Early Examples of Exhaustion Methods in Mathematics

  • Thread starter titaniumx3
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In summary, the conversation discusses the historical use of the method of exhaustion to solve mathematical problems, particularly in relation to early developments in calculus and the concept of limits. Examples given include Archimedes' use of the method to find the area of a circle and references to Ancient Greek, Chinese, and Islamic mathematics. The conversation also mentions relevant propositions from Euclid's "Elements" and sources for further reading on the subject.
  • #1
Can anyone give some historical examples of methods of exhaustion being used to solve problems. One popular example is the method Archimedes used to find the lower and upper bounds of the area of a circle (and therefore Pi) by inscribing circles inside and outside a circle?

In particular I'm looking for early precursors to calculus/infinite series and the idea of limits. Most info points towards the Ancient Greeks as a starting points but surely there must be earlier developments in the field? Maybe early Chinese mathematics or Islamic/Arabic mathematics?
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  • #2
titaniumx3 said:
Most info points towards the Ancient Greeks as a starting points but surely there must be earlier developments in the field? Maybe early Chinese mathematics or Islamic/Arabic mathematics?

There is of course no Islamic mathematics earlier than Archimedes, since Archimedes predated Muhammad by some nine centuries. There was little in the way of mathematics in the Arab world in the time of Archimedes, as their nomadic lifestyles were ill-suited to mathematical research.

I do imagine the ancient Chinese discovered the method of exhaustion, and likely before the time of Archimedes. Unfortunately I was not able to find anything in my online searches -- perhaps hindered by the Burning of the Books and Burial of the Scholars which would have happened around the time of Archimedes' death.
  • #3
Book XII (12) of Euclid's elements has about 6 propositions which showcase the method of exhaustion. Prop. 2 is an easy one to digest and you can find lots of writing on it as most histories (eves, boyer, edwards) cover this as a representative example of the use of the method of exhaustion in greek geometry. In proposition 2 it is shown that the area of two circles is in the same ratio as the squares on the diameters.
The method of exhaustion gets its effectiveness from book X (10) proposition one (1), which shows from the assumption that no infinitesimal magnitudes exist (so called axiom of archimedes) it follows that given a pre assigned magnitude, any magnitude may be reduced to less than the given magnitude by showing it may be reduced by half indefinitely.

relevant propositions:

sources I used for a paper on the method of exhaustion:
Boyer(2), Carl B., The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development, Dover,
Boyer, Carl B. and Merzbach, Uta C., A History of Mathematics, second edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, A History of Geometrical Methods, Dover, 1963.
Edwards Jr., C.H., The Historical Development of the Calculus, Springer-Verlag, 1979.
Eves, Howard, An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, sixth edition, Saunders
Colege Publishing, 1990.
Heath, Sir Thomas L., The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements, second edition
Vols. II and III, Dover, 1956.
Kline, Morris, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times,
Oxford University Press, 1972.
Mueller, Ian, Philosophy of Mathematics and Deductive Structure in Euclid’s Elements,
The MIT Press, 1981.
Stillwell, John, Mathematics and Its History, second edition, Springer, 2002.
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  • #4
Archimedes used Riemann Sums to determine the area under a parabola.
  • #5
it seems archimedes used the concept of center of gravity to discover the area and volume formulas of figures, then used exhaustion , i.e. limits, to prove them. just look at archimedes' works in heath's translation, published by dover. or search on google.
  • #6
CRGreathouse said:
There is of course no Islamic mathematics earlier than Archimedes, since Archimedes predated Muhammad by some nine centuries. There was little in the way of mathematics in the Arab world in the time of Archimedes, as their nomadic lifestyles were ill-suited to mathematical research.

I do imagine the ancient Chinese discovered the method of exhaustion, and likely before the time of Archimedes. Unfortunately I was not able to find anything in my online searches -- perhaps hindered by the Burning of the Books and Burial of the Scholars which would have happened around the time of Archimedes' death.
Yeah, Islamic mathematics definitely came after the Greeks, lol but in any case it would be interesting to know if they used any similar methods. I do recall reading somewhere about exhaustion methods being used by the Chinese but I've lost the link and can't verify it.

FAQ: Early Examples of Exhaustion Methods in Mathematics

What is the concept of "Methods Of Exhaustion"?

The method of exhaustion is a mathematical approach used to approximate the area or volume of a shape by dividing it into smaller, easily calculable shapes and summing their areas or volumes.

What is the history behind "Methods Of Exhaustion"?

The method of exhaustion was first introduced by Greek mathematician Eudoxus in the 4th century BC as a way to calculate the area of curvilinear figures. It was later refined and expanded upon by other mathematicians such as Archimedes and Cavalieri.

What types of shapes can be calculated using "Methods Of Exhaustion"?

The method of exhaustion can be used to calculate the area and volume of various shapes including circles, spheres, cones, and other curved figures. It can also be applied to irregular shapes by dividing them into smaller, simpler shapes.

How does "Methods Of Exhaustion" differ from other mathematical methods?

The method of exhaustion is a geometric approach that relies on the division of shapes into smaller, simpler shapes. This is different from other methods such as integration and differentiation, which use algebraic equations to calculate areas and volumes.

What are the real-world applications of "Methods Of Exhaustion"?

"Methods Of Exhaustion" has various applications in fields such as engineering, architecture, and physics. It can be used to calculate the volumes of irregularly shaped objects, such as rocks or mountains, and to determine the surface areas of complex structures, such as buildings or bridges.

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