Edge States in Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE)

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding the Landau Level energies using the Schrodinger equation. The question at hand asks for the possible values of k, corresponding positions in the y-direction, and velocities for an electron in the ground state. This can be determined by using the relationships between momentum, position, and velocity in quantum mechanics.
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Homework Statement
Consider a free particle in a magnetic field bounded by a strong confining potential. Find:
a. The landau energy levels
b. The maximal and minimal values of ##k## assuming only the ##n = 0## landau level is occupied
c. The states with these ##k##-values are known as edge states. Find the positions in the y-direction of these states.
b. The velocity of electrons corresponding to these states.
Relevant Equations
Hamiltonian: ##H = \frac {(-i\hbar\nabla -e \vec A)}{2m} + \frac {m\omega_0^2y^2}{2}##
Landau Guage: ##\vec A = (-yB,0,0)##
Hello there, I am having trouble understanding what parts b-d of the question are asking. By solving the Schrodinger equation I got the following for the Landau Level energies:

$$E_{n,k} = \hbar \omega_H(n+\frac 12)+\frac {\hbar^2k^2}{2m}\frac{\omega^2}{\omega_H^2}$$

Where ##\omega_H = \sqrt{\omega^2 + \omega_c^2}## and ##\omega_c## is the cyclotron frequency ##\omega_c = \frac {eB}{m}##. At ##n = 0## this simplifies to:

$$E_{0,k} = \frac {\hbar \omega_H}{2} + \frac {\hbar^2k^2}{2m}\frac{\omega^2}{\omega_H^2}$$

Now at this point I'm not sure what exactly the question is asking. On a hunch I tried to find the roots of the expression:
$$E_{0,k}-\frac {\hbar \omega_H}{2} + \frac {\hbar^2k^2}{2m}\frac{\omega^2}{\omega_H^2}=0$$

This yielded:
$$k = i\frac {\hbar}{\sqrt{m\hbar\omega_H-2mE}}$$

Which does not seem very useful. After this point I really don't understand what the question is asking. Assuming I could find the ##k##-values how would I translate these into positions in the y-direction? Or even velocities? I am thoroughly confused by this and would appreciate any help thank you!
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  • #2

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out and explaining your confusion with parts b-d of the question. I can understand how the problem may seem unclear, so let me try to break it down for you.

Part b is asking you to find the possible values of k for the ground state (n = 0) energy level. In other words, you need to find the values of k that satisfy the equation you derived for E0,k. These values of k represent the allowed momentum states for an electron in the ground state.

Part c is asking you to find the corresponding positions in the y-direction for these momentum states. To do this, you can use the relationship between momentum and position in quantum mechanics, which is given by p = ħk. So, for each value of k that you found in part b, you can calculate the corresponding position in the y-direction.

Finally, part d is asking you to find the velocities for these momentum states. Again, you can use the relationship between momentum and velocity in quantum mechanics, which is given by v = p/m. So, for each value of k, you can calculate the corresponding velocity in the y-direction.

I hope this helps clarify the question for you. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if you need any more assistance. Good luck with your calculations!

FAQ: Edge States in Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE)

What is the Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE)?

The Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE) is a phenomenon observed in two-dimensional electron systems at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. It is characterized by the quantization of the Hall resistance to integer multiples of a fundamental constant, the von Klitzing constant.

What are edge states in the IQHE?

Edge states are electronic states that exist at the boundaries of a two-dimensional electron system in the presence of a magnetic field. These states are responsible for the quantization of the Hall resistance in the IQHE and exhibit a chiral motion along the edges of the system.

How do edge states contribute to the IQHE?

Edge states play a crucial role in the IQHE as they are responsible for carrying the electrical current along the edges of the system. These states are localized at the edges due to the presence of a magnetic field, and their chiral motion leads to the quantization of the Hall resistance.

What is the importance of studying edge states in the IQHE?

Studying edge states in the IQHE is important for understanding the fundamental physics of two-dimensional electron systems in the presence of a magnetic field. It also has practical applications in the development of quantum devices such as quantum computers and sensors.

How are edge states experimentally observed in the IQHE?

Edge states can be experimentally observed in the IQHE through various techniques such as transport measurements, scanning tunneling microscopy, and ballistic electron emission microscopy. These techniques allow for the visualization and characterization of the chiral motion of edge states along the boundaries of the system.
