Drag Race Christmas Tree Design

In summary, the conversation is about developing a state machine chart for a Christmas Tree lighting system used in drag racing. The system has inputs such as a start button, reset button, and start line sensors, and outputs including red, yellow, and green lights, and fault lights. The lights turn on and off sequentially when the start button is pushed, and if the start line sensors are activated before the green light, the system waits for a reset signal. The conversation also includes a request for help in creating the state machine chart for this design.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement
Question Details:
A "Christmas Tree lighting system is used to start a drag race. The inputs to the system include a start button, a reset button, and two start line sensors. The outputs include lines for Red, Yellow, and Green lights and two Fault lights. When the operator pushes the start button, the red, yellow, and green lights turn on and then off sequentially in equal time increments. If one (or both) of the start line sensors is activated before the green lights comes on, the corresponding fault light is energized, the red, yellow and green lights go off and the system waits for a reset signal. If there is a good start, the green light remains on until the reset button is pressed.

I need help in developing a SM (State Machine) chart for this design.

Here's what I got. I'm pretty sure that it's incorrect though.
SB = Start Button
R = Reset Button
F1 = Start Line Sensor 1
F2 = Start Line Sensor 2

Rd = Red Light
Ye = Yellow Light
Gr = Green Light
FL1 = Fault Light 1
FL2 = Fault Light 2

I have attached the picture of my SM Chart that I created.


  • SMC.bmp
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  • #2
Does anyone have a clue on how to do this?
I really would appreciate the help. Thanks
  • #3

I would like to suggest a few improvements to the proposed state machine chart for the Drag Race Christmas Tree Design.

Firstly, the inputs and outputs should be clearly defined and labeled in the chart. This will make it easier to understand and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the operation of the system.

Secondly, it is important to clearly define the initial state of the system. In this case, it would be the "Idle" state where none of the lights are on and the system is waiting for a start signal.

Thirdly, the "Start" state should be divided into two separate states - "Start Lights On" and "Start Lights Off". This will ensure that the lights turn on and off sequentially in equal time increments as specified in the question.

Fourthly, the "Fault" state should be divided into two separate states - "Fault 1" and "Fault 2". This will make it easier to identify which start line sensor has been activated and which fault light should be energized.

Lastly, it would be helpful to include a "Reset" state in the chart. This will ensure that the system returns to the initial state after a reset signal is received.

Based on these suggestions, the revised state machine chart for the Drag Race Christmas Tree Design could look something like this:

SB = Start Button
R = Reset Button
F1 = Start Line Sensor 1
F2 = Start Line Sensor 2

Rd = Red Light
Ye = Yellow Light
Gr = Green Light
FL1 = Fault Light 1
FL2 = Fault Light 2

Idle - initial state
Start Lights On - all lights turn on sequentially
Start Lights Off - all lights turn off
Good Start - green light remains on until reset signal is received
Fault 1 - start line sensor 1 is activated
Fault 2 - start line sensor 2 is activated
Reset - system returns to initial state

I hope this revised state machine chart helps in the design of the Drag Race Christmas Tree. It is always important to carefully consider all inputs, outputs, and states in order to create an efficient and effective system. Good luck!

Related to Drag Race Christmas Tree Design

What is a "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design"?

A "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design" is a type of starting light system used in drag racing. It consists of a set of lights arranged in a vertical column, with the top light being green, the middle light being yellow, and the bottom light being red. It is used to signal the start of a race and is often referred to as a "Christmas Tree" due to its appearance.

How does a "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design" work?

When the race is about to start, the top green light will turn on, indicating that the race is about to begin. Once the green light is lit, the racers can start to move forward. The yellow light will then turn on, signaling that the race is about to start. Once the yellow light goes off, the race officially begins. The red light at the bottom will remain on until the race is over, indicating that it is not safe to cross the finish line.

Why is a "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design" important in drag racing?

A "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design" is important in drag racing because it ensures fair and consistent starts for all racers. It also helps to prevent false starts and accidents by providing a clear and standardized signal for the start of the race. Additionally, the design adds an element of excitement and anticipation for both racers and spectators.

How has the "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design" evolved over time?

The "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design" has evolved significantly over time. In the past, it was controlled manually by a person who would turn on the lights using a switch. Today, it is fully automated and uses electronic timers to control the lights. It has also become more advanced with the addition of features such as adjustable delay boxes and LED lights for improved visibility.

Are there any rules or regulations regarding the "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design"?

Yes, there are rules and regulations set by racing organizations regarding the "Drag Race Christmas Tree Design". These rules dictate the specifications of the lights, the timing of the lights, and any additional features that may be allowed. It is important for racers to follow these rules to ensure fair competition and safety on the track.

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