Dual Vector Spaces: Exploring the Fundamentals

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a linear functional on a finite vector space over a field. It defines the dual space of a vector space and explains how a basis for the dual space is chosen. The reasoning behind choosing the dual basis vectors is also discussed.
  • #1

Slowly I am beginning to think that I must be some sort of retard for not getting this fundamental concept. For this post, I will adapt the bracket notation as introduced by P. Halmos' "Finite-dimensional Vector Spaces". [tex] \left[ \cdot, \cdot \right] : V \times V^* \to K [/tex].

A linear functional on a vector space V is a scalar-valued function, defined for each [tex]v \in V[/tex], mapping vectors into the underlying coefficient field and having the well-known property of linearity. -- Let V be a finite vector space over a field K. V* is defined to be the space of all linear functionals [tex] f : V \to K [/tex], which shall be referred to as the dual space of V.

Once a basis for V is chosen, fixing [tex] x \in V [/tex], for all [tex] f, f^\prime \in V^* [/tex], we have [tex] \left[ x, f \right] = \left[ x, f^\prime \right] \, \Rightarrow \, f = f^\prime [/tex]. Which is obvious, for by choosing a basis, we can show that f must be unique for the expression [tex] \left[ x, f \right] [/tex] to be well-defined. After representing the fixed vector as a linear combination of V's basis vectors [tex] \left( \beta_i \right)_{i=0}^n [/tex], and applying a linear functional f, the term [tex] \left[ \beta_i, f \right] = a_i [/tex] emerges.

That is, given some [tex] a_i \in K [/tex] and [tex] x \in V [/tex], can I find a unique [tex] y^i \in V^* [/tex] such that [tex] \left[ x, y^i \right] = a_i [/tex]?

I interpret this to be a result of our previous definition of the functional to be linear. Conversely, could we give the functional's now known property of uniqueness axiomatically and then deduce that it must be linear on such a foundation? Then that result would not seem so coincidental to me, but be rather a rediscovery of a historical definition made for the very purpose of making the elements of the dual space linear.

Now, I can take the f apart and write it as a linear combination of dual basis vectors, the basis of the dual vector space. Given a basis [tex] \left( \beta_i \right)_{i=0}^n [/tex] for V, we define the elements of the dual basis [tex] \left( \beta^*^i \right)_{i=0}^n [/tex] uniquely by [tex] \left[ \beta_i, \beta^*^j \right] = \delta_i^j [/tex].

Why do we do this? To later make the set of dual basis vectors linearly independent? Is there no other choice for [tex] \left[ \beta_i, \beta^*^j \right] [/tex]'s value to do this feat?

I hope I didn't mess up the indices. This is my first exposure to advanced linear algebra - I would be happy if someone could enlighten me about dual spaces, and what motivates the definitions.

Thanks a lot,

- Etenim.
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  • #2
a basis represents every vector as a sequence of coordinates (a1,...,an).

then the most natural way to assign a number to such a vector is to choose one of the coordinates.

choosing the ith coordinate, is exactly your definition of the ith dual basis vector.

what other choice could be simpler?
  • #3
Ah. By 'naturally' defining the action of a dual basis vector on an arbitrary vector [tex] v = c^i \beta_i [/tex] to be [tex] \beta^*^j ( c^1 \beta_1 + c_2 \beta_2 + \cdots + c^n \beta_n ) = c_j [/tex], we want, by the dual basis vector's linearity, [tex] \beta^*^j ( \beta_i ) = \delta_i^j [/tex], to "extract" the [tex]c_j[/tex].

'Naturally'. Well, I wonder what understanding feels like. Meh. But, yes, it makes more sense now. Thanks. :)
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FAQ: Dual Vector Spaces: Exploring the Fundamentals

1. What are dual vector spaces?

Dual vector spaces are mathematical structures that consist of two vector spaces, one called the original vector space and the other called the dual vector space. The dual vector space is made up of linear functionals, which are linear maps from the original vector space to the real numbers. This allows for a deeper exploration and understanding of the original vector space.

2. How are dual vector spaces related to linear algebra?

Dual vector spaces are closely related to linear algebra because they deal with linear transformations and linear functionals. In linear algebra, we study vector spaces and their properties, while in dual vector spaces, we study the relationship between a vector space and its dual space. This is important in many areas of mathematics, including physics and engineering.

3. What is the importance of studying dual vector spaces?

Studying dual vector spaces allows us to gain a deeper understanding of vector spaces and their properties. It also helps us solve problems that may be difficult to solve using only the original vector space. Dual vector spaces are also important in many real-world applications, such as optimization problems and signal processing.

4. Can you give an example of a dual vector space?

One example of a dual vector space is the space of real-valued functions on a set, denoted as C(X). The original vector space is the set of all functions on X, while the dual vector space consists of linear functionals on C(X), which are maps from C(X) to the real numbers. Another example is the space of polynomials, denoted as P(n), and its dual space, which consists of linear functionals on P(n).

5. What is the relationship between a vector space and its dual space?

The dual space of a vector space is a separate vector space but has a special relationship with the original vector space. The dimension of the dual space is equal to the dimension of the original vector space, and the basis of the dual space is made up of dual basis vectors, which can be used to define linear functionals. Additionally, there is a natural pairing between vectors in the original space and functionals in the dual space, allowing for a deeper understanding of the properties of the original vector space.

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