E field induced by toroidal solenoid with changing current

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a toroidal solenoid with a square cross section and a changing current running through it. The goal is to find the induced electric field at an arbitrary point on the z axis. Suggestions are made to use Faraday's law in integral form, but there is some uncertainty about the correct approach. The conversation also delves into the symmetry of the problem and the potential for the electric field to be zero due to the lack of flux along the z axis. The conversation concludes with the suggestion to use the equation for electric field, taking into account the changing vector potential, to find a non-zero electric field at the point in question.
  • #1
Eric Wright

Homework Statement

Suppose we have a toroidal solenoid with square cross section and whose axis of symmetry lies along the z axis. Suppose a current I(t)=kt runs through the solenoid. Find the induced electric field at an arbitrary point on the z axis.

Homework Equations

[tex] \oint \vec E \cdot d \vec l = \frac{d \Phi}{dt} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I am wanting to use faradays law in integral form, but there doesn't seem to be a good path to integrate around such that the E field will be constant on the path. I have already found the B field generated by a steady current I. Is it applicable to use faradays law just replacing I in the formula for the B field with I(t)?

Any suggestions about how to start this problem correctly would be much appreciated!


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  • #2
Seems to me since the B field is confined to within the toroid and the z axis is everywhere outside the toroid, that the answer is zero.

I assume "the axis of symmetry" is perpendicular to the plane of the toroid and so does not pass inside any part of it.
  • #3
rude man said:
Seems to me since the B field is confined to within the toroid and the z axis is everywhere outside the toroid, that the answer is zero.

That is what I was thinking at first.. but am not sure it is right. Not sure how to actually show that the field vanishes there.

rude man said:
I assume "the axis of symmetry" is perpendicular to the plane of the toroid and so does not pass inside any part of it.
Yes, that is correct. sorry.. i should have been more clear
  • #4
Here is an excerpt of a googled post:

<< If the integration route is chosen outside the torus, it is seen that the net current inside the route is zero, i.e. the magnetic field outside the toroid is zero. The toroid is the only known way to create a magnetic field to a limited part of space. >>

I see this as correct. For a concentric circular path outside the outer toroid radius the net current piercing this area is indeed zero, so ∫B*ds around this path is for sure zero. And by virtue of symmetry we can say that therefore the B field is zero everywhere around this outer closed path.

The same argument applies for any other symmetrical path around the torus if no net current pierces the associated area, for example, a circular path inside the torus' inner radius.
  • #5
rude man said:
Here is an excerpt of a googled post:

<< If the integration route is chosen outside the torus, it is seen that the net current inside the route is zero, i.e. the magnetic field outside the toroid is zero. The toroid is the only known way to create a magnetic field to a limited part of space. >>

I see this as correct. For a concentric circular path outside the outer toroid radius the net current piercing this area is indeed zero, so ∫B*ds around this path is for sure zero. And by virtue of symmetry we can say that therefore the B field is zero everywhere around this outer closed path.

The same argument applies for any other symmetrical path around the torus if no net current pierces the associated area, for example, a circular path inside the torus' inner radius.

We are looking for the induced electric field.. not the B field. We can certainly find that there is some induced E field. We know the flux through a given cross section of the toroid is changing (since the current is changing) and thus there will be a circulation of electric field around a given cross section. if we imagine a loop going through the origin and enclosing a cross section of the toroid, we will get a non zero circulation

[tex] \oint \vec E \cdot d \vec l \neq 0 [/tex]


[tex] \frac{d}{dt} \Phi \neq 0 [/tex]
  • #6
Eric, you're right, I'm sorry, I was thinking B instead of E field.

However, to get time-varying flux we need flux, and there is no flux along the z axis as I see it. If flux = 0, so is d(flux)/dt, so is E.

Eric Wright said:
We are looking for the induced electric field.. not the B field. We can certainly find that there is some induced E field. We know the flux through a given cross section of the toroid is changing (since the current is changing) and thus there will be a circulation of electric field around a given cross section. if we imagine a loop going through the origin and enclosing a cross section of the toroid, we will get a non zero circulation

Yes, but that does not mean E is finite everywhere along that loop. It is in fact finite only where a changing B field exists, i.e. within the cross-section only, and not at the toroid's center, or anywhere else along the z axis. ∫E*ds along your loop = d(phi)/dt but that means E on average = d(phi)/dt}/(length of loop) only.

I don't even see how the symmetry argument is compromised due to the torus having a rectangular cross-section instead of the more usual circular one. I was thinking maybe that made a difference, maybe I mised something there but damned if I know what. I hope you'll eventually post what your lecturer gave as the answer and reasoning, either here or privately.
  • #7
we have
[tex] \vec E = - \nabla V - \frac{\partial \vec A}{\partial t} [/tex]
and the vector potential A can change due to the changing current thus the E field can be non zero
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FAQ: E field induced by toroidal solenoid with changing current

1. What is a toroidal solenoid?

A toroidal solenoid is a type of electromagnet that is shaped like a donut or torus. It is made by winding a wire around a hollow cylinder in a circular path, creating a magnetic field inside the cylinder when an electric current is passed through the wire.

2. How does a changing current affect the E field induced by a toroidal solenoid?

A changing current in a toroidal solenoid will cause a changing magnetic field, which in turn will induce an electric field. The strength and direction of this induced electric field will depend on the rate of change of the current and the number of windings in the solenoid.

3. What is the direction of the induced E field in a toroidal solenoid?

The induced electric field in a toroidal solenoid will always be perpendicular to the changing magnetic field. It will also follow the right-hand rule, where the direction of the electric field will be in the direction of the curled fingers of the right hand when the thumb points in the direction of the changing magnetic field.

4. How is the magnitude of the induced E field calculated in a toroidal solenoid?

The magnitude of the induced electric field in a toroidal solenoid can be calculated using the equation E = -N*dPhi/dt, where N is the number of windings in the solenoid and dPhi/dt is the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the solenoid.

5. What are some practical applications of toroidal solenoids with changing current?

Toroidal solenoids with changing current are used in a variety of applications, such as in transformers, motors, generators, and particle accelerators. They are also commonly used in scientific research to study the effects of changing magnetic fields on electric fields and vice versa.
