Effect of alternating current (a.c.) on a capacitor

In summary, the size of the current in a capacitor is dependent on the capacitance and frequency of the supply. A small capacitance or low frequency results in a low current, while a high capacitance and high frequency leads to a high current. The current is also affected by the rate of change of voltage, which is proportional to both the frequency and peak voltage. Increasing the frequency squeezes the graph of the waveform, making the slope sharper, while increasing the peak voltage causes the slope to spread over a larger section of the graph, resulting in a higher average value.
  • #1
the book says:

Effect of alternating current (a.c.) on a capacitor
The size of the current will depend on the capacitance and on the frequency of the supply. If the capacitance is small, or the frequency low, only a small amount of charge needs to flow onto the capacitor plates for the p.d. across the capacitor to equal the supply p.d. In other words, the current will be very low. High capacitance and high frequency give high current.

i do not understand the effect of frequency and why small charge need to flow to equal p.d. across capacitor to that of supply when frequency is low. would you help me with this, please?

many thanks for any help you can give.

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  • #2
hi painterguy! :smile:

in a capacitor V is not related to I, instead dV/dt is related to I (CdV/dt = dQ/dt = I)…

if V = Vmaxsinωt, then I = CdVdt = ωCVmaxcosωt …

(in other words: the impedance of a capacitor is 1/jωC)

ie Imax = ωCVmax

high capacitance and high frequency give high current :wink:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
hi painterguy! :smile:

in a capacitor V is not related to I, instead dV/dt is related to I (CdV/dt = dQ/dt = I)…

if V = Vmaxsinωt, then I = CdVdt = ωCVmaxcosωt …

(in other words: the impedance of a capacitor is 1/jωC)

ie Imax = ωCVmax

high capacitance and high frequency give high current :wink:

hi tiny-tim,:wink:

oh, you have used so many math formulas! now i am more confused...is there any simple explanation without that math formula for conceptual understanding...please, please.
  • #4
hi painterguy! :wink:
painterguy said:
...is there any simple explanation without that math formula for conceptual understanding

not really …

you can't understand capacitors without understanding how the equations work …

the best i can do is to translate the equations into english for you …

the current is proportional to the capacitance and to the rate of change of the voltage, and the rate of change of the voltage is proportional to the voltage and to the frequency :smile:

(obviously, the faster the frequency, the faster the voltage is changing :wink:)​
  • #5
If the supply resistance is zero (an ideal voltage source) then there is no "effect of AC". The only time that AC will be relevant will be when there is a resistance involved. When there is a resistance in circuit, the Capacitor will take time to charge or discharge. For a large C and / or large R, this can be a long time. If the AC is at a high frequency then there is not enough time, before polaraty reverses, for the Voltage on the Capacitor to change significantly. This is what gives the frequency selectivity when using a Capacitor. It will follow a slow variation closely but average out a fast variation to zero.
  • #6
tiny-tim said:
the current is proportional to the capacitance and to the rate of change of the voltage, and the rate of change of the voltage is proportional to the voltage and to the frequency :smile:

hello tiny-tim,:wink:

does this mean if voltage being low or high also affects rate of change of voltage? i thought rate of change of voltage is only proportional to frequency!:redface:

many thanks for the help.

  • #7
Rate of change of voltage depends both on frequency AND peak voltage aamof. (That is, the volts per second which will be maximum at the zero crossing)
  • #8
the bigger something is, the more it is changing :wink:
  • #9
sophiecentaur said:
Rate of change of voltage depends both on frequency AND peak voltage aamof. (That is, the volts per second which will be maximum at the zero crossing)
In OP Amps it's characterised as slew rate.
  • #10
sophiecentaur said:
Rate of change of voltage depends both on frequency AND peak voltage aamof. (That is, the volts per second which will be maximum at the zero crossing)

hello sophiecentaur,

i am trying to first understand first relationship between rate of change of voltage and frequency. i think it has something to do with derivates in math. suppose a wave has 2hz frequency - two wave cycles per second. if there are going to 100 waves per second then adjust 100 waves in the same space of 1 second, each wave is going to have sharper slope as compared when there were only two waves in one second. do u see any correctness in this? tell me please. many thanks for your helping me.

  • #11
For a sinusoid, the rate of change (the time derivative) is just a cos wave.

d(A sin(wt))/dt =A w cos(wt)
so the maximum slope for a sinewave of amplitude A and angular frequency w is Aw.
  • #12
painterguy said:
… each wave is going to have sharper slope as compared when there were only two waves in one second. do u see any correctness in this?

yes, that's exactly correct :smile:

higher frequency (and same amplitude) obviously squeezes the graph, so makes the slope higher, and the slope is the derivative (the rate of change) :wink:
  • #13
tiny-tim said:
yes, that's exactly correct :smile:

higher frequency (and same amplitude) obviously squeezes the graph, so makes the slope higher, and the slope is the derivative (the rate of change) :wink:

hi tiny-tim,

many thanks for clearing this confusion. so one mystery is solved.

but as sophiecentaur and you said:
Rate of change of voltage depends both on frequency AND peak voltage.

okay, increasing frequency squeezes the graph and make the slope sharper. but how can increasing the peak make the slope sharper?:rolleyes:

here it is my "little" understanding:
please check this picture:

the slope is almost constant between the two red marks (on the same side of the wave). do you agree? as one starts ascending the top red mark slope starts decreasing and as one starts descending the top red mark slope starts increasing.

now see this picture with doubled amplitude:

now the section during which the slope is almost constant has enlarged because the amplitude is double than before.

so this implies that as amplitude is increased the values of slope where is has higher value as compared to section where is decreasing spread over larger section. so average of those values during which slope is constant or increasing will be greater than when the amplitude was less.

do you understand and find correct what i am trying to say?

warning: these diagrams were not created by me. i found them on google and modified them only for the purpose of understanding. no claim of ownership.

many thanks for teaching me all this. much grateful.

  • #14
A picture is worth a thousand words but an equation can be worth a thousand pictures. The little equation I put in my last post says it all. The maximum slope (rate of change) is A w (or 2pi X frequency X amplitude of the signal). That simple statement avoids any arm waving and people who want to get a grasp of things can help themselves by getting used to as many of the simple maths as possible.
  • #15
sophiecentaur said:
A picture is worth a thousand words but an equation can be worth a thousand pictures. The little equation I put in my last post says it all. The maximum slope (rate of change) is A w (or 2pi X frequency X amplitude of the signal). That simple statement avoids any arm waving and people who want to get a grasp of things can help themselves by getting used to as many of the simple maths as possible.

hi sophiecentaur,

yes, you are completely correct where you say an equation can be worth a thousand pictures. i did read your post but couldn't really grasp the hidden meaning behind the math. so was trying to approach the problem from my own angle in steps. i would have definitely returned to your equation once i had decipher the meaning behind the math. i do appreciate your help with many problems. every human learns in different way so i wasn't avoiding your post. i just avoided it for time being in order to understand it afterwards once i have understood some of the basics. i hope it is clear now.

now will you please give you opinion on my last post?:rolleyes:

  • #16
The Maths may look scary but I would say that it IS the basics and not something you come back to. Don't put off the evil day but grasp the nettle. There is very little in the Physical Sciences that can be 'understood ' without using some Maths and this is a great example of what I say. Without some Maths, it is sooo easy to extrapolate what one thinks one has understood and to jump to dodgy conclusions.

Your description in graphical terms is fine up to a point. Basically, you can say that, as you increase the frequency, you also increase the rates of change. But, this para_

"so this implies that as amplitude is increased the values of slope where is has higher value as compared to section where is decreasing spread over larger section. so average of those values during which slope is constant or increasing will be greater than when the amplitude was less."

, while it is broadly correct, is a great demo of how involved a purely verbal description can be. I had to read it three times before it meant anything to me. And I knew what you were trying to say.:smile:
  • #17
hi painterguy! :smile:
painterguy said:
… so this implies that as amplitude is increased the values of slope where is has higher value as compared to section where is decreasing spread over larger section. so average of those values during which slope is constant or increasing will be greater than when the amplitude was less.
sophiecentaur said:
I had to read it three times before it meant anything to me. And I knew what you were trying to say.:smile:

i have to agree with sophiecentaur! :rolleyes:

i think what you mean is: you can increase the amplitude (but not the frequency) by putting four fingers of one hand into four adjacent peaks, and four fingers of the other hand into four adjacent troughs, and pulling … obviously, that increases the amplitude and the slope everywhere in the same proportion! :wink:

FAQ: Effect of alternating current (a.c.) on a capacitor

1. How does alternating current affect a capacitor?

Alternating current (a.c.) passing through a capacitor causes the capacitor to charge and discharge in a cyclical manner. This results in a constantly changing voltage across the capacitor, leading to the storage and release of energy.

2. Can a capacitor be used to filter alternating current?

Yes, a capacitor can be used as a filter for alternating current. As a capacitor charges and discharges, it can smooth out the fluctuations in the alternating current, resulting in a more steady output.

3. What is the role of capacitance in an alternating current circuit?

Capacitance is the measure of a capacitor's ability to store electrical charge. In an alternating current circuit, the capacitance of a capacitor allows it to store and release energy, which can be used for various purposes such as filtering, tuning, and power factor correction.

4. How does the frequency of alternating current affect a capacitor?

The frequency of alternating current determines the rate at which the capacitor charges and discharges. A higher frequency means a faster charging and discharging cycle, while a lower frequency results in a slower cycle. This can affect the amount of energy that can be stored in a capacitor and can also impact its overall performance in a circuit.

5. What happens if the alternating current frequency matches the resonant frequency of a capacitor?

If the alternating current frequency matches the resonant frequency of a capacitor, the capacitor will reach its maximum charge and discharge at the same rate as the frequency of the current. This can result in a phenomenon known as resonance, where the capacitor can store a large amount of energy and can cause voltage spikes in the circuit.

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