Dual Slit: how are single electrons/photons detected?

  • Thread starter Buckethead
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    Dual Slit
In summary: The "scattered photon" was from the link that StevieTNZ offered up where a beam of light is used to interfere (scatter) the photon going through the slit. That was a tangent to the setup using the wave plates that you were suggesting.Yes, the detector is the final destination (the phosphor or whatever). Polarizing the photons before they go to the detector makes them go through the detector in the same direction, allowing for interference to be detected.
  • #1
Gold Member
Can anyone describe in detail the exact device used when detecting single photon/electron presence through a slit in a dual slit experiment. For an electron I suspect a coil is used to detect the electron passing through without destroying it, but for a photon, it's not possible to detect a single photon going through a slit without interacting with it (ccd or whatever) in which case the photon would not actually complete it's journey. So how it is done?
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  • #2
Buckethead said:
Can anyone describe in detail the exact device used when detecting single photon/electron presence through a slit in a dual slit experiment. For an electron I suspect a coil is used to detect the electron passing through without destroying it, but for a photon, it's not possible to detect a single photon going through a slit without interacting with it (ccd or whatever) in which case the photon would not actually complete it's journey. So how it is done?

Disclaimer: I am not a physicist and *definitely* not an experimental physicist. My ideas will be subtly or blatantly wrong.

One thing you could do is polarize the photons vertically, and place a waveplate (... I think that's the right thing ...) over one of the slits to adjust photons going through that slit to have horizontal polarization. As long as you don't then cancel the polarization differences somehow, the interference would disappear. I think.
  • #3
Buckethead said:
but for a photon, it's not possible to detect a single photon going through a slit without interacting with it (ccd or whatever) in which case the photon would not actually complete it's journey. So how it is done?
It is as Strilanc said. You place differently oriented wave plates in front of the slits. Only you don't see interference even if you do not "look" at polarization of photons. Only when you place polarizer before detector so that both polarizations get through with equal chance but are the same after polarizer (obviously) you restore interference pattern.

I think that this setup was described as "A Do-It-Yourself Quantum Eraser" but I can't find nice link right now.
  • #5
Thank you for your replies. The eraser link does not show polaIrizers, but is interesting nontheless. I didn't know that a photon could scatter another photon. I thought photons just pass through each other. And for this type of detection doesn't the act of scattering disturb the photon, nulling the experiment?

But back to the detector...I imagine that the polarizers for each slit are 90 degrees from each other. And I can also imagine that without the additional polarizers by the detectors there would be no interference (how could there be when the waves are not oriented the same way?) and that by restoring the parallel polarization by putting in additional polarizers, interference would be restored, but where is the photon detector in all this. I seem to be missing something that is probably obvious.

  • #6
Buckethead said:
I didn't know that a photon could scatter another photon. I thought photons just pass through each other.
Nothing in this setup suggests that photons scatter photons. Photons are supposed to be "marked" by polarizing them.

Buckethead said:
But back to the detector...I imagine that the polarizers for each slit are 90 degrees from each other. And I can also imagine that without the additional polarizers by the detectors there would be no interference (how could there be when the waves are not oriented the same way?) and that by restoring the parallel polarization by putting in additional polarizers, interference would be restored, but where is the photon detector in all this. I seem to be missing something that is probably obvious.
You mean - photon detector at the slits? If so there is none. The same photon can't be detected twice. Probably you misunderstood me if it seemed like I suggest something like that.
  • #7
zonde said:
Nothing in this setup suggests that photons scatter photons. Photons are supposed to be "marked" by polarizing them.You mean - photon detector at the slits? If so there is none. The same photon can't be detected twice. Probably you misunderstood me if it seemed like I suggest something like that.

The "scattered photon" was from the link that StevieTNZ offered up where a beam of light is used to interfere (scatter) the photon going through the slit. That was a tangent to the setup using the wave plates that you were suggesting.

"Only when you place polarizer before detector..." is what you said and I understand that to mean the detector is the final destination (the phosphor or whatever). I don't see in this setup how you can detect which slit the photon is going through (and thus destroying the interference pattern).

  • #8
I remember reading this article soon after it was published. At that time I was a bit unsure whether this is really a case of quantum erasure.

Is it not true that orthogonally polarized waves can never interfere mutually, in any case? So the fact that the interference is removed by the first (composite) polarizer could be attributed to this fact alone, without invoking the "which way" concept. The 45 degree polarizer - the so-called eraser - is now "measuring" the polarization of the mixture of [H + V] photons, and the result of the measurement is a new state into which both the H and V states have to "collapse". All the photons are now in this new state, so that interference is restored.

IIUC, a truly "which-way" experiment with erasure would involve an opportunity for a particle to interact with a quantum entity which could later, in principle, be used as a record of the particle's path. Can we say that the polarizer plays this role? To quote from another parallel thread about erasure, from this forum :
bhobba said:
To me 'it seems' that in some simple cases decoherence can be undone...

In the Sci. Am. experiment there is no decoherence that is being undone!
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  • #9
Maybe I misunderstood what the OP what the OP was asking, but I interpreted the question as being "technical", i.e. which piece of kit is used to detect single photons/electrons. Adding polarizers won't make it any easier to actually detect anything.

Anyway,. the answer to the question is: It depends :wink:
Detecting single photons and electrons is not actually that difficult if you use the "right" parameters. There are commercially single photon detectors for many wavelengths and detecting electrons is also fairly easy if their energies are high enough.
The technical details for how this is done really depends on what you are trying to detect, there are many different types of detectors and they all have pros and cons; most of them also only cover parts of the spectrum (I am only really familiar with the high-performance superconducting detectors that are used for e.g. telecom wavelength). It is important to realize that there is nothing "fundamentally" hard about detecting single photons/electrons, it basically just comes down to clever engineering.
  • #10
Buckethead said:
The "scattered photon" was from the link that StevieTNZ offered up where a beam of light is used to interfere (scatter) the photon going through the slit. That was a tangent to the setup using the wave plates that you were suggesting.
As I understand you are speaking about this page:
it describes hypothetical experiment with massive particles. While first two points are ok, I would not take third point as a fact without references.

Buckethead said:
"Only when you place polarizer before detector..." is what you said and I understand that to mean the detector is the final destination (the phosphor or whatever). I don't see in this setup how you can detect which slit the photon is going through (and thus destroying the interference pattern).
This is shown in points 3. and 4. from slide show. If you have horizontally polarized photons from one slit and vertically polarized photons from the other slit then by placing polarizer horizontally or vertically you will detect photons only from first slit or from second slit.

Please do not ask me to defend this idea about complementarity between which-way information/interference pattern. I don't think it's very rigorous and sometimes it's misleading. But if you are interested in experiments I will gladly tell you what I know.
  • #11
Swamp Thing said:
IIUC, a truly "which-way" experiment with erasure would involve an opportunity for a particle to interact with a quantum entity which could later, in principle, be used as a record of the particle's path.

It's been done. Check out the rather clever method that Kim et al. used in their delayed choice quantum eraser experiment to generate which-way information for photons without interfering with their ability to reach the screen.
  • #12
Buckethead said:
Can anyone describe in detail the exact device used when detecting single photon/electron presence through a slit in a dual slit experiment. For an electron I suspect a coil is used to detect the electron passing through without destroying it, but for a photon, it's not possible to detect a single photon going through a slit without interacting with it (ccd or whatever) in which case the photon would not actually complete it's journey. So how it is done?

Maybe http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.3625
Nondestructive Detection of an Optical Photon by Reiserer, Ritter and Rempe?

Related to Dual Slit: how are single electrons/photons detected?

1. How are single electrons/photons detected in the Dual Slit experiment?

In the Dual Slit experiment, single electrons or photons are detected using a detection screen placed behind the double slits. When the particles pass through the slits, they create an interference pattern on the screen, indicating their wave-like behavior. This pattern is captured using a detector, such as a photographic plate or a CCD camera, which records the location and intensity of the particles.

2. What is the purpose of using a double slit in this experiment?

The double slit is used in the Dual Slit experiment to create an interference pattern when particles pass through it. This pattern is a result of the wave-like behavior of particles, and it allows scientists to study the properties of particles at a quantum level.

3. Can single electrons/photons be detected without the use of a double slit?

Yes, single electrons or photons can be detected without the use of a double slit. However, the interference pattern created by the double slit allows for a more accurate measurement of the particles' properties, such as their position and momentum.

4. How does the detection of single electrons/photons support the wave-particle duality concept?

The detection of single electrons/photons in the Dual Slit experiment supports the wave-particle duality concept by showing that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behaviors. The interference pattern observed on the detection screen is a result of the particles behaving like waves, while the detection of individual particles shows their particle-like nature.

5. Are there any limitations to the detection of single electrons/photons in the Dual Slit experiment?

Yes, there are limitations to the detection of single electrons/photons in the Dual Slit experiment. The accuracy of the measurements can be affected by factors such as the size of the particles, the distance between the double slits and the detection screen, and the sensitivity of the detector. Additionally, the act of observing the particles can also alter their behavior, making it difficult to obtain precise measurements.

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