Dual harmonic oscillators connected by shear spring

In summary: Hi Alfred,I appreciate the advice and I will look into the seismology/rheology community. Thank you!In summary, Alfred is an experimental researcher trying to build an earthquake simulator. He is stumped as to what to do to model the propagation of an earthquake. He has come to the forum for help.
  • #1
Hello everyone, looking around I have faith that the members of this forum will be able to point me in the right direction, and I apologize if it's more basic than I'm giving it credit for.

I'm an experimental researcher in rock mechanics, but I've always been fascinated by elasto-dymamic numerical modelling of earthquake rupture nucleation and propagation. To that end, I'm trying to build an earthquake simulator, which in my vision is basically an inter-connected sheet of spring-sliders, each connected to the one ahead/behind it with a spring of stiffness equivalent to the Young's Modulus, and the the slider on either side by a spring equivalent to the Shear Modulus. Not being a master of this sort of thing though, I'm starting from first principles, and this problem which I've posed to myself has me stumped… Below is a diagram of what I'd like to model, and below that is a brief description of my own progress on the whole thing. A point in the right direction is what I'm hoping for.

Also, please feel free to move this thread if this is the incorrect place to pose such a question.

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If I sum up the forces on the left mass (m1), I get...

[tex]m_1 a_1 = m_1 g - K_1 (\Delta L_1 + x_1) - \gamma (\frac{dx_1}{dt}) + K_3 ((\Delta L_2 + x_2) - (\Delta L_1 + x_1))[/tex]

Where the...
  • 1st term right of the equal sign is the acceleration of [itex]m_1[/itex] due to gravity
  • 2nd term is the resistance of the spring [itex]K_1[/itex] due to the stretch of the added mass and any additional displacement
  • 3rd term is a viscous damping term (which I'm happy to ignore as once everything else is solved I presume it'd be trivial to add this back in)
  • 4th term is the additional loading supplied by the shear spring due to the differential between the position of [itex]m_1[/itex] and [itex]m_2[/itex] (I'm not at all certain this is formulated correctly)

And there would be a similar equation for the acceleration of [itex]m_2[/itex]. I can solve the above equation for [itex]a_1[/itex], and I get...

[tex]a_1 = \frac{d^2 x_1}{dt^2} = \frac{m_1 g - K_1 (\Delta L_1 + x_1) - \gamma (\frac{dx_1}{dt}) + K_3 ((\Delta L_2 + x_2) - (\Delta L_1 + x_1))}{m_1}[/tex]
[tex]= g - \frac{K_1}{m_1} (\Delta L_1 + x_1) - \frac{\gamma}{m_1} (\frac{dx_1}{dt}) + \frac{K_3}{m_1} ((\Delta L_2 + x_2) - (\Delta L_1 + x_1))[/tex]

Which, grand scheme of things, is pretty easy to solve numerically. Except that I don't know what [itex]\Delta L_1[/itex] and [itex]\Delta L_2[/itex] are.

My research group isn't really focused on this sort of thing, so I don't have anyone to bounce questions like this off of. Any help this community can provide will be greatly appreciated. Maybe I'm over thinking this, maybe I'm missing something entirely. I feel like it's a bit of both.
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  • #2
Masses and springs are not enough. You need to add dampers (dashpots) to account for the friction losses (viscosity).
Find an acoustics expert; they deal with systems like this all the time.
  • #3
Hi Alfred,

Yeah, I know that in order to make it into my "earthquake simulator" I will have to add in some sort of damping term to account for friction, but since this isn't really my area of expertise I'm REALLY starting from first principles. Modeling simple harmonic motion, modeling a "simple" 2 mass - 2 springs-in-series system, and now I'm trying to model this shear loaded springs-in-parallel system. This is all just so I understand how all of the loading works when I add in some sort of frictional resistance.

I do appreciate the advice of seeking out an acoustics expert, that seems like a sound recommendation.

[EDIT] Holy crap, I didn't even notice that pun... terrible... I'm ashamed.
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  • #4
I love your pun. Take credit for it even if it was unconscious.
  • #5
Suggest you look in the seismology/rheology community. I'd be very surprised if what you are attempting hasn't already been done. Search under 'finite element analysis'

FAQ: Dual harmonic oscillators connected by shear spring

1. What is a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring?

A dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring is a physical system consisting of two masses connected by a spring that can oscillate back and forth in opposite directions. The spring connecting the masses is called a shear spring, and it is designed to allow for oscillations in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

2. How does a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring behave?

The behavior of a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring is similar to that of a single harmonic oscillator, except that the two masses oscillate in opposite directions. This means that the amplitudes of the oscillations are equal, but the phases are opposite. The system also exhibits resonance, where the two masses oscillate with increased amplitude when the frequency of the driving force matches the natural frequency of the system.

3. What is the equation of motion for a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring?

The equation of motion for a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring is given by: m(d^2x/dt^2) + kx + k'y = F(t), where m is the mass of each oscillator, x is the displacement of each mass from its equilibrium position, k is the spring constant of the shear spring, k' is the spring constant of the connecting spring, and F(t) is the driving force.

4. What is the natural frequency of a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring?

The natural frequency of a dual harmonic oscillator connected by shear spring is given by: f = 1/(2π) * sqrt((k + k')/m), where k and k' are the spring constants and m is the mass of each oscillator. This frequency represents the rate at which the system will oscillate in the absence of any external forces.

5. What are some applications of dual harmonic oscillators connected by shear spring?

Dual harmonic oscillators connected by shear spring have various applications in engineering and physics. They are often used in mechanical systems to reduce vibrations and improve stability, such as in vehicle suspensions and earthquake-resistant buildings. They are also used in scientific instruments, such as seismometers, to measure ground motion. Additionally, they are used in musical instruments, such as pianos, to produce harmonious sounds.
