Dreams: A Window Into Our Ancestor's Lives?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the possibility of dream experiences being passed down through genetic hereditary, and the potential for genetic engineering to encode information into DNA. There is also mention of the concept of genetic computing, which involves using genomic data for data-mining purposes. However, it is noted that the understanding of genetic material is still evolving and may be more complex than previously thought.
  • #1
Can dream experience's from our Parents/Ancestors lives, be passed on via Genetic hereditary?

For instance, can some of my most bizarre dreams, actually be a replay of one of my ancestors life-experience..event?

The Timeline of experience (events), played out in my dreams seem to have no baring on my own real-life experience, so I am wondering if it is possible that genetic code somehow retains information of my ancestors/parents, and somehow throws it into my sub-conscious, which leaks out as Dream?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
The germ-line is set at birth, so no acquired traits and/or dreams will be passed.

  • #3
Olias said:
Can dream experience's from our Parents/Ancestors lives, be passed on via Genetic hereditary?

For instance, can some of my most bizarre dreams, actually be a replay of one of my ancestors life-experience..event?

The Timeline of experience (events), played out in my dreams seem to have no baring on my own real-life experience, so I am wondering if it is possible that genetic code somehow retains information of my ancestors/parents, and somehow throws it into my sub-conscious, which leaks out as Dream?

The 'PRIMITIVE TRACES' of what you are thinking now already exist. I have thoght long and hard on this for many years, but I am quite sure that no scientist in his/her clear mind would give this even a glance, let alone accept it. I am taking this your thinking a step further ... Parents will in the very nearest future write 'Gene-letters' to their future grand children, and so will eternal lovers.
  • #4
The BIG Problem: Scientists only annex less than what the genes are capable of doing. Genes are an information coding system and this is not limited to biology. Genes also code information at multiple scientific levels, especially, substantially, at the level of physics. I predict that until we come to the appreciation of this fact, scientists would for a very long time to come underate and underutilise 'genetic abilities'.
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  • #5
Philocrat, you are joking right? DNA is relatively static and can only mutate or shuffle: information such as dreams can not become coded.
  • #6
Storing text messages in DNA - possibilities for storing HTML et al

Monique said:
Philocrat said:
I am taking this your thinking a step further ... Parents will in the very nearest future write 'Gene-letters' to their future grand children
Philocrat, you are joking right? DNA is relatively static and can only mutate or shuffle: information such as dreams can not become coded.
Philocrat is not speaking of dreams. He is speaking of using genetic engineering to encode written language into "unused" portions of DNA. If we used four DNA bases per character, we would have 256 possibilities for each character (4[itex]^4[/itex]). This many possibilities would allow the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus many puncuation characters and special characters, just like ASCII and ISO-8859, etc. On the other hand, we might just skip the plain text and instead encode HTML or JAVA or special programs. We might even add another chromosome to the human genome, just for storing computer programs. Thanks for the idea, Philocrat. I might put this in one of my novels.
  • #7
Monique said:
Philocrat, you are joking right? DNA is relatively static and can only mutate or shuffle: information such as dreams can not become coded.

I am not joking...shuffling is a much smarter way to code. Yes, you may be right about DNA, but it's decisively so. By the way, I say 'Amen!' to your prayer.
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  • #8
hitssquad said:
Philocrat is not speaking of dreams. He is speaking of using genetic engineering to encode written language into "unused" portions of DNA. If we used four DNA bases per character, we would have 256 possibilities for each character (4[itex]^4[/itex]). This many possibilities would allow the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus many puncuation characters and special characters, just like ASCII and ISO-8859, etc. On the other hand, we might just skip the plain text and instead encode HTML or JAVA or special programs. We might even add another chromosome to the human genome, just for storing computer programs. Thanks for the idea, Philocrat. I might put this in one of my novels.

Are you suggesting the possibility of 'GENETIC COMPUTING'? I thought that this was already possible? Am I wrong?
  • #9
Genetic computing

Philocrat said:
Are you suggesting the possibility of 'GENETIC COMPUTING'?
No. I was only suggesting storing socially-significant-but-gentetically-insignificant data in genetic material. What is genetic computing besides an extra-genetic data-mining method specific to genomic data?
  • #10
hitssquad said:
No. I was only suggesting storing socially-significant-but-gentetically-insignificant data in genetic material. What is genetic computing besides an extra-genetic data-mining method specific to genomic data?

Thanks for clearing that up, pal!
  • #11
hitssquad said:
No. I was only suggesting storing socially-significant-but-gentetically-insignificant data in genetic material. What is genetic computing besides an extra-genetic data-mining method specific to genomic data?
This pre-supposes that we know what 'genetically-insignificant' in genetic material is! IIRC, what was once called 'junk DNA' is now seen - at least in part - as performing rather important functions (having rather important roles?); the genome may turn out to be even richer and more complex than our current understanding. (or not).

Related to Dreams: A Window Into Our Ancestor's Lives?

1. What is the significance of dreams in understanding our ancestor's lives?

Dreams can provide insight into the beliefs, values, and experiences of our ancestors. They can reveal cultural practices, societal norms, and personal experiences that may not be recorded in historical documents.

2. How can dreams be used as a tool for studying our ancestor's lives?

Dreams can be analyzed through various methods, such as dream journals, dream interpretation, and cultural symbolism. By studying dreams, we can gain a better understanding of the beliefs, fears, and aspirations of our ancestors.

3. Is there any scientific evidence to support the idea that dreams can reveal information about our ancestor's lives?

While dreams are subjective experiences, there have been studies that show a correlation between dreams and cultural influences. For example, research has shown that individuals from different cultures have different dream content and themes, suggesting that cultural beliefs and experiences can influence dreams.

4. Can dreams also provide information about our genetic ancestry?

There is limited scientific evidence to suggest that dreams can reveal information about our genetic ancestry. However, some studies have shown that individuals tend to dream about their ancestors and ancestral homelands, which could indicate a connection to genetic heritage.

5. How can we use dreams to connect with our ancestors?

Dreams can be used as a form of communication with our ancestors. By focusing on a specific ancestor before going to sleep and keeping a dream journal, we may be able to receive messages or guidance from them in our dreams. Additionally, exploring our dreams through dream interpretation can help us gain a deeper understanding of our ancestral heritage.

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