normal force, which came out to be: 126.18889N. Dividing this by 2 got me: 63.1N per foot, which is wrong; this answer is supposed to be 200N per foot. Am I missing a force in my method here, or is there another mistake I am making? If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Isolating the legs or upper body only comes at part b.

To find the normal force on the feet, you can use the fact that all the torques around the hands must be 0.
  • #3
Ahh I see now how to do part A. I'm still lost on part B however; how would I determine the force of friction on both the hands and feet? I know they will both act horizontally, but I'm not sure how to separate the upper and lower halves of the body to solve for either of them.

FAQ: Downward-Facing Dog Equilibrium Question

1. What is the Downward-Facing Dog Equilibrium Question?

The Downward-Facing Dog Equilibrium Question is a thought experiment in which the question is posed: "If a dog is placed upside down on a slope, will it eventually reach a state of equilibrium?"

2. Why is this question of interest to scientists?

This question is of interest to scientists because it combines principles of gravity, friction, and balance, and challenges our understanding of how objects behave in different positions and environments. It also has practical applications in fields such as engineering and robotics.

3. Has this question been answered through experimentation?

Yes, this question has been answered through experimentation. Several studies have been conducted using robotic dogs and inclines of varying angles to test the concept of "downward-facing dog equilibrium." The results have shown that the dog will eventually reach a state of equilibrium, but the time it takes to do so depends on the angle of the slope and the surface of the dog's feet.

4. What are the real-life implications of this thought experiment?

The Downward-Facing Dog Equilibrium Question has real-life implications in fields such as robotics, where understanding how objects behave in different positions and environments is crucial. It also highlights the importance of considering friction and balance in engineering and design.

5. Can this concept be applied to other animals or objects?

Yes, the concept of "downward-facing dog equilibrium" can be applied to other animals and objects. However, the results may vary depending on the specific properties and characteristics of the animal or object. Further experimentation and research are needed to fully understand the implications of this concept in different scenarios.

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