Earth's Gravity (Fundamental Forces)

In summary: If you mean that there is an electromagnetic force that is also related to the gravitational force, and that this force has an impact on the gravitational force, then the answer is that electromagnetism has a minimal impact on the gravity of Earth, and the other percentages for the other remaining Fundamental Forces involved with the gravity force mix would be around (minimal) of around 75% percent of the Gravity we experience.
  • #1
If we listed all Fundamental Forces that make up Earth's Gravity, What percentage would Electro/Magnetism fall under for its influence within Gravity, I assume it would be a (minimal) of around 75% percent of the Gravity we experience, If we have all the other percentages for the other remaining Fundamental Forces involved with the Gravity force mix, What would their percentages be too?
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  • #2
:confused: Dunno.

Why would electromagnetism have impact on the gravity of Earth. If you're thinking of pure physical tying of electromagnetism with gravity in general, this may not be the best place.

As I observe for instance that Venus, unlike Earth, has no observable magnetic field but has a gravity that nicely fits with the good ol Newtonian physics, I could not think of a logical relationship between gravity and EM.
  • #3
Andre said:
:confused: Dunno.
Why would electromagnetism have impact on the gravity of Earth. If you're thinking of pure physical tying of electromagnetism with gravity in general, this may not be the best place.
As I observe for instance that Venus, unlike Earth, has no observable magnetic field but has a gravity that nicely fits with the good ol Newtonian physics, I could not think of a logical relationship between gravity and EM.

pseudo example:

the materials your body contains is Magnetic, Ferromagnetic, Diamagnetic and may contain Anti-ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, and Paramagnetic materials.

If a person stands on a pseudo platform and this platform is increasing in Magnetic strength per second into infinity, How strong would the Magnetic strength have to be before the magnetic platform is strong in field strength to bind you to its surface like a gravitational field equivalent to Earths gravity per square inch?

At one point the Magnetic pull would be so great that it would weld you to its surface if it becomes mega-magnetic in field strength.

A type of pseudo gravity.
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  • #4
I know falling from 1 foot in height to the ground doesn't seem dangerous, but, if the ground below you is in or around or above 100+ Telsa in Magnetic field strength then I would suggest purchasing some good crutches before attempting the one foot drop as the Tesla strength increases.

Also, Magnetism has (infinite) force influence, shielding and propagation only decreases its influence but does not cancel it.
  • #5
Water is the only substance that of which a high strength magnetic field would have much of an effect on. Water is diamagnetic, meaning very weak repelling forces. Reminds me of the great floating frog:

This illustration shows how difficult it is to make something float using diamagnetic phenomena.

And look at the results: Ooooh pretty! ehh?

Also, the limit to an electromagnetic field strength is about 1013 T. Why is there a maximum you ask? I'll quote Tide on this:
Tide said:
Magnetic fields arise from the flow of current or the intrinsic magnetic moment of a spinning particle (which is essentially a current). The speed of light limits the flow of current and charge is invariant under Einstein-Lorentz transformation. Assuming finite charge density, magnetic fields due to electrical current are therefore bounded by the speed of light.

Also, and interesting related phenomenon, called phosphenes would show their presence in your experiment. A phosphene is characterized by the experience of light without light coming into the eye. Phosphenes have been created by intense, changing magnetic fields, such as with transcranial magnetic stimulation. These fields can be positioned on different parts of the head to stimulate cells in different parts of the visual system.
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  • #6
From what I have heard, After a certain Magnetic Saturation point, even Diamagnetic Materials become Magnetic in Nature. This varies with different materials and many other factors are involved like Temperature dependency.

Even Water under a certain Magnetic saturation point will become Magnetic Given the field strength is strong enough.

I do not know if Diamagnetism can exist in a direct 100+ Telsa Magnetic field, the probabilty is that it will become Magnetic due to the field saturation.

I remember seeing and reading about the floating frog years ago, very cool.:smile:
  • #7
I assume that the motivation for your question comes from the knowledge that at the atomic level, electrical, strong and weak forces are so much stronger than gravitational forces. However, strong and weak forces are so short ranged that they have no influence outside of the nucleus of the atom. Also only the net charge counts for electrical force, and the Earth has a net charge near zero. But all of the mass counts for gravitational force, and the Earth has a lot of mass. Having said that, I give two answers to your question.

If you mean that we are electrically charged and the Earth is electrically charged and the force of attraction of these charged bodies is in the same direction as the gravitational force, then there isn't enough charge to make a difference. So the answer to your question is it's all gravity and practically no electricity.

However, if the only force on us was gravitational, then we would fall to the center of the earth. There must be some other force that balances it out and leaves us with zero acceleration (relative to the center of the earth). There are electrical forces holding the individual atoms of our bodies together and holding the atoms of the Earth together. These electrical forces exert an upward force on us just equal to the gravitational force drawing us downward. The net force is zero and we neither fall nor float. So the answer to your question is gravitational and electrical forces are equal and in opposite directions.
  • #8
Intuitive said:
Even Water under a certain Magnetic saturation point will become Magnetic Given the field strength is strong enough.
Diamagnetic is a form of magnetism in which an external magnetic field is needed for it to initialize.
I do not know if Diamagnetism can exist in a direct 100+ Telsa Magnetic field
There is no external field strength too high for a diamagnetic material to retain its field.
I remember seeing and reading about the floating frog years ago, very cool.:smile:
:biggrin: Yes it is. :biggrin:
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Related to Earth's Gravity (Fundamental Forces)

What is Earth's gravity?

Earth's gravity is the force that pulls objects towards its center. It is the fundamental force that keeps us and other objects on the surface of the Earth.

What causes Earth's gravity?

Earth's gravity is caused by its mass. The larger the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational force will be. The Earth's mass is composed of its core, mantle, and crust.

How does Earth's gravity affect us?

Earth's gravity affects us in many ways. It keeps us from floating off into space and allows us to walk and move on the surface. It also affects the tides and the Earth's rotation around its axis.

Does Earth's gravity vary in different locations?

Yes, Earth's gravity can vary slightly in different locations due to differences in the Earth's mass distribution. For example, areas with higher elevation or denser materials may have slightly stronger gravitational forces.

Can Earth's gravity be turned off?

No, Earth's gravity is a fundamental force and cannot be turned off or manipulated. However, objects can appear to be weightless in space due to the absence of other forces, such as air resistance.

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