Earth orbit vs. changing mass of Sun

In summary, the rate of decrease of the Sun's mass (-6 x 10^11 kg/s) will have a minimal effect on Earth's orbit, as it will only lose roughly .07% of its mass in its lifetime. This is not enough to significantly alter the orbit or have a noticeable impact on climate. Additionally, the small increase in Earth's mass from meteoroids entering the atmosphere will not significantly affect the orbit over the next few billion years.
  • #1
What effect does the rate of decrease of mass of the Sun (-6 x 10^11 kg/s) have on Earth orbit? Will the orbit become significantly more elliptical over, say, a billion years? And if so, what effect would this have on climate?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Since the sun's mass is roughly 2x10^30 kg, it will lose roughly .07% of its mass in its lifetime. Not enough to make a noticeable difference.
  • #3
Welcome to PF, Dorje!

...and then there's the 100 tons of meteoroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere each day...still only a millionth of a percent increase to the Earth's total mass over the next few billion years

FAQ: Earth orbit vs. changing mass of Sun

1. How does the Earth's orbit change with the changing mass of the Sun?

The Earth's orbit is primarily determined by the gravitational pull of the Sun. Therefore, as the mass of the Sun changes, the strength of its gravitational force also changes, resulting in a change in the Earth's orbit. If the mass of the Sun increases, the gravitational pull will be stronger and the Earth's orbit will become more elliptical. On the other hand, if the mass of the Sun decreases, the gravitational pull will weaken and the Earth's orbit will become more circular.

2. Can the Earth's orbit change significantly due to a change in the mass of the Sun?

Yes, the Earth's orbit can change significantly with even a small change in the mass of the Sun. This is because the gravitational force between two objects is directly proportional to their masses. Therefore, any change in the mass of the Sun will have a significant impact on the Earth's orbit.

3. How does the changing mass of the Sun affect the length of a year on Earth?

The Earth's orbit around the Sun determines the length of a year on Earth. As the mass of the Sun changes, the Earth's orbit also changes, resulting in a change in the distance between the two objects. This change in distance can affect the length of a year on Earth, with a larger mass resulting in a longer year and a smaller mass resulting in a shorter year.

4. Is the changing mass of the Sun the only factor that affects the Earth's orbit?

No, the Earth's orbit is also influenced by other factors such as the gravitational pull of other planets in the solar system and the Earth's own rotation. However, the mass of the Sun is the primary determinant of the Earth's orbit.

5. How does the changing mass of the Sun impact the habitability of Earth?

The mass of the Sun plays a crucial role in determining the habitability of Earth. If the mass of the Sun were to change significantly, it could result in a change in the Earth's orbit, which could have a significant impact on the planet's climate and temperature. This, in turn, could affect the ability of living organisms to survive on Earth.
