D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers

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  • Thread starter CaptainBlack
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In summary, the conversation discusses the equation \(m^2 = 2n^2\), its lack of integer solutions, and how to find solutions for \(m^2 = 2n^2 + 1\). It also explains how to generate infinitely many pairs of integers that satisfy the equation and how to approximate \(\sqrt{2}\) to 5 decimal places using the equation. Additionally, the conversation touches on the concepts of reduced form and common factors in fractions.
  • #1
Some bits are ok but I thought I would include them anyway as it is needed to answer the other parts of the question. I have labelled the parts which I need help with.

(a) Recall why there are no integer solutions \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) to the equation \(m^2 = 2n^2\).
ANSWER = an irrational number cannot be expressed as a fraction

(b) Show that if \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) are integer solutions to the equation
\(m^2 = 2n^2 + 1\), (*)
then so are \(M = m^2 + 2n^2\) and \(N = 2mn\), namely \(M^2 = 2N^2 + 1\).
ANSWER = sub them in and then they equal each other(c)Give a simple solution \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) to equation (*).
ANSWER = When \(m=3\) and \(n=2\)

(d )Deduce that there are infinitely many pairs of integers \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) satisfying (*).
ANSWER = Help? A hint is that \(M^2 = 2N^2 + 1\) is significantly larger than (*)

(e) Let \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) be any pair of integers satisfying equation (*).
Show that if \(p \in \mathbb{N}\) is a prime number then
\(p | n\) implies that \p doesn’t divide m.
[Use the fact that if \(p\) is prime and \(a, b \in \mathbb{N}\), and \(p | ab\) then \(p | a\) or \( p | b\)].
ANSWER = I done this so it’s ok but have included it anyway

( f ) What does it mean for a fraction \(a/b\) to be in reduced form? ANSWER = done
Explain why if \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) satisfy equation (*), then is \(m/n\) in reduced form. ANSWER = Help?

(g) Use the above to generate a fraction which approximates \(\sqrt{2}\) to 5 decimal places.
ANSWER = Help? This is the main bit in which I require help as you have to use the question to generate the approximation.
So mainly g, a bit of f and d is what I need help with thanks!
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  • #2
d) Suppose otherwise, then there are a finite number of solutions to (*). Let \(m,n\) be the solution with largest \(m\). Then \(M=m^2+2n^2,\ N=2mn\) by part (b) is also a solution of (*), but as \(m,n \in \mathbb{N}\) we have \(M>m\), a contradiction.

Hence it is not the case that there are a finite number of solutions ..

( e ) \(a/b\) is in reduced form if \(a\) and \(b\) have no common factor greater than \(1\) (that is are co-prime).

Suppose \(m\) and \(n\) have a common factor \(k>1\), then \(k|m^2\) and \(k|2n^2\) in which case \(k\) does not divide \(2n^2+1\) a contradiction. That is \(m\) and \(n\) have no common factor greater than \(1\) hence \(m/n\) is in reduced form.

(g) Consider \(m,n \in \mathbb{N}\) a solution to (*), then:

\(m^2/n^2 = 2 + 1/n^2\)

So if we have a sequence \((m_1,n_1), (m_2,n_2) ...\) of solutions to (*) with \(n_1, n_2, ..\) increasing then \((m_k)^2/(n_k)^2\) tends to \(2\) as \(k\) goes to infinity and \(m_k/n_k\) goes to \(\sqrt{2}\).

Now we have a recipe for generating such a sequence:

\(m_{k+1}=m_k^2 + 2n_k^2,\ n_{k+1}=2 m_k n_k\), with \(m_1=3,\ n_1=2\)

So we can now proceed to find an appropriate approximation (you may want to calculate how big \(n_k\) needs to be to give the required accuracy)

  • #3
CaptainBlack said:
...b) show that if \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) are integer solutions to the equation

$ m^{2} = 2\ n^{2} + 1$ (*)

... then so are \(M = m^2 + 2n^2\) and \(N = 2mn\), namely...

\(M^2 = 2N^2 + 1\) (**)...

In my opinion the most insidious task is to demonstrate b). That is my approach: if (*) is true then...

$m^{2}-2\ n^{2} -1 =0$ (1)

... so that is also...

$M^{2}-2\ N^{2} - 1 = m^{4} - 4\ m^{2}\ n^{2} + 4\ n^{4} -1 = (m^{2}-2\ n^{2} -1)\ (m^{2}-2\ n^{2} +1)=0$ (2)

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$

FAQ: D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers

1. What is D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers?

D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers is a question posed on the popular question and answer platform, Yahoo! Answers. It is a mathematical question that asks for the rational approximation of a given number, usually involving fractions and decimals.

2. How do you solve D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers?

To solve D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers, you need to understand the concept of rational approximation and how to convert decimals to fractions. Then, you can use various methods such as rounding, long division, or the Euclidean algorithm to find the rational approximation of the given number.

3. What is the importance of D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers?

D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers is important because it helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also allows individuals to practice their math skills and learn new techniques for finding rational approximations.

4. Are there any tips for solving D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers?

Yes, there are a few tips that can help you solve D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers. First, make sure you understand the concept of rational approximation and how to convert decimals to fractions. Then, try to simplify the problem by using rounding or other methods. Finally, double-check your answer to ensure it is the most accurate rational approximation.

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You can find more information about D's Rational Approximations Question from YAnswers by searching online for tutorial videos, articles, or practice problems. You can also consult a math teacher or tutor for help and guidance in solving these types of questions.
