E-field polarization in the direction of propagation, TEM, TE, TM

In summary: I didn't know all these things! TE and TM modes are just the solution of the wave equation with different orders of the bessel functions. In a microwave waveguide, you have two zig-zagging waves that combine to create the TE or TM mode. It's possible to have a laser beam that is TEM mode without any waveguide, but it's not very common. Circular polarization is just a type of polarization where the electric field is always in a specific direction.
  • #1
I read that for a plane wave E, B and k are always perpendicular to each other but then in a TM mode I have electric field in the direction of propagation. This means this TM and TE modes I cannot have in free space? Can I have them in a laser? If I can have some E-field in the direction of propagation why I cannot have it all along the direction of propagation, or most of it?

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I wish I could help but my knowledge of QM is limited to potential wells. What are TEM, TE and TM modes? Also k is the propergation vector isn't it? If so I would assume they were always perpendicular. (I actually came on here to see if anyone was giving an explanation of how circular polarisation works because I don't get it)
  • #3
when looking at a waveguide which electromagnetic waves travels in, the wave equation actually has the same form as the Schrodinger's Equation so we tend to use their solutions and just replace with relevant variable. The "potential" of our "wells" are determined by the refractive indices of our waveguide and surrounding materials.

TE modes and TM modes, while the typical interpretation refers to whether there are E field or B field in the direction of propagation, its not really something easy to get your head around (took me a while anyway). They are really just the solution of the equation using different orders of all those different bessel functions. In my optical communications class we used Yariv's "Optical Electronics in Modern Communications" they are briefly described them with some maths shown. Most of the maths about it are from my lecturer's slides I will have to dig through them again to see if they cited where they got those derivations from :D
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  • #4
wukunlin said:
TE modes and TM modes, while the typical interpretation refers to whether there are E field or B field in the direction of propagation

you mean along the waveguide? Perhaps a picture drawn in MS paint would help me understand.

When you said "The "potential" of our "wells" are determined by the refractive indices of our waveguide and surrounding materials."

do you mean like the waveguide is like one big Well and the sides of the waveguide is like the potential barrier?

Finally, do you know anything about circular polarisation compared to horizontal or vertical?

  • #5
Electromagnetic waves in free space travel in TEM mode. TE and TM modes are found when waves are guided in a microwave waveguide or fiberoptic cable. In such a waveguide you have the equivalent of two TEM mode waves traveling at an angle to each other and each reflecting off of opposite sides of the waveguide boundaries. Their superimposed amplitudes of these zig-zagging waves form the TE or TM mode. Which mode (i.e. TE10, TE20) has to do with how many cycles of the wave occur between reflections off of the guide boundaries.

You will usually read that only TE and TM modes are possible within microwave waveguide. However this does assume that you have this pair of zig-zagging waves. If I have a huge WR2300 waveguide and I shine a laser straight down the middle of it, the laser light will still be TEM mode since it is not interacting with the guide walls.

Also, it is possible to guide an electromagnetic wave and still have it be TEM if there are more than one conductor involved. An example is a stripline.
  • #6
Very interesting.

FAQ: E-field polarization in the direction of propagation, TEM, TE, TM

What is E-field polarization in the direction of propagation?

E-field polarization in the direction of propagation refers to the alignment of the electric field vector in the same direction as the propagation of an electromagnetic wave. This is commonly seen in plane waves, where the electric field oscillates in a single direction.

What is TEM mode?

TEM (transverse electromagnetic) mode is a type of electromagnetic wave propagation where both the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation. This type of mode is commonly used in coaxial cables and waveguides.

What is TE mode?

TE (transverse electric) mode is a type of electromagnetic wave propagation where the electric field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation, while the magnetic field is parallel to it. This mode is commonly used in waveguides and optical fibers.

What is TM mode?

TM (transverse magnetic) mode is a type of electromagnetic wave propagation where the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation, while the electric field is parallel to it. This mode is commonly used in waveguides and optical fibers.

What are the differences between TEM, TE, and TM modes?

The main difference between TEM, TE, and TM modes lies in the orientation of the electric and magnetic fields with respect to the direction of propagation. TEM mode has both fields perpendicular to the direction of propagation, while TE mode has only the electric field perpendicular and TM mode has only the magnetic field perpendicular. Additionally, each mode has different applications and properties in various types of waveguides and transmission lines.

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