Drug Concentration After Multiple Dosages

In summary: Let a1 denote the equilibrium value found in (a). Now suppose that the first dosageis a1 of the drug and the following doses continue to be a0 of the drug. Followingthis model what is the maximum concentration of the drug in the system? Showwhy. (hint: consider the concentration after the subsequent dosages)Since the subsequent doses are a0 of the drug, we can rewrite the concentration after the nth dose as:c\left((n-1)T \right)=a_1\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}e^{j(-kT)}=a_1\frac{1-e^{n(-kT)}}{1-e^{-kT
  • #1
Suppose the concentration of a drug in the blood stream exponentially decays and is
given by c(t) = a0e^-kt (0 is a subscript) where t is the time elapsed and a0 is the initial concentration after one dose. Further assume that doses of the drug are administered at time intervals of T.

(a) After the first dosage the concentration of the drug is a0. Assuming each dosage
is also going to be a0 of the drug, what is the concentration immediately after the second dosage? After the third dosage? After n dosages? What does the concentration approach as n approaches infinity (this is the equilibrium value)?
You may use the sum 1 + r + r^2 + ... + r^(n-1) = (1-r^n)/(1-r)

(b) Let a1 denote the equilibrium value found in (a). Now suppose that the first dosage
is a1 of the drug and the following doses continue to be a0 of the drug. Following
this model what is the maximum concentration of the drug in the system? Show
why. (hint: consider the concentration after the subsequent dosages)

Thanks again in advance! :D
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Re: Help with differentials question please?! :)

ayahouyee said:
Suppose the concentration of a drug in the blood stream exponentially decays and is
given by c(t) = a0e^-kt (0 is a subscript) where t is the time elapsed and a0 is the initial concentration after one dose. Further assume that doses of the drug are administered at time intervals of T.

(a) After the first dosage the concentration of the drug is a0. Assuming each dosage
is also going to be a0 of the drug, what is the concentration immediately after the second dosage?
Surely you can answer that.
  • #3
ayahouyee said:
Suppose the concentration of a drug in the blood stream exponentially decays and is
given by c(t) = a0e^-kt (0 is a subscript) where t is the time elapsed and a0 is the initial concentration after one dose. Further assume that doses of the drug are administered at time intervals of T.

(a) After the first dosage the concentration of the drug is a0. Assuming each dosage
is also going to be a0 of the drug, what is the concentration immediately after the second dosage? After the third dosage? After n dosages? What does the concentration approach as n approaches infinity (this is the equilibrium value)?
You may use the sum 1 + r + r^2 + ... + r^(n-1) = (1-r^n)/(1-r)

(b) Let a1 denote the equilibrium value found in (a). Now suppose that the first dosage
is a1 of the drug and the following doses continue to be a0 of the drug. Following
this model what is the maximum concentration of the drug in the system? Show
why. (hint: consider the concentration after the subsequent dosages)

Thanks again in advance! :D

I should have mentioned to you earlier that when I and others here bring questions from other sites, we give full solutions in order to increase our knowledge base of worked problems. For our members posting questions, we ask that work be given so our helpers can see where you are stuck and how best to help. I apologize for not having made this clear.

So, if you can show what you have tried, we will be happy to offer guidance based on that. :D
  • #4
can you please give me a hint on how to start because honestly i don't know where to start? :((
  • #5
Let's look at the second dose. What is the concentration immediately before the second dose? And then immediately after?
  • #6
before a0e^-k

after a0e^-k2

is that right?
  • #7
ayahouyee said:
before a0e^-k

after a0e^-k2

is that right?

No, how much time has elapsed in between the first and second doses? Each time a dose is administered, how is the concentration affected?
  • #8
So I worked through this and got (a0/1-e^-k) being the limit as n approached infinity, however I am unsure of how to proceed with part b.

I got an equation for the concentration at point n being: a0(1+e^-k...e^(n-2)k + (e^(n-1)k/1-e^-k)), but I don't know what this is supposed to to tell me.
  • #9
Nabouabo said:
So I worked through this and got (a0/1-e^-k) being the limit as n approached infinity, however I am unsure of how to proceed with part b.

I got an equation for the concentration at point n being: a0(1+e^-k...e^(n-2)k + (e^(n-1)k/1-e^-k)), but I don't know what this is supposed to to tell me.

Nevermind, I didn't think to do literally what I did in part a...
I got the answer.
  • #10
Since there are two people working this problem, I am going to go ahead and offer my thoughts on how I feel this problem should be worked. Since the doses occur at time intervals of $T$, we have a concentration immediately before the second dose of:

\(\displaystyle \lim_{t\to T^{-}}c(t)=a_0e^{-kT}\)

We assume immediate absorption of the drug, so immediately after the second dose, we have a concentration of:

\(\displaystyle c(T)=a_0+a_0e^{-kT}=a_0\sum_{j=0}^1e^{j(-kT)}\)

And thus, after the third dose, we find:

\(\displaystyle c(2T)=a_0\sum_{j=0}^2e^{j(-kT)}\)

And after the $n$th dose:

\(\displaystyle c\left((n-1)T \right)=a_0\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}e^{j(-kT)}=a_0\frac{1-e^{n(-kT)}}{1-e^{-kT}}\)

We find the equilibrium value:

\(\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty}c\left((n-1)T \right)=\frac{a_0}{1-e^{-kT}}\)

This should provide enough to tackle part b).

FAQ: Drug Concentration After Multiple Dosages

What is drug concentration after multiple dosages?

Drug concentration after multiple dosages refers to the amount of a drug present in the body after multiple doses have been administered. It is a measure of how much of the drug is available in the bloodstream or tissues at a given time.

How does drug concentration change after multiple dosages?

The drug concentration in the body can increase or decrease after multiple dosages, depending on factors such as the drug's half-life, dosage amount, and frequency of dosing. Typically, drug concentration will build up in the body with each dose until it reaches a steady state, where the amount of drug being eliminated by the body is equal to the amount being administered.

What factors can affect drug concentration after multiple dosages?

Several factors can affect drug concentration after multiple dosages, including the drug's half-life, dosage amount and frequency, route of administration, and individual patient factors such as age, weight, and liver or kidney function. Additionally, drug interactions with other medications or substances can also impact drug concentration.

Why is knowing drug concentration after multiple dosages important?

Knowing drug concentration after multiple dosages is important for several reasons. It can help determine the effectiveness of a drug and whether the dosage needs to be adjusted. It can also guide healthcare professionals in monitoring for potential side effects or toxicities. Additionally, understanding drug concentration can help predict how long a drug will remain in the body and when another dose may be needed.

How is drug concentration after multiple dosages measured?

Drug concentration after multiple dosages is typically measured through blood tests or other methods such as urine or saliva samples. These tests can provide a quantitative measure of the amount of drug in the body at a specific time. Other factors, such as the patient's symptoms and response to treatment, may also be considered when determining drug concentration.
