Dynamics and Friction: Solving for Maximum Angle on a Ramp with μ_{s}=0.25

In summary, the maximum value of the angle θ before the box will slip is 14 degrees. This is determined by setting the forces of friction and gravity equal to each other and solving for θ, resulting in a value of μ_{s}=0.25.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A box is halfway up a ramp. The ramp makes an angle, θ with the ground. What is the maximum value of θ before the mass will slip? μ[itex]_{s}[/itex]=0.25

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I drew a free body diagram to show the forces affecting the box

η=mgcosθ (eq'n 1)

μ[itex]_{s}[/itex]η-mgsinθ=ma[itex]_{x}[/itex] (sub eq'n 1 in)

I'm not sure where to go from here, or even if this is the correct path for me to take
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  • #2
You have correctly identified the forces acting, but just as the box is on the verge of slipping, is it accelerating?
  • #3
the box wouldn't be accelerating, so would it be

  • #4
hsphysics2 said:
the box wouldn't be accelerating, so would it be

Yes, good, in degrees (don't forget units), but you should round your answer to 14 degrees ( 2 significant figures).
  • #5
. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Your approach is correct so far. To solve for the maximum angle, we can use the condition for static equilibrium, where the net force in the x-direction is equal to zero. This means that the acceleration in the x-direction is also equal to zero. Therefore, we can set the right side of your last equation to zero and solve for the maximum angle:






Plugging in the given value for μ_{s}=0.25, we get a maximum angle of approximately 14.04 degrees. This means that the box can safely be placed on a ramp with an angle less than or equal to 14.04 degrees without slipping, given the coefficient of static friction of 0.25.

FAQ: Dynamics and Friction: Solving for Maximum Angle on a Ramp with μ_{s}=0.25

What is the maximum angle that an object can be placed on a ramp with a coefficient of static friction of 0.25?

The maximum angle that an object can be placed on a ramp with a coefficient of static friction of 0.25 can be solved using the formula: θ = arctan(μs), where θ is the maximum angle and μs is the coefficient of static friction. In this case, θ = arctan(0.25) ≈ 14.03 degrees.

How does the coefficient of static friction affect the maximum angle on a ramp?

The coefficient of static friction is a measure of the amount of friction between two surfaces that are not moving relative to each other. It is directly related to the maximum angle on a ramp, as seen in the formula θ = arctan(μs). A higher coefficient of static friction means that the object can be placed at a steeper angle without sliding down the ramp.

What factors affect the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of static friction is affected by the nature of the two surfaces in contact, the roughness of the surfaces, and any external forces acting on the object. It is also dependent on the normal force between the two surfaces, which is the force perpendicular to the surface of contact.

How can the maximum angle on a ramp be increased?

The maximum angle on a ramp can be increased by either increasing the coefficient of static friction between the object and the ramp, or by increasing the normal force acting on the object. This can be achieved by adding more weight to the object or by using a surface with a higher coefficient of friction.

What other factors should be considered when calculating the maximum angle on a ramp?

Other factors that should be considered when calculating the maximum angle on a ramp include the weight and mass of the object, the angle of the ramp itself, and any external forces acting on the object. It is also important to consider the surface material and its roughness, as this can affect the coefficient of static friction.
