Dynamics - relative motion, planes Q

In summary, the angle between the velocity vectors of an aircraft flying in the same direction is usually measured counterclockwise from the + x-axis.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Aircraft A is describing a circular flight path in an anti-clockwise direction at 125km/h
Aircraft B is flying the same path but in the opposite direction at 225km/h.

If the radius of the flight path is 5km, calculate the acceleration of A relative to B when Aircraft A is heading South-East, with aircraft B is heading South -West

Homework Equations

aA/B = aA - aB

The Attempt at a Solution

Simple looking question but I'm falling at the 1st hurdle with obtaing the angular orientation of each Velocity vector of each Aircraft

My frame of reference is an Oxy diagram

The worked soultion from my tutor is:
θA = 45° when heading south-east
θB = 135 when heading south - west

I don't get the same angles as the worked example & I've doubled checked the directions of the flight paths (A flying anti-clockwise , B flying clockwise)

The only time my angles match the worked soulution is when I make A fly clockwise & B fly antiCan someone check to worked soultion is correct with the question & explain it to me or am I right?

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  • #2
The angle depends upon from which axis it is measured and in which direction.
θA = 45° clockwise from the + x-axis when heading south-east
θB = 135 clockwise from the + x-axis when heading south - west

By convention, angles are usually measured ccw from the + x axis, so θA = 315 degrees counterclockwise from the + x-axis when heading south-east
θB = 225 counterclockwise from the + x-axis when heading south - west

In reality, a pilot measures his or her bearing clockwise from magnetic north, so SE is 135 degrees and SW is 225 degrees.

In the end, the relative accelerations come out the same no matter how you choose your angles, as long as you are consistent..
  • #3
Thanks for the detailed reply

The 1st part of your answer matches my thinking that θA is° flying clockwise
However, the question states anti-clockwise

However, I tried your method of being consistent with measuring the angles from the x-axis & going counter clockwise to get a positive angle & it worked.

I think the circluar flight paths were throwing me off as on one question it stated:

Aircraft A flys counter clockwise & is heading south. I thought the angle would be 180° but I now understand why it is actually 270°

FAQ: Dynamics - relative motion, planes Q

1. What is relative motion?

Relative motion refers to the movement of an object in relation to another object. It takes into account the position, velocity, and acceleration of both objects to determine their relative motion.

2. How is relative motion different from absolute motion?

Absolute motion refers to the movement of an object in relation to a fixed point or reference frame, while relative motion takes into account the movement of multiple objects in relation to each other.

3. Can relative motion occur in a straight line?

Yes, relative motion can occur in a straight line if both objects are moving in the same direction at the same speed. In this case, the relative motion would be considered as zero.

4. What is the equation for calculating relative velocity?

The equation for calculating relative velocity is vAB = vB - vA, where vAB is the velocity of object A relative to object B, vB is the velocity of object B, and vA is the velocity of object A.

5. How is relative motion applied in the field of aviation?

Relative motion is used in aviation to determine the movement of an aircraft in relation to the ground and other aircraft. It is also used to calculate the effects of wind on an aircraft's flight path and to make adjustments for a safe and efficient flight.

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