Effective Spring Constant of a Chain Polymer

In summary, the conversation discusses the search for a model to determine the effective spring constant of chain molecules in magnetic nanoparticles. The ideal chain model, which treats the location of each monomer as a random walker and uses Boltzmann distribution to calculate a quadratic energy, is identified as the solution. The spring constant is found to be 3kT/(Lb), where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature, L is the total length of the chain, and b is the length of each link.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Looking for resources to help model the effective spring constant of chain molecules sorbed onto the surface of magnetic nanoparticles
Hi All,

I'm doing research in magnetic nanoparticles that are coated with chain molecules (oleic acid, I believe) and I am trying to model these molecules' effective spring constant.
The basic scenario is this: When a water-based ferrofluid is evaporated, it leaves behind only dried particles that are clumped together. These particles have chain molecules sorbed onto their surface to prevent agglomeration and oxidization while in the carrier fluid. The protective molecules are about 1nm long. One they are dried, if they are subjected to a magnetic field they will try to rotate to align in the field. To know how they will do this a priori, I'd like to model them as simple springs. I have looked in several places online but I can't find where this property is discussed (or at least it's not called a spring constant). With this info I could perhaps make a more sophisticated model later.
Some extra details for anyone interested: The particles are 10nm Fe3O4 and have an internal anisotropy around 25-30kA/m based on fitted data and a theoretical calculation for cubic anisotropy. I know the magnetization will align in the field independent of the particle crystal, but it won't be without some strain on the bonds that connect each particle due to the non-zero anisotropy.
Any help is appreciated. I have access to the Web of Knowledge through the graduate school so even a DOI or paper title will suffice.

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  • #2
The model you are looking for is the Ideal Chain. It is based on a chain of monomers that can rotate freely (or in one dimension, be aligned or anti-aligned with their neighbors) and ignores interactions between them. You can essentially treat the location of the Nth monomer like a Brownian particle that has gone N time-steps, such that its mean distance from the start of the chain (averaged over every possible configuration) is zero, but its mean square distance is nonzero. Just like the mean square distance traveled by a Brownian particle is proportional to time (the proportionality being the diffusion coefficient), the mean square distance between two ends of a polymer chain proportional to the number of links in the chain (N) and the proportionality is the squared length of each link (b), such that <X>=b√N. When N is large <X> will be much less than the total length bN.

The spring constant can be found by taking the end position of the chain to be Gaussianly distributed around the start position (again, like the location of a random walker), which when you apply the Boltzmann distribution (relating the energy of a state in contact with a thermal reservoir to the probability of observing that state), you find the Gaussian probability becomes a quadratic energy, which of course is what describes a spring system. Because the force is entropic (the chains contract to increase entropy), the energy scale of the quadratic potential is kT (Boltzmann constant times temperature), and for the dimensions to make sense we want a spring force described by f=Kx=kT x/C, where C has to have units of length squared for the whole equation to have units of force. We can handwave that C should be some kind of product of the link size b, and the total length L=Nb.

The actual answer is that f=-3 kT x/(Lb) so the spring constant is 3kT/(Lb).

See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_chain
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  • #3
klotza said:
The model you are looking for is the Ideal Chain. It is based on a chain of monomers that can rotate freely (or in one dimension, be aligned or anti-aligned with their neighbors) and ignores interactions between them. You can essentially treat the location of the Nth monomer like a Brownian particle that has gone N time-steps, such that its mean distance from the start of the chain (averaged over every possible configuration) is zero, but its mean square distance is nonzero. Just like the mean square distance traveled by a Brownian particle is proportional to time (the proportionality being the diffusion coefficient), the mean square distance between two ends of a polymer chain proportional to the number of links in the chain (N) and the proportionality is the squared length of each link (b), such that <X>=b√N. When N is large <X> will be much less than the total length bN.

The spring constant can be found by taking the end position of the chain to be Gaussianly distributed around the start position (again, like the location of a random walker), which when you apply the Boltzmann distribution (relating the energy of a state in contact with a thermal reservoir to the probability of observing that state), you find the Gaussian probability becomes a quadratic energy, which of course is what describes a spring system. Because the force is entropic (the chains contract to increase entropy), the energy scale of the quadratic potential is kT (Boltzmann constant times temperature), and for the dimensions to make sense we want a spring force described by f=Kx=kT x/C, where C has to have units of length squared for the whole equation to have units of force. We can handwave that C should be some kind of product of the link size b, and the total length L=Nb.

The actual answer is that f=-3 kT x/(Lb) so the spring constant is 3kT/(Lb).

See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_chain
@klotza Thank you for such a detailed response! This is exactly what I was looking for. As an electrical engineer my knowledge of these kinds of things is somewhat limited but now I can see what you are saying. It will take a while to digest but this has set me on the right path. Thanks again for everything

FAQ: Effective Spring Constant of a Chain Polymer

1. What is the effective spring constant of a chain polymer?

The effective spring constant of a chain polymer refers to the overall stiffness or resistance to deformation of a polymer chain. It is a measure of how easily the polymer chain can stretch or compress under an applied force.

2. How is the effective spring constant of a chain polymer determined?

The effective spring constant of a chain polymer is determined by factors such as the chemical structure of the polymer, the length of the polymer chain, and the temperature and pressure at which the polymer is tested. It can be calculated using various experimental techniques and theoretical models.

3. What is the significance of the effective spring constant in polymer science?

The effective spring constant is an important parameter in polymer science as it helps to understand the mechanical properties of polymers. It is crucial in predicting the behavior of polymers under different conditions and in designing polymer-based materials for specific applications.

4. How does the effective spring constant affect the properties of a polymer?

The effective spring constant directly affects the elasticity, strength, and flexibility of a polymer. A higher spring constant indicates a stiffer polymer, while a lower spring constant indicates a more flexible polymer. This parameter also influences the glass transition temperature and melting point of a polymer.

5. Can the effective spring constant of a chain polymer be altered?

Yes, the effective spring constant of a chain polymer can be altered by changing the molecular structure of the polymer, such as the length of the chain or the type and number of chemical bonds. It can also be affected by external factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of additives or fillers in the polymer matrix.
