Effect of a Vacuum on Liquid Boiling Point

  • Thread starter Beaujolais
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In summary, a vacuum is a space with little to no matter or particles that is created by removing air or other gases from a sealed container or space. It lowers the boiling point of a liquid by reducing the pressure on its surface, allowing the molecules to escape into the gas phase at a lower temperature. The pressure exerted on a liquid's surface is directly related to its boiling point, with an increase in pressure resulting in an increase in boiling point and a decrease in pressure resulting in a decrease in boiling point. Understanding the effect of a vacuum on liquid boiling point is important in various industries and has implications in space exploration and vacuum distillation processes. However, there are exceptions to this relationship, such as water, due to its unique molecular structure
  • #1
When a liquid is put under pressure its boiling point rises. Those this mean if a liquid is in a vacuum its boiling point will lower?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3

Yes, that is correct. When a liquid is in a vacuum, the pressure on the liquid is reduced, causing its boiling point to decrease. This is because the molecules in the liquid have less force acting on them, making it easier for them to escape into the gas phase. As a result, the liquid will boil at a lower temperature compared to when it is at atmospheric pressure. This effect is commonly observed in high-altitude areas where the atmospheric pressure is lower, causing water to boil at a lower temperature.

FAQ: Effect of a Vacuum on Liquid Boiling Point

What is a vacuum?

A vacuum is a space with little to no matter or particles. It is created by removing air or other gases from a sealed container or space.

How does a vacuum affect the boiling point of a liquid?

A vacuum lowers the boiling point of a liquid by reducing the pressure on the liquid's surface. This decrease in pressure means that the molecules of the liquid have less resistance to escape into the gas phase, allowing them to boil at a lower temperature.

What is the relationship between pressure and boiling point?

The boiling point of a liquid is directly related to the pressure exerted on its surface. As pressure increases, the boiling point of a liquid also increases. Conversely, as pressure decreases, the boiling point decreases.

What is the significance of studying the effect of a vacuum on liquid boiling point?

Understanding how a vacuum affects the boiling point of a liquid is important in various industries, such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical engineering. It also has implications in space exploration and in the design of vacuum distillation processes.

Are there any exceptions to the relationship between vacuum and boiling point?

Yes, there are some liquids, such as water, that do not follow the general rule of decreasing boiling point with decreasing pressure. This is due to the unique molecular structure of these liquids and their hydrogen bonding, which can affect their boiling point in different ways.

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