Earth's Energy Balance: Calculating Albedo, Absorptivity, and Emissivity

In summary, the conversation is about using data from an energy balance diagram to determine numerical values for α, a, and e. The speaker is unsure which numbers to plug into which equations and is seeking guidance. They mention that F0/4 may be 341 and ask for feedback on their attempt.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use the data in the energy balance diagram for the Earth shown below to determine numerical values for α, a and e. Assess your results by comparing them to the commonly used approximations α = 0.3, a = 0 and e = 1. Show your calculations.

Homework Equations

Look at the the screenshot that says equations and then the actual numbers for the energy balance model are in the second screenshot that says Energy numbers.

The Attempt at a Solution

I am just confused on which numbers I should plug into what to find the albedo, a, and e. I know F0/4 might be 341, but I am not sure how to correspond which number to which equation, etc.


  • Equations.png
    25.2 KB · Views: 497
  • Energy numbers.png
    Energy numbers.png
    31.1 KB · Views: 484
Physics news on
  • #2
il27 said:
not sure how to correspond which number to which equation
So post an attempt and someone will check it.

FAQ: Earth's Energy Balance: Calculating Albedo, Absorptivity, and Emissivity

What is atmospheric energy balance?

Atmospheric energy balance refers to the balance between the amount of incoming energy from the sun and the amount of outgoing energy from the Earth's atmosphere. This balance is crucial for maintaining a stable climate on Earth.

How is atmospheric energy balance maintained?

Atmospheric energy balance is maintained through various processes such as radiation, convection, and conduction. Energy from the sun is absorbed by the Earth's surface and some of it is radiated back into the atmosphere. This energy is then redistributed through the atmosphere through convection and conduction, ultimately maintaining a balance between incoming and outgoing energy.

What factors affect atmospheric energy balance?

Several factors can affect atmospheric energy balance, including the Earth's distance from the sun, the tilt of its axis, the Earth's albedo (reflectivity), and the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Changes in any of these factors can disrupt the balance and lead to changes in the Earth's climate.

Why is understanding atmospheric energy balance important?

Understanding atmospheric energy balance is important because it helps us predict and understand changes in the Earth's climate. By understanding how energy is exchanged between the Earth and the atmosphere, we can better understand the causes and effects of climate change and make informed decisions to mitigate its impacts.

How do scientists study atmospheric energy balance?

Scientists study atmospheric energy balance through a variety of methods, including satellite measurements, computer models, and ground-based observations. By combining data from different sources, scientists can create a comprehensive picture of the Earth's energy balance and make accurate predictions about future changes in the climate.
