Drawing and meshing involute bevel gears in CAD

In summary, the conversation discusses the need to draw a set of bevel gears for 3D printing and the difficulty in finding straightforward information on how to correctly mesh the gear teeth. The conversation also provides old code for generating an involute spur gear and recommends using FreeBASIC to extract the necessary parts for creating the gear. Attached files and specific questions are also suggested for further assistance.
  • #1
Hello, I urgently need to be able to draw a set of bevel gears for 3d printing. The gears I am currently drawing intersect that is their teeth are penetrating each other when the gear turns.

Currently using http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Bevel-Gear-Calculator.phtml to find the numbers, However I cannot seem to find any straightforward information on how to draw correctly meshing teeth.

Is there some involute bevel gear tutorial or text out there, which I can use to create a real CAD drawing of actually meshing involute gear teeth?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Try these attached files. Ask more specific questions if you want more.


  • Explicit Solution of Inverse Involute Function for Gear Tooth Geometry Calculations.pdf
    751.9 KB · Views: 1,003
  • Gear Drawing with Bezier Curves.pdf
    536.5 KB · Views: 1,536
  • #3
Here is some old code written in FreeBASIC, (very similar to MS VB). You can download FB for free.
It will generate the involute profile needed when given fundamental parameters.
Extract the parts you need to generate your gear.
' Generate an involute spur gear from an ideal rack or hob.
' only the general situation without correction of undercut is modeled
Dim As Double MM = 3.5  ' MM = 25.4 / DP
Dim As Double PA = 20.  ' pressure angle in degrees
Dim As Integer n = 57 '19.  ' number of teeth

Const As Double Pi = 4 * Atn(1)
Const As Double DtoR = Atn(1) / 45
Dim As Double PD = n * MM  ' pitch diameter
Dim As Double BD = PD * Cos(PA * DtoR)  ' base diameter
Dim As Double ad =  1.00 * MM  ' addendum
Dim As Double dd =  1.25 * MM  ' dedendum
Dim As Double OD = PD + 2.00 * MM  ' outside diameter
Dim As Double RD = PD - 2.50 * MM  ' root diameter
Dim As Double CP = Pi * PD / n  ' circular pitch
Dim As Double min = 2/Sin(PA*DtoR)^2  ' minimum n without undercut
Dim As Double BL = 0.04 * MM  ' recommended backlash

Print Using "  ##.## metric module"  ; MM
Print Using "  ####.# pressure angle in degrees"; PA
Print Using "  ##### number of teeth"  ; n
Print Using "####.### pitch diameter"  ; PD
Print Using "####.### base diameter"  ; BD
Print Using "####.### addendum"  ; ad
Print Using "####.### dedendum"  ; dd
Print Using "####.### outside diameter" ; OD
Print Using "####.### root diameter"  ; RD
Print Using "####.### circular pitch"  ; CP
Print Using "####.### undercut limit"  ; min
Print Using "####.### backlash"  ; BL  ' half to each gear ?
If min > n Then Print " WARNING: generated teeth will be undercut. "

Dim As Double Rp = PD * 0.5  ' pitch radius
Dim As Double Ra = OD * 0.5  ' outer tip radius, Rp + addendum
Dim As Double Rb = BD * 0.5  ' base radius
Dim As Double Rr = RD * 0.5  ' root radius

' find gamma of the pitch point
Dim As Double t = Sqr(Rp*Rp - Rb*Rb) / Rb  ' pitch point parametric value
Dim As Double ux = Cos(t)
Dim As Double uy = Sin(t)
Dim As Double px = Rb * ( ux + t * uy )
Dim As Double py = Rb * ( uy - t * ux )
print using "gamma for pitch point is##.### "; Atn(py/px) / DtoR
print using "pitch point  x=###.###  y=###.###";  px; py
' Circle(px, py), .27, 13,,,,F
dim as double tooth = 2 * Pi / n
print using "Each tooth is###.### degrees"; tooth * 180 / Pi
for r as double = Rb to Ra + 1e-6 step (Ra - Rb) / 15  ' n+1 points
  Dim As Double t = Sqr(r*r - Rb*Rb) / Rb
  Dim As Double ux = Cos(t)
  Dim As Double uy = Sin(t)
  Dim As Double px = Rb * ( ux + t * uy )
  Dim As Double py = Rb * ( uy - t * ux )
  print px, py
next r

Screenres 1000, 1000, 4
' Window (0.4*Ra, -Ra/2) - (1.2*Ra, Ra/2)
Window (0.4*Ra, -Ra/4) - (1.2*Ra, Ra/4)
Line (-2, 0)-(Ra, 0), 6
Line ( 0,-2)-( 0, 2), 6

' Line ( Ra,-3)-( Ra, 3), 6
'Circle (0,0), Ra, 6
'Circle (0,0), Rp, 6
'Circle (0,0), Rb, 6
'Circle (0,0), Rr, 6

' draw all reference circles
For t As Double = 0 To 2 * Pi Step Pi * .01 / Ra
  Dim As Double ux = Cos(t)
  Dim As Double uy = Sin(t)
  Pset ( Rr*ux, Rr*uy), 7
  Pset ( Rp*ux, Rp*uy), 7
  Pset ( Rb*ux, Rb*uy), 7
  Pset ( Ra*ux, Ra*uy), 7
Next t

Draw String (Rr, 0.2), " Root" , 7
Draw String (Rb, -.1), " Base" , 7
Draw String (Rp, 0.2), " Pitch", 7
Draw String (Ra, -.1), " Tip"  , 7

' draw the tooth profile
' x = Rb * Cos(a) + a * Sin(a)
' y = Rb * Sin(a) - a * Cos(a)
Dim As Integer k = 14
Dim As Double Ta = Sqr(Ra*Ra - Rb*Rb) / Rb  ' T at involute crossing addendum
Dim As Double Tp = Sqr(Rp*Rp - Rb*Rb) / Rb  ' T at pitch point on involute
For t As Double = 0 To Ta Step .001  ' t is the parametric variable
  Dim As Double ux = Cos(t)
  Dim As Double uy = Sin(t)
  Dim As Double px = Rb * ( ux + t * uy )
  Dim As Double py = Rb * ( uy - t * ux )
  If t > Tp Then k = 13
  Pset(px, py), k
Next t

pset (Rb, 0), 0
for r as double = Rb to Ra + 1e-6 step (Ra - Rb) / 15  ' n+1 points
  Dim As Double t = Sqr(r*r - Rb*Rb) / Rb
  Dim As Double ux = Cos(t)
  Dim As Double uy = Sin(t)
  Dim As Double px = Rb * ( ux + t * uy )
  Dim As Double py = Rb * ( uy - t * ux )
  line -(px, py), 15
  Circle(px, py), .07, 13,,,,F
next r

  • #4
Baluncore said:
Try these attached files. Ask more specific questions if you want more.

Okay thank you for that info, that's a lot about involute profiles. But say I have a bevel and spur gear with the same teeth ratio, teeth numbers and gear width etc , will I be using the same profile/involute equation for bevel gears and spur gears? that is can this be applied to bevel gear teeth
  • #5
Jarfi said:
that is can this be applied to bevel gear teeth
Yes. Spur gears are cylindrical, bevel gears are conical. The projected apex of two meshed conical gears coincide. Lines drawn from the common apex point to a spur gear involute profile define the surface of a bevel gear.
  • #7
@ Jarfi.
Are your bevel gears cut straight, spiral, skew or hypoid?
What is the angle between the two bevel gear shafts?
What is the gear tooth count ratio?
  • #8
Baluncore said:
Are your bevel gears cut straight, spiral, skew or hypoid?
What is the angle between the two bevel gear shafts?
What is the gear tooth count ratio?

It's a straight bevel gear, 90° angle. Gear tooth ratio is large, maybe 1:10. Pinion is 1.6cm and bevel 16cm diameter with a standard 20° Pressure angle.
  • #9
Attached are four pages from "Dudley's Gear Handbook", 2'nd Edn, by D.P.Townsend.


  • Page 2.37.png
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  • Page 2.38.png
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  • Page 2.39.png
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  • #10
Baluncore said:
Attached are four pages from "Dudley's Gear Handbook", 2'nd Edn, by D.P.Townsend.

That's a lot of information, saved if I'm getting serious

Just did some research anyways and it seems that Autocad has a gear development tool, which will create the teeth curves for bevel gears and calculate everything from max power to max RPM. Managed to make meshing internal spur gears with it which was nice, you can even choose the backlash in mm, insane.

Related to Drawing and meshing involute bevel gears in CAD

What is an involute bevel gear?

An involute bevel gear is a type of gear used in machinery to transmit power between two intersecting shafts at a specific angle. It has a curved tooth profile that allows for smooth and efficient rotation without slippage.

Why is it important to draw and mesh involute bevel gears in CAD?

Drawing and meshing involute bevel gears in CAD allows for accurate and precise design of the gear teeth, ensuring proper meshing and functioning of the gears in a real-life application. It also allows for easy modification and testing of different gear designs.

What factors should be considered when drawing and meshing involute bevel gears in CAD?

Some important factors to consider include the gear ratio, number of teeth, pressure angle, and pitch diameter. It is also crucial to ensure proper clearance and alignment between the gears to avoid any potential issues during operation.

How can CAD software assist in drawing and meshing involute bevel gears?

CAD software has specialized tools and features specifically designed for drawing and meshing gears. These tools allow for precise and efficient creation of the gear tooth profile, as well as easy adjustment and modification of gear parameters. The software also provides simulations and analysis tools to test the functionality and performance of the gear design.

Are there any limitations to drawing and meshing involute bevel gears in CAD?

While CAD software is a powerful tool for designing gears, it is important to note that it is still a simulation and may not accurately represent the real-life performance of the gears. Factors such as material properties, manufacturing processes, and external forces may affect the actual performance of the gears. Therefore, it is essential to validate the design through physical testing before implementation.

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