Dreaming of PF: Do Online Relationships Show Up in Your Dreams?

In summary: PF. In one dream, I was reading a thread and all the posts were written in code. I couldn't figure it out, so I PMed the mods to ask if they could decipher it. In another dream, I was a mod and I was trying to ban someone, but every time I clicked the ban button, it would just refresh the page. It was frustrating.In summary, several users have mentioned having dreams about the online community Physics Forums. Some have dreams about their online friendships, while others have dreams about being on the forum itself. Some users have dreams with visuals, while others only experience emotions and events. One user even had a dream about receiving a PM from another member. Overall, the dreams
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Someone mentioned in a thread recently they they had a dream about something happening on PF.

It got me wondering, is this common? Do you dream about PF? Do you dream about the relationships that you have online, the way you dream about person-to-person relationships?

If so, what form do those dreams take? Are you on the computer, reading, in your dream? Or do you visualize the people, though you've never met them (or maybe never seen their picture)? Or something else...?

Me: yes, I've had PF dreams. And dreams of other online friendships. But there are no visuals, just emotions and events...which, weirdly, happen without visuals.

Very strange to me!
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  • #2
never had a dream about a forum, myself.

I guess i hardly ever remember my dreams anyway, though.
  • #3
I sometimes have dreams about the books I read. Very often, about the games I play. But never about forums...
  • #4
Nope, no dreams about forums for me.
  • #5
lisab said:
Me: yes, I've had PF dreams. And dreams of other online friendships. But there are no visuals, just emotions and events...which, weirdly, happen without visuals.

Very strange to me!

That's cool. A glimpse into what the dreams of a congenitally blind person are like, basically. When I was younger I had a lot of online friendships... some of them pretty deep. Not so much anymore because I don't have the time to be online a lot. I had dreams about online friends having no idea what they looked like, yet in the dream they took on physical forms. Just regular people. In most cases they introduced themselves and explained who they were like I was meeting them "in real life" for the first time... and they knew who I was but their presence was a surprise to me. I know it's not that interesting, but that's all that happened :P.
  • #6
I've never had a PF dream that I know of, and frankly, I'm quite jealous.
  • #7
I've dreamt I've been on PF loads. I have a very boring life.
  • #8
Kurdt said:
I've dreamt I've been on PF loads. I have a very boring life.
Your new avatar is going to give me a nightmare. You look evil. :frown:

I did have a weird dream the other night about getting text messages from Doc Al and Red Rum. Very weird.

It seemed so real that the next morning I actually checked my cell phone.
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  • #9
Sometimes after my PF dreams I have to check I'm not banned. :redface:

Why do dreams always make you think you've been naughty.
  • #10
Evo said:
Your new avatar is going to give me a nightmare. You look evil. :frown:
Have you not seen "V for Vendetta"? That's a Guy Fawkes mask.
  • #11
Kurdt said:
I've dreamt I've been on PF loads. I have a very boring life.

So does your dream take place at the keyboard? Is it like a normal dream, with visuals? Mine aren't.
  • #12
Mainly behind the keyboard as normal but I vaguely remember seeing the PF people I know from their photos and the sense of being in a bright room of the PF colours. The monitor often acts as a portal I think and towards the end of such dreams there is a pull back moment where you realize that its all just been on the computer, and then when you wake up you obviously realize its all been a dream. There is variation but I can't remember any specific one with great clarity.
  • #13
Evo said:
Your new avatar is going to give me a nightmare. You look evil. :frown:
How do you think Redbelly is going to use this one with his bird?
  • #14
Very strange! Dreams without images?

I've never dreamt of PF, but I think I've posted while virtually asleep. Sometimes I get online and post after working 12 or 16 hours straight, which I have learned is a very bad idea. Every once in a while, esp back when I was very active and posting frequently in all areas of the board, I would see a post of mine that would nearly cause me to choke. One in particular comes to mind where I think I got distracted and changed subjects about half way through the post. I started off by addressing the question, and then took a hard turn and started babbling about ground rods, which I think related to a discussion in a different thread. When I read it later, I had no idea what I was talking about!
  • #15
I once had an odd dream about PF that woke me up in the middle of the night. It wasn't really typical a dream, but a pop-up window that interrupted my dream and alerted me that I had a new PM on PF from a member that I know. I got up and checked -- and I did, in fact have a message from that member. Weird, huh?
  • #16
Math Is Hard said:
I once had an odd dream about PF that woke me up in the middle of the night. It wasn't really typical a dream, but a pop-up window that interrupted my dream and alerted me that I had a new PM on PF from a member that I know. I got up and checked -- and I did, in fact have a message from that member. Weird, huh?

On or way to Borg?
  • #17
I did last night, thankyouverymuch. I had a dream that I got on here and there was a thread started by someone that I don't know saying "Did Anyone Know Binzing?" and then later in this dream I found out that what I thought was something else named Binzing was actually me and I'd died, I THINK.
  • #18
I dreamt that I was on PF and the flame wars were getting hotter and hotter. Insults were flying everywhere. One post was posted in jest, but someone took it personally. He says one thing, she says another, and everybody changes back again. I shouted out "You're tearing me apart!". That's when I realized that I wasn't asleep.
  • #19
I have had a couple of PF dreams. For some totally unfathomable reason, none of them involved Evo naked. That's very disappointing to me. :frown:

In actuality, the only one that I very vaguely remember was a week or two back and had to do with Astro coming to visit me and us taking a day-trip out to the mountains. I can't remember any details at all.
  • #20
Danger said:
In actuality, the only one that I very vaguely remember was a week or two back and had to do with Astro coming to visit me and us taking a day-trip out to the mountains.
Yeah - we have to do that.
  • #21
Any time, pal. Bring Astroette and the Asteroids as well. :wink:
  • #22
Danger said:
..Asteroids ..

sounds painful! :eek:
  • #23
For Astroette maybe.

Related to Dreaming of PF: Do Online Relationships Show Up in Your Dreams?

1. How common is it to dream about online relationships?

The exact prevalence of dreaming about online relationships is unknown, as it is not a widely studied topic. However, with the increasing popularity of online communication and relationships, it is likely that many people have experienced this type of dream.

2. Can online relationships affect our dreams?

There is limited research on this topic, but it is possible that online relationships can impact our dreams. Our dreams often reflect our thoughts, feelings, and experiences from our waking life, so if online relationships are a significant part of our lives, they may appear in our dreams.

3. Is there a difference between dreaming about online relationships and in-person relationships?

There is no clear answer to this question as it may vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience similar dreams regardless of the type of relationship, while others may notice distinct differences. It may also depend on the nature of the relationship and the level of emotional investment in it.

4. Are there any potential meanings behind dreaming about online relationships?

Dreams are highly personal, and the meaning behind them can vary greatly from person to person. However, some common interpretations of dreaming about online relationships could include a desire for connection, feelings of loneliness or insecurity, or even a reflection of our fears or concerns about online relationships.

5. Can we control or influence our dreams about online relationships?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it ultimately depends on the individual's ability to control their dreams. However, certain techniques such as lucid dreaming or dream journaling may increase the chances of influencing dream content. It may also be helpful to address any underlying emotions or thoughts related to online relationships in your waking life.

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