E-field in a cylinder with a hole parallel to its axis

In summary, In order to evaluate the electric field inside and around a long insulating cylinder with a cylindrical hole, superposition can be used. The electric field inside the cylinder can be calculated using the expression E1=0.5ρr for r ≤ R1, while the electric field inside the hole can be calculated using a charge density of -ρ. It may be helpful to use the vectors a, r1, and r2 in order to evaluate the electric field in and around the cylinder.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A long insulating cylinder of radius R1 has a cylindrical hole parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The radius of the hole is R2, and the distance from the centre of the cylinder to the centre of the hole is a. There is a uniform fixed charge per unit volume ρ throughout the cylinder, except in the hole where there is no charge. Using a cylindrical coordinate system with the z axis along the centre of the cylinder, evaluate the components of the electric field inside the cylinder and inside the hole (you may neglect edge effects at the ends of the cylinder).

Homework Equations

Gauss' law

The Attempt at a Solution

I know I need to use superposition. I would like to:
Calculate the electric field of the cylinder of radius R1 alone with no hole. I did so to get E1=0.5ρr for r≤R1.
Calculate the electric field of the cylinder of radius R2 alone with charge in it (not easy!)
Subtract the fields from the second calculation from the first.

The major problem is that my cylindrical coordinate system is centred on the large cylinder. How can I compute the electric field in and around the second cylinder with such a coordinate system? I want a cylindrical Gaussian surface around the cylinder of radius R2. I just can't see how to do it :/

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
fayled said:

Homework Statement

A long insulating cylinder of radius R1 has a cylindrical hole parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The radius of the hole is R2, and the distance from the centre of the cylinder to the centre of the hole is a. There is a uniform fixed charge per unit volume ρ throughout the cylinder, except in the hole where there is no charge. Using a cylindrical coordinate system with the z axis along the centre of the cylinder, evaluate the components of the electric field inside the cylinder and inside the hole (you may neglect edge effects at the ends of the cylinder).

Homework Equations

Gauss' law

The Attempt at a Solution

I know I need to use superposition. I would like to:
Calculate the electric field of the cylinder of radius R1 alone with no hole. I did so to get E1=0.5ρr for r≤R1.
Calculate the electric field of the cylinder of radius R2 alone with charge in it (not easy!)
Subtract the fields from the second calculation from the first.

The major problem is that my cylindrical coordinate system is centred on the large cylinder. How can I compute the electric field in and around the second cylinder with such a coordinate system? I want a cylindrical Gaussian surface around the cylinder of radius R2. I just can't see how to do it :/

Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can (and should) use superposition.

Don't forget that Electric Field is a vector quantity.

Your expression for the electric field due to a solid cylinder with no hole is in error.

Its magnitude is: E1(r) = rρ/(2ε0) . - - You left out the ε0 . This is for the electric field inside a uniform cylindrical charge distribution.

For the region of the hole, use a charge density of -ρ . Note that for the region outside the hole, you will the general expression for the electric field outside a uniform cylindrical charge distribution.

It may help to consider the following vectors:
Define vector ##\ \vec a = a\,\hat r \,,\ ## which is a vector from the z-axis to the axis of the cylindrical hole and is perpendicular to the z-axis.

Define vector ##\ \vec {r_1} = r_1\,\hat r \,,\ ## which is a vector from the z-axis to the point of interest and is perpendicular to the z-axis.

Define vector ##\ \vec {r_2} = r_2\,\hat r \,,\ ## which is a vector from the z-axis to the point of interest and is perpendicular to the z-axis.

FAQ: E-field in a cylinder with a hole parallel to its axis

1. What is an E-field in a cylinder with a hole parallel to its axis?

The E-field in a cylinder with a hole parallel to its axis refers to the distribution of electric field strength within and around a cylindrical object with a hole that is aligned with the axis of the cylinder. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the presence of a charged object or an applied electric potential.

2. How is the E-field affected by the presence of a hole in a cylinder?

The presence of a hole in a cylinder can significantly affect the distribution of the E-field. The electric field lines will be distorted and concentrated around the hole, resulting in a higher field strength near the edges of the hole. The field strength may also be affected by the size and shape of the hole, as well as the material of the cylinder.

3. How does the E-field change as you move further away from the cylinder?

As you move further away from the cylinder, the E-field will gradually decrease in strength. This is because the electric field lines will spread out and become more diffuse as they travel away from the source. The rate at which the field strength decreases depends on the distance from the cylinder and the properties of the surrounding medium.

4. What factors can affect the E-field in a cylinder with a hole?

Several factors can affect the E-field in a cylinder with a hole, including the size and shape of the hole, the material of the cylinder, the distance from the cylinder, and the presence of any other charged objects or electric fields in the surrounding environment.

5. How is the E-field calculated in a cylinder with a hole?

The E-field in a cylinder with a hole can be calculated using the principles of electrostatics and the properties of the cylinder and the surrounding medium. This involves using mathematical equations, such as Gauss's Law, to determine the distribution and strength of the electric field at different points within and around the cylinder.

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