Dumb question about this linear algebra equation

In summary: This is why you can use any vector for n, as long as it doesn't lie in the plane. Once you have chosen n, the equation is still true regardless of what vector you use for U.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that any vector V in a plane can be written as a linear combination of two non-parallel vectors A and B in the plane; that is, find a and b so that V = aA + bB.

Take components perpendicular to the plane to show that a = (B x V)[itex]\bullet[/itex]n / (B x A)[itex]\bullet[/itex]n

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

(Upper case letters are vectors, it gets tiring to bold everything)

BxV = B x (aA + bB) = a(BxA) + b(BxB) = a(BxA)

BxV = a(BxA)

Now, if I compare this to the solution given for a, I see that they took the dot product with n on both side, so

(BxV)[itex]\bullet[/itex]n = a(BxA)[itex]\bullet[/itex]n

It is then trivial to isolate a and find the right answer. However, I was wondering if I could take the dot product with any vector, since technically I'd be applying the same operation of both sides of the equation. If not, why does this only work with the unit vector perpendicular to the plane?
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  • #2
What does it mean, geometrically, to take a dot product with n, as opposed to any other vector?
  • #3
since cos90 = 1 and |n| = 1, it basically gives the length of the cross products.
  • #4
You can use any vector for n as long as it doesn't lie in the plane.
  • #5
geometrically, the dot product tells you the extent of one vector in the direction of the unit vector doesn't it?

The cross product of the two vectors in the plane will give you a vector perpendicular to the plane. n is also perpendicular to the plane so the result will be how far above or below the plane the cross-product reaches. As you point out - that is just ||AxB|| etc. (Though I feel I should point out that cos(90) = 0, not 1.)

What happens, then, if you use another vector, that is not perpendicular to the plane instead of n?

But your purpose is to find "a"... is there a reason to prefer to use the unit normal compared with any arbitrary vector? Any vector not actually in the plane will get you a relation for a after all? (Note: you see why you cannot substitute a vector actually in the plane?)
  • #6
Thanks everyone. So, any vector outside of the plane can be taken, but using n guarantees that the equation is true. If the vectors lays in the plane, the dot product would be zero since all the vectors resulting from the cross products are perpendicular to the plane. (which is why it's a good idea to use n)

Also, any vector outside of the plane can be used because all the vectors resulting from the cross products are parallel. Is that right?
  • #7
VxB || BxA sure.

An arbitrary vector U will have length |U| and form an angle θ to the normal.
If you used U instead of n in the equation, you get:

|VxB||U|cosθ = a|BxA||U|cosθ
... you can solve this for a since you know all the values - but you picked U yourself so the question arises: is there a "best choice" for U?

If |U|=1 and θ=0 then U=n and you get:

|VxB| = a|BxA|

which is simple and easy.
So, per your original question, you can use any vector in the place of n and still achieve your goal ... but n is the simplest choice. The point is just to prove that a=|VxB|/|BxA| makes sense.

In general, it is useful for understanding vectors to think about what is going on geometrically rather than as abstract algebra.

FAQ: Dumb question about this linear algebra equation

1. What is a linear algebra equation?

A linear algebra equation is a mathematical statement that involves variables and their corresponding coefficients, and describes a relationship between them in a linear fashion. It is commonly used to solve problems involving lines, planes, and higher-dimensional spaces.

2. Can you give an example of a linear algebra equation?

Yes, here is an example: 2x + 3y = 8. This equation involves two variables, x and y, and their corresponding coefficients, 2 and 3. It describes a linear relationship between x and y where the sum of 2 times x and 3 times y is equal to 8.

3. What is the purpose of using linear algebra equations?

Linear algebra equations are used to represent and solve real-world problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science. They allow us to model and understand complex systems by describing the relationships between different variables and how they affect each other.

4. Are there any rules or principles to follow when solving linear algebra equations?

Yes, there are several rules and principles that can help in solving linear algebra equations. Some of these include the use of inverse operations, maintaining equality by performing the same operation on both sides of the equation, and simplifying expressions by combining like terms.

5. Is it possible to solve a linear algebra equation with more than two variables?

Yes, it is possible to solve a linear algebra equation with any number of variables. However, as the number of variables increases, the complexity of the problem also increases. In such cases, advanced techniques and concepts such as matrices and vectors are often used to represent and solve the equations.

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