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How can I get Tikz to produce this, tanx = 1/x, graph from [0,10\pi]?
Evgeny.Makarov said:What do you mean by a graph of an equation? Do you want to draw the graphs of tan(x) and 1/x on that interval? See section 19.5 of the manual for v. 2.10. I am not sure how tan(x) would behave across the vertical asymptotes. It may be necessary to draw it on each interval $(-\pi/2+k\pi,\pi/2+k\pi)$ separately using the foreach command. You may need to reduce each interval or use the clip command to limit the graph vertically
Use Desmos! (Click on the graph to enlarge it.)dwsmith said:How can I get Tikz to produce this, tanx = 1/x, graph from [0,10\pi]?
Opalg said:
\draw[->] (-\npi/2,0) -- ({(\periods+.5)*\npi},0) node[below] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-10) -- (0,10) node[left] {$y$};
\clip (-\npi/2,-9.8) rectangle ({(\periods+.5)*\npi},9.8);
\draw[thick,domain=0.05:{(\periods+.4)*\npi},samples=300,smooth] plot (\x,1/\x);
\foreach \n in {0,...,4}
\draw[thick,shift={(\npi*\n,0)},domain=-\npi/2+.1:\npi/2-.1,samples=100,smooth] plot (\x,{tan(\x r)});
Is there a command to tell it to label every pi/2 on the graph?Evgeny.Makarov said:Code:\usetikzlibrary{arrows} \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',x=.5cm,y=.5cm] \def\npi{3.1416} \def\periods{4} \draw[->] (-\npi/2,0) -- ({(\periods+.5)*\npi},0) node[below] {$x$}; \draw[->] (0,-10) -- (0,10) node[left] {$y$}; \clip (-\npi/2,-9.8) rectangle ({(\periods+.5)*\npi},9.8); \draw[thick,domain=0.05:{(\periods+.4)*\npi},samples=300,smooth] plot (\x,1/\x); \foreach \n in {0,...,4} \draw[thick,shift={(\npi*\n,0)},domain=-\npi/2+.1:\npi/2-.1,samples=100,smooth] plot (\x,{tan(\x r)}); \end{tikzpicture}
View attachment 355
For a better quality, it may make sense to use gnuplot to compute the coordinates as described in the TikZ manual.
No, you'll need to do this using the \foreach command. I believe this was discussed in a recent thread.dwsmith said:Is there a command to tell it to label every pi/2 on the graph?
\foreach \x in {0,\pi/2,...,5\pi}
\draw (\x,0) n\pi/2 (0.5cm);
%draw the ticks
\foreach \x in {1,...,10} \draw (\x*\npi/2,2pt) -- (\x*\npi/2,-2pt);
%draw labels n\pi/2 for odd n >= 3
\foreach \x in {3,5,...,9} \node[below] at (\x*\npi/2,0) {$\frac{\x\pi}{2}$};
%draw labels n\pi for n >= 2
\foreach \x in {2,...,5} \node[below] at (\x*\npi,0) {$\x\pi$};
\node[below] at (\npi/2,0) {$\frac{\pi}{2}$};
\node[below] at (\npi,0) {$\pi$};
\foreach \x/\xtext in {1/\frac{\pi}{2},2/\pi,3/\frac{3\pi}{2},4/2\pi} {
\draw (\x*\npi/2,2pt) -- (\x*\npi/2,-2pt);
\node at (\x*\npi/2,0) {$\xtext$};
Evgeny.Makarov said:I have not tested this code.
Code:%draw the ticks \foreach \x in {1,...,10} \draw (\x*\npi/2,2pt) -- (\x*\npi/2,-2pt); %draw labels n\pi/2 for odd n >= 3 \foreach \x in {3,5,...,9} \node[below] at (\x*\npi/2,0) {$\frac{\x\pi}{2}$}; %draw labels n\pi for n >= 2 \foreach \x in {2,...,5} \node[below] at (\x*\npi,0) {$\x\pi$}; \node[below] at (\npi/2,0) {$\frac{\pi}{2}$}; \node[below] at (\npi,0) {$\pi$};
It is also possible to use one \foreach, but since the labels are slightly different, I am not sure about ellipses. All labels may need to be given explicitly.Code:\foreach \x/\xtext in {1/\frac{\pi}{2},2/\pi,3/\frac{3\pi}{2},4/2\pi} { \draw (\x*\npi/2,2pt) -- (\x*\npi/2,-2pt); \node at (\x*\npi/2,0) {$\xtext$}; }
dwsmith said:If I add (0.25cm), will it adjust the text size?
First, \pi is a predefined command in TeX. Second, the \foreach command is both powerful and fickle. I am not sure it can recognize the pattern in 0,\pi/2,...,5\pi. The safest way is to (1) give all variants explicitly, separated by commas, (2) iterate over natural numbers, as in \foreach \x in {1, ..., 10} or (3) iterate over natural numbers with a given step, as in \foreach \x in {1,3, ..., 9}. Then you can use \x in an arithmetic expression inside a coordinate. For more information, see the section about \foreach (I believe it is in the chapter about utilities).dwsmith said:Code:\foreach \x in {0,\pi/2,...,5\pi}
To print text, use eitherdwsmith said:Code:\draw (\x,0) n\pi/2 (0.5cm);
Tikz is a powerful graphics package for LaTeX that allows for the creation of high-quality diagrams and figures. It is commonly used in scientific and mathematical documents to create precise and customizable graphs, such as the tanx=1/x graph from 0 to 10pi.
The tanx=1/x graph from 0 to 10pi is important in mathematics as it represents the behavior of the tangent function over a wider range of values. It can also be used to illustrate concepts such as asymptotes and periodicity.
To draw the tanx=1/x graph with Tikz, you will need to first define the function using mathematical notation and then use Tikz commands to plot points and connect them with a smooth curve. It is important to specify the domain (0 to 10pi) and range of the graph to ensure accuracy.
It is recommended to break the graph into smaller sections, such as from 0 to pi, pi to 2pi, and so on, to make it easier to plot and connect points. Additionally, using a grid or axis can help with accurately placing points and ensuring the graph is symmetrical.
Yes, Tikz offers a variety of customization options for graphs, such as changing the color, thickness, or style of the curve, adding labels and annotations, and adjusting the scale of the axes. This allows for the creation of visually appealing and informative graphs.