Dust Off Your Resume: Tips, Formats & More

In summary, the conversation discusses the experience of being back in the job hunt after a few years, and the realization that there is more help available now compared to a few years ago. The use of resume-building software and the importance of listing positive attributes first on a resume are also mentioned. The importance of emphasizing professional experience or education depending on the length of work-force experience is also discussed, as well as the importance of customizing a resume for different types of job opportunities."
  • #1
I have found myself back in the unemployment pool recently. I realized that it was time to dust off my resume and start the job hunt once again. It has been a few years since I have been in the need of employment, but off I go once again. Since I have to get get back in the game and dust off my resume, I have to wonder if things have changed in the past few years and if so, what is different now.

I started my hunt by using Google and like most people, I ended up on Wikipedia. At http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Résumé there was a fair amount of information. Nothing I didn't already know so off I went again to find something that would be more useful.

I started looking for some help and noticed that there is significantly more help now than there was a few years ago. There are plenty of people who will write it for me, tips, formats, and a number of other options available. I did find a great program at http://www.freeresumebuilder.org/ which really got my attention. The sales page seems very promising, and I can't deny that a step by step process to help me create the killer resume sounded pretty good to me.

As I use the software, I find myself wondering if there are any ideas you folks have any ideas or tips that you have which have improved your resume and the results you have received with your resume. Are there certain formats or even fonts that you have found worked better than others? Let's share some powerful tips that we have all found to get the best results.

One tip that I have is simple. When you create a list of your skills and selling points you should list the positive attributes first. The mind will shut down after hearing or reading the first 3 or 4 parts of a list. That means that listing any negative ideas first will have those attributes stick in the mind of your potential employer. If what you list is positive, then those attributes will be what comes to mind first as their mind shuts down for the rest of the list, even if it is negative attributes.
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  • #2
Correct me if I'm wrong but you should not list any negative ideas/attributes at all on a resume. Not even further down the list, just not at all. Resumes are supposed to be 100% positive.
  • #3
Nothing wrong with being honest on a resume Esuna, actually it's quite funny when you get resumes in for people who put "expert" on everything they list. Especially when you ask them a question about something they don't know what they're talking about; often resumes that claim the extraordinary never get called in for an interview— because it’s understand it’s mostly all garbage.

I’ve never actually written a resume for more than just a formality, I already had the jobs before I submitted it. Do you have any contacts in a related industry that might be able to hook you up with work?
  • #4
Make it as short as possible, be brief and to the point - and give specific examples of things you have accomplished, quantitatively if possible. Managed $2M project to completion, Developed embedded software for five product roll outs... etc... Don't give names of references, but you can say "multiple coworker/superior, client references available on request". Think about how you have created value, not just done a job.
Probably best to develop in word, and have both a word and PDF version available.
Network on linked-in. And keep busy - even if volunteering - when the questions comes up, "I took the opportunity to DO xyz" - is effective.

Lastly - not to hide a real issue, but agree with Esuna - I see no reason to list negative issues, I can not even think of a reason for saying something negative on a Resume. You are listing your qualifications, they should be in line with what you want to do and are good at. If you are applying for a specific job, and there is a requested (or even required) Skiil you do not have, you can touch on that briefly in a cover letter or e-mail, and how you would compensate for this.
  • #5
How you write your resume varies greatly depending upon how much work-force experience you have. If' you have been doing professional grade work for five years or more, then you emphasize that over your education. I use five years of experience because it is generally recognized that to become an expert in something you need to spend about 10,000 hours at it. In the work force that's about five years.

If you have less than five years at anything, your education will still figure prominently. I also concur with everyone above, leave the negatives for the job interview. Don't actively lie about the negatives, but don't go out of your way to bring them to light, either.

In my line of work, even skilled, experienced people need at least a year of orientation and experience before we turn them loose on their own. Nobody hits the ground running in our field of engineering. So what we're really looking for are people who are ready and willing to get dirty and learn. We also look for commitment. We don't want to invest much effort in someone without a return.

On the other hand, some engineering jobs are very quick and fleeting. I suggest you figure out which each job is and write resumes accordingly. Some might emphasize commitment, others might emphasize quick turn-around and rapid work. Research each company, figure out what they're like, and write your resume accordingly. A single stock resume is usually received as such and filed away as such. Customize...

Related to Dust Off Your Resume: Tips, Formats & More

1. What is the purpose of a resume?

A resume is a document that summarizes your education, work experience, skills, and other relevant information to showcase your qualifications to potential employers. Its purpose is to make a strong first impression and convince the employer that you are a suitable candidate for the job.

2. What are the different resume formats?

The three most common resume formats are chronological, functional, and combination. A chronological resume lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, a functional resume focuses on your skills and accomplishments, and a combination resume combines elements of both formats.

3. How long should a resume be?

The general rule of thumb is to keep your resume to one page, especially if you have less than 10 years of work experience. However, if you have extensive experience or are applying for a senior-level position, it is acceptable to have a two-page resume.

4. What information should I include in my resume?

Your resume should include your contact information, a professional summary or objective statement, work experience, education, skills, and any relevant certifications or achievements. You can also include additional sections such as volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, or relevant coursework.

5. How often should I update my resume?

You should update your resume whenever you have new work experience, skills, or accomplishments to add. It is also a good idea to review and update your resume every 6-12 months, even if you are not actively job searching, to ensure that it accurately reflects your current qualifications and experiences.

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